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Topics - MikeF9

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Thank you to everyone involved with this year's pie and ice cream social. It turned out to be a great evening of food, music, and getting together with friends and family.
Thank you to:
The United Church and the Masonic Lodge for letting us use their building. Picturesque as always.
Wayne and Sally Sweet for putting the sign out and entrusting me with a key to the place.
Every single person who made and brought a pie. A good variety and homemade pie is a big draw for this event.
Jeff Minor and Minor's Country Store for helping supply the ice cream.
Bob and Kathy Bessette and Margie Cain for serving pie. You people really have it down to a science.
Al Daniels for serving ice cream and Paul Lavallee for pouring drinks.
Elaine Kirkpatrick and Sally Sweet for being the cashiers.
Barb Duval for selling t-shirts and memberships.
Al Daniels, Paul and Pauline Lavallee, Marie Bourdeau, and Barb Duval for helping to set up, and EVERYONE who helped tear down.
The Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band for doing a fantastic job performing. Every year you sound great!
Thank you to the audience. I could tell you had a great time.
And we will see all of you next year!
If I missed someone, please let me know.
Enjoy the summer, everyone!!

Betty Parker pays for her pie and ice cream.

Al scoops some ice cream for Charlotte McNall.

Good crowd on hand.

Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band

This kid celebrated the social with some face paint.

Al and Paul

Elaine, Sally, and Barb.


Bob, Bridget Morgan, and Kathy.

Pam Dewey, Margie, and Natalie Furman

Henry Raymond and JoAnne Wilkins


Chief Justin Hayes lowers the outriggers.

Talking about the controls.

Setting the angle of the ladder.

Ladder fully extended.

Jesse Fleming heads up.

Jesse reaches the top.

After coming down, Jesse gave some helpful pointers to Greg Hartmann, who was next.

Greg reaches the top.

Mitchell Clark was next.

Dan Vanslette took a turn.

Patrick Bessette was the last one to go up.

The platform swivels to any direction.

The St. Albans sticker was removed......

To reveil a painted-on sign.


Tuesday June 21, 2011


Mike Mallet interviewing Anthony for ESS TV.

Anthony and Carl chatting with Chuck Hebing.

Anthony on the track.

Our friend Tommy Wickham didn't have a great night, either.

Monday June 20, 2011
Picture of the Day

Something broke in the motor, causing this hole in the oilpan, ending an awesome night at the Lebanon Valley Speedway.

I wish you could have seen him.
I wish you could have been at the Lebanon Valley Speedway Saturday night to see my nephew, Anthony.
He was awesome.
Started outside pole in the second heat. Held his own and finished second.
Drew outside pole in the 4 lap Dash For Cash.
Got the jump on pole sitter Alain Bergeron, and led the first lap. Bergeron got by him on lap two and drove to victory from there, but Anthony again held his own and finished 2nd.
A-Main. Again, Anthony started on the outside pole.
Chuck Hebing jumped out in front, but Anthony stayed with Chuck and ran second for many laps. Justin Barger got by Anthony and battled with Chuck while Anthony kept both cars in his sights in third. Caution on lap 17 bunched the field up. A wreck on the subscequint green flag made for a single file restart. Again Anthony was running with these guys and actually starting to reel in Chuck Hebing, but on lap 20, something seized in the drive train and Anthony shut the car off and stopped in turn 2.
Complete and utter heartbreak.
After the car came back to the pits, it was looked over and the hole in the oilpan was spotted.
Until lap 20, Anthony's confidence was sky high. He has never had a top five finish with ESS and almost pulled off a podium finish.
And it proved that on a track with some grip, he CAN run with these guys. Friends watching in the stands commented how great he ran and how he was actually catching Chuck Hebing.
But the heartbreak is something that will take a long time to get over.

Friday June 17, 2011


And from Vancouver-

Thursday June 16, 2011
Picture of the Day

Wow. I really thought I would never see this.


I didn't want to get my hopes up. When your team loses a championship, it can be pretty devastating.

The last time the Bruins won the Cup was in 1972. I wasn't following hockey back then. The kids in my class were talking about it and that Bobby Orr got MVP. The following year I checked the scores, but the Bruins lost in the opening round to the Rangers. But I kept with them.

To me, this was like the Red Sox won the World Series in 2004. I never thought I would live to see this. Too many disappointments.

I kept checking the scores with my iPnone. 1-0. 2-0. 3-0. My stomach was in knots. Things can go wrong.
As I was doing a walk-around checking doors, my phone made a noise. Text message. Margie. "Congratulations! 4-0."
As I walked home from work, I did the same thing I did back in 2004. I looked to the stars. And I thought about different people. Bernie Kuhn. Big Bruins fan. Mom's father, my grandfather. When he lived in the senior housing by the school, and we had the antenna on the roof, I was able to get channel 6 out of Montreal, and he used to come over and we would watch Hockey Night in Canada. I thought about my dad. When the games used to be on TV22, it was the feed from TV38. Dad used to bet with me a quarter on the game. He would bet on the other team. Just for fun. Invariably, Dad would doze off during the game. Close play. A Bruins shot on goal. I would see the puck go into the net. And I would LEAP out of chair. Screaming "SCORE!!!!!!!!".
"Jesus Christ!"
"I had dozed off."

I don't take winning for granted. Because my team has lost too many times.
Last year, the Celics were leading the Lakers and on the verge of beating them. But the Celtics got tired. Lakers came back and won.
The next morning I refused to watch Mike and Mike in the Morning, because all they were going to talk about was Kobe's legacy. And I didn't want to watch the KTLA Morning News out of LA, because that's all THEY were going to talk about.
Unfortunately, all Mike and Mike has talked about lately has been the NBA playooffs.

The Boston Bruins.
Stanley Cup Champions.


Monday June 13, 2011
Photo Blog


Ellie and Kelly Hebing putting up a banner before the evening's activities.

Old friend Tim Kelly was there.

Anthony talking with Adrian Flath, former sprint car driver, and Jeff Cook's father-in-law.

Tommy Wickham and crew were back after missing last week's races in Canada.

Lonnie and Carl checking tire pressure.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / TURTLE!
« on: June 11, 2011, 03:00:07 PM »

This turtle was digging in the dirt along in front of Thayer's house near Marvin's Veggie Stand Friday morning. Marvin was sputtering that eventually it would end up parking itself over in his garden. The turtle then moved away from the road and settled under a lilac bush near the house. Marvin says the turtle is usually spotted over by the pulloff across from the Town Office near the large embankment going down to Mill Brook. Marvin also guessed the age of the turtle at 20 years. It's an old one for sure.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 6/11/11
« on: June 11, 2011, 08:18:41 AM »
Saturday June 11, 2011
Picture of the Day

Took this picture of Anthony after he climbed out of the car after the cars were pushed off and fired to get heat in the engines. I posted it on Facebook. Taken with my iPhone.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Mohawk Raceway Updates
« on: June 10, 2011, 07:13:19 PM »
Where did these clouds come from?
22 cars here at Mohawk, so everyone qualifies. Anthony drew 8th in the first heat race and finished 6th. With everyone qualifying, my guess is he will start 16th in the A-Main.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 6/10/11
« on: June 10, 2011, 08:24:51 AM »
Friday June 10, 2011
Picture of the Day

If you love the smell of burning rubber, this is the job for you.

Mohawk International Raceway in Hogansburg, NY tonight. They have 3G coverage, so I will update here on Henry's forum and other social media.
Good luck to the boys baseball team tonight. And good luck to the Boston Bruins in Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals.

Current News & Events / Fund for Fallen Police Officers-C.O.P.S. Walk
« on: June 08, 2011, 11:09:39 PM »
Maybe you've heard of this, but didn't realize a former Fairfax person was organizing it.
Chrissy (Hunt) Johnson, daughter of Marty and Becky (Ferguson) Hunt is organizing a walk to honor officers killed in the line of duty. Her brother in law was Michael Johnson, who was killed in the line of duty a few years ago.
This is the info she posted on Facebook:

On July 16th 2011 show support and raise money for Concerns of Police Survivors and Honor Police Officers that were killed the line of duty. 164 were killed in 2010 each one of those we will pay special tribute to. The walk wil be 3.12 miles through the City to raise the awareness of their sacrafices. There is a minimum donation of $20 per walker, each walker will receive a t-shirt and an entry for the prizes that will be given away. We will also have a 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Last year we had 144 walkers, invite your friends, co-workers, get a group together, all proceeds will go towards helping these families rebuild their shattered lives. Early Registration Required Deadline June 25th: Mailing address:4005 Lower Newton Road Swanton VT 05488... Make Checks payable to Christine Johnson and in the memo section please put COPS. with your t-shirt size.. If you would like to sponsor one of the officers its $50 per officer. There will be a sign made up and will be displayed on the lawn of the Sheriff's department the day of the walk. The business or person that sponsors the officer will receive the sign back after the walk..Again ENTRY DEADLINE JUNE 25th. There will be a barbecue after the walk put on by the Franklin County Sheriff's department at the St. Albans Bay park right after the walk. PLease come down for a burger or a dog and play some horse shoes, volleyball... or just chat with other walkers.

Wednesday June 8, 2011
Photo Blog

In the pits at Granby.

Lonnie working on the car.

Saturday morning at the Wal-Mart parking lot on Granby. Teams will stay the night there, then work on the cars the next morning. All the body panels are taken off and cleaned(my job), while Lonnie and Anthony check the car over and work on the set-up for Drummond.

Chuck Hebing had a torsion bar break during a heat race, and the car took a ride.

Monday June 6, 2011
Pictures of the Day

Anthony and Matt Tanner lead the field out of four in the first heat race at Granby.

A lot of stuff in the way, but I had to get a picture of the scoreboard after the first heat race. Anthony won!

Track conditions were not the greatest at both tracks this past weekend. Both sets of turns got ripped up pretty bad at Granby leaving big chunks of clay and big potholes for the guys to manage around. I saw one sprint, #62, I think, get out of shape and went from four wheels to three wheels to one wheel back to three wheels on the ground.
They did smooth it out some at intermission, Anthony finished 10th on the night.
At Drummond Saturday night, Anthony started 8th in the A-Main. They had a 50 lap Modified feature before the ESS A-Main, and they made the dirt hard and slick with no bite. Anthony didn't have much grip or handle on the car and ended up 13th.
Two races and he brought the car home in one piece. Not everybody did. Couple of flips, couple of blown motors. All in all, a successful weekend for us.
Mohawk International Raceway in Hogansburg, NY this Friday. I know they have 3G coverage there, so I will post updates here on Henry's forum as the night progresses.

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