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Topics - MikeF9

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Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Greetings from Granby, QUE!
« on: June 04, 2011, 12:25:00 AM »
Hello from the Hotel Castel in Granby, Quebec. They have wi-fi so I can give an update from Autodrome Granby Friday night.
Anthony started outside pole in heat #1. Matt Tanner, polesitter, got the jump and lead for the first couple of laps. Anthony was able to get by him in turn four on lap 3, and took off, winning his first heat race at Granby.
Anthony drew 12th in the re-draw for the A-Main. Track was kinda rough, but Anthony held on for a 10th place finish. Shawn Donath in the #33 won his first ESS A-Main.
Drummondville Saturday night.

Friday June 3, 2011
Photo Blog


Heading for Granby and Drummondville this weekend. I will be out of touch unless there is a wireless connection somewhere. Hope to have updates here Sunday morning.

Two kinds of horsepower. Fonda also has a horse show going on in a nearby building Memorial Day weekend.

Matt Tanner's #90

Something new in the ESS command trailer. A large screen hooked to a computer that can be used to post the night's schedule, line-ups, and finishes.

The number and striping on the car is reflective and really shine when using a flash.

Lance Yonge making himself at home in the #15c at Utica Sunday morning.

Wednesday June 1, 2011
Photo Blog


Jeff Cook

Lance Yonge

Mark Zemcik

Cory Sparks

Steve Poirier

Michael Parent

Tommy Wickham

Tyler Rand's back-up car that Anthony drove at Utica-Rome

Current News & Events / Memorial Day 2011 at Plains Cemetery
« on: May 30, 2011, 02:31:14 PM »
Margie and I always go up on Memorial Day and put geraniums out on the headstones of our parents and grandparents.
Mom's father, Karl Gerstenberg, was in the army when World War I broke out, and fought the Germans in the fields of France. Before the war, he was in the Cavalry down in Texas, and was personal clerk to General Pershing when the US Army was trying to apprehend Pancho Villa.
When we go up, I always try to get some shots of the new flags flying near the headstones. This year I got a couple pictures from the old section of the cemetery.

Monday May 30, 2011
Pictures of the Day

Anthony's Car at Fonda

Welcome to a bright sunny day in Vernon, NY!
Lance Yonge dropped a valve in his motor last night at Fonda. No spare motor with him. Anthony and Lonnie offered Lance the car for tonight as Lance is running for the championship with ESS. We are not.
I will still offer updates all day on how Lance is doing in the 15c.

There is 3G coverage here at Fonda so I will provide updates from tonight's activities. I will be posting pictures on Twitter so follow along at www.twitter.com/unclemikevt

Friday May 27, 2011
Picture of the Day

Anthony posted this picture on Facebook, and I am swiping it for here. The racing season starts this weekend with Fonda Saturday and Utica-Rome Sunday. It will be a limited ESS schedule this year with something new and exciting scheduled for this summer. I will talk about that later. If there is 3G coverage in Fonda, I will post updates here, otherwise I will post on Twitter. I know U-R has coverage.
Sharp looking ride, eh?

On the way back we stopped at the pull-off area, and I took some pictures there. As we were coming BACK through the water, we had a couple of cars meet us,  and I think the water was deeper on their side of the road, because the water just drenched the Beetle. It was like someone was throwing a very large bucket of water on us. Thankfully, the top was NOT down.

About 6pm Sunday evening, Margie asked me if I wanted to head over to the Sand Bar and see what kind of flooding was going on. I said SURE!!
These are pictures heading east. 5-6 inches of water was across the road before you got to the State Park, and they have Jersey barriers up to keep the wood and junk from getting into the road.

Sunday May 8, 2011
Pictures of the Day

May 5, 2011


Dear President Obama,

I would like to thank you and the Armed Forces of the United States of America for finding the most wanted man in the world, Osama bin Laden, and bringing him to justice.
It was quite the scene Sunday night as I watched the celebrations take place in Washington D.C. and in New York City. Social media was going through the roof as people logged on and expressed their joy and happiness.

This country has been sharply divided the past few years, differing in ideology, political opinions, and the state of our union. I felt that this news, that our feared enemy was dead, would bring the people of this country back together.

As the hours passed Monday and Tuesday, I realized that we are still divided. People on social media began posting that it was not YOU that killed bin Laden, that it was an American soldier that did it, that YOU just happened to be President at the time and that this was not a victory for YOU, but for the US Military.

I feel that this was a victory for everyone, you, your administration, the military, and the people of the United States.

As I have been following the news, I have learned quite a bit about the lead-up and the decisions made about the raid. Like…….
Some of your advisors wanted to bomb the compound where bin Laden was.
You wanted actual DNA samples to prove we actually got him.
Ultimately, it was you that decided to send in an elite team of Navy Seals to do the job. This was a very risky decision, as past raids have met with failure, either with loss of civilian life, or the lives of the military personnel.
As you followed the raid, you first concern was the safety of our troops. Thankfully, the job was completed, and every one of our troops came home safe.

But what you got by going in with an elite team, as compared to just blowing the place up, will go a long way to keeping our country safe in the War on Terrorism. Our troops found documents, computer hard drives, computer disks, phone numbers, and ledgers. I read that bin Laden had phone numbers sewn into his clothes. Such items might have been destroyed in a bombing.

 If this was a football game, we just came into the possession of our opponent’s playbook.

While the War continues, this was a major battle victory. There may be retaliation by our enemy, but we will deal with it, if and when it happens.

Thank you Mr. President, for being the Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces, and thank you to the men and women who serve in our military, for protecting this country, and to allow me the freedom to write this blog.

Mike Cain

The Fairfax Historical Society will be meeting Sunday May 15, 2011 at 6:30pm in the Fairfax Community Library.
Ever wonder what people have dropped over the years? Fairfax resident Don Fleming does metal detecting and has found many items and historical artifacts walking across an open field, or through some woods, or even in a stream. Don will share some of his adventures and will have some of the items he has found on display.
The public is invited to attend.
For more information, please call 849-6638.

Saturday April 30, 2011
Picture of the Day


First, a little backstory:
My grandfather, Henry Cain, was born in England and came to the US in the early 1900’s. After we got a TV that had UHF, Mom watched a lot of Masterpiece Theatre, and I was raised on British shows like “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” “Good Neighbors”, “Danger UXB”, and such. Margie has been to England a couple of times, and lives for the English Premier League. We also watch, and have watched a lot of British programming on PBS and now BBCAmerica. “Doctor Who”, “Yes. Minister”, “Red Dwarf” have been staples on our TV.  So it is suffice to say, we are interested in what goes on in Great Britain.

The world has not been a great place lately. Locally, we had a winter that refused to go away, and this past week, the worst flooding I have ever seen in Fairfax.

Globally, there is disaster everywhere. Unrest in the Middle East. Thousands have been killed fighting for democracy.  Massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan that leveled towns, killed thousands, and created a nuclear disaster.  Just this week, severe storms ravaged the Midwest and South, with devastating tornados that claimed lives in the hundreds.

Politically, this nation is so divided; I don’t think a terrorist attack could bring people together, like 9/11 did. People scream the President was not born in the US. He presents his birth certificate, stating that, “Yes, I was.” People still aren’t happy, saying it’s falsified, or doctored in some way. If there is a third political party in America, it is not The Tea Party, it’s called The Conspiracy Theorists. “The Government blew up the World Trade Center!” ” The government blew up the levees in New Orleans during Katrina to kill all the poor people!” “The President is a Muslim!”

And for me, I’m fighting for my life. Well, not to that extreme, but my body is failing me. Kidneys, knees, aches and pains. I remember saying something to Margie once, “I wish something nice would happen.”

On Friday, something nice did happen.

A pretty girl smiled.

Friday was the Royal Wedding between Prince William, future King of England, and Kate Middleton, a common everyday person. Two people very much in love with each other, and very happy.
It was a big to-do. Women always love a fairytale wedding. Margie got up at 4am to watch. I saw the highlights. If Margie had found her Union Jack, we would have flown it out front.

Some people had no interest in it and that is fine. Some people on Facebook commented that why should we care about the wedding with all the destruction down south. That’s fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Here’s mine.

We needed this wedding. I needed to see that happy couple. I needed to see that very pretty girl smile.
Because with everything going on globally, nationally, locally, and personally, for one brief moment, I could sit back, and think to myself……..

Maybe the world ISN’T coming to an end.

One of the things I wanted to do after I was diagnosed with kidney disease, was to enjoy life. For as long as I can before my health deteriorates to where I end up on dialysis.
And it’s been hard. Life hasn’t been the greatest. So I enjoy the happy moments when they come, however fleetingly. Warm sunshine. Going to the races with Anthony. My sports teams winning. Time spent at the fire station. Finding new facts on the history of Fairfax. Riding in Margie’s Beetle with the top down. Intelligent conversation with friends.

And seeing a pretty girl smile. Thank you, Kate.

And with that, we return you to our regularly scheduled programming of death, destruction, partisan politics, and four dollar a gallon gasoline.
Have a nice day!

Current News & Events / Aftermath of the Flood-Photos
« on: April 29, 2011, 11:41:48 AM »

Water is still over the bank here, so I know the river is still over the road in Cambridge.

Debris and sand aplenty.

A lot of sand was deposited in the pasture.

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