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Topics - MikeF9

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Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 2/9/11
« on: February 09, 2011, 12:21:31 AM »
Wednesday February 9, 2011
Picture of the Day

Lamoille River Tuesday morning. Again, apologies for not posting pictures everyday. Nothing interesting to take pictures of, except snow.

Current News & Events / Throwing in the Towel.....or Shovel (Pictures)
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:45:43 PM »
Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
Spent about three hours shoveling this morning and I am exhausted.
I have nowhere to put anymore snow.

Making sure my neighbor can get their paper in the morning.

The preceding snowbanks were brought to you by me and my shovel. No plow or snowblower.

Current News & Events / Thunder and Lightning.......in a SNOWSTORM?!?!
« on: February 05, 2011, 09:55:36 PM »
OK, this is weird.
Watching a movie upstairs and it sounds like a low flying plane.
Margie then hollers up the stairs that it is thunder and lightning. We went outside and over on the corner, talking with our neighbor. She was outside when it happened and thought a transformer blew.
All of a sudden there was this absolute BLINDING flash. Never seen anything like it. Directly after things were dark, and then everyone came into focus. Then the thunder.
I have been outside at night and seen lightning, but not this blinding.
Almost sci-fi in nature.
No bolt, or wavy lightning, just one MASSIVE FLASH!

Thursday February 3, 2011
Picture of the Day

Jenny Johnson-TV News producer in Texas, where they have been having ice storms, on Twitter- "It's so cold here I'm starting to hallucinate. I swear I just saw the Monopoly man pull a giant beaver out of a hole."


Twitter's great. There is instant news, provoking thoughts, and some really funny stuff. As one guy said, "If I want to know how your day is going, I will check your status on Facebook. I'm on Twitter for the jokes."

Here's a few things I have retweeted:

DeathStarPR: "Girls, Justin Bieber is going to get 6mil #TwitterValentine msgs. If you want to get noticed you need a BIG GESTURE: Set fire to his car!"

Adult_Jokes: Some women hold up dresses that are so ugly and they always say the same thing: ‘This looks much better on.’ On what? On fire?

darthvader: Hello sand person. My name is Anakin Skywalker. You killed my mother. Prepare to die.

cyborgturkey: Somewhere an Egyptian teenager just lost his World of Warcraft connection, sat there shaking with fury, then joined the revolution.

billmaher: Egypt looks scary today - if the pyramids r on ur bucket list, might I suggest the Luxor casino in Las Vegas?

simonpegg: Oh the humanity RT @nickjfrost: Oh god...

DrunkCupid :...when we were done having sex I lost my job, my car, my dog and my house. Whose idea was it to set the mood with country music?!

ThatKevinSmith: Thousands of birds found dead with no indication as to what killed them. Smells like CigaretteSmokingMan.

DeathStarPR: Natalie Portman is pregnant. Can't shake the weird feeling that this might not work out well for the Empire... #StarWars

DeathStarPR: Life is like a box of liqueur chocolates: it tastes bad, everybody's drunk & you spend your time wishing you'd been given a different box.

NotGaryBusey: Getting drunk makes me feel young again. As in, all potty training goes out the window.

Current News & Events / Groundhog Day Snow- Pictures
« on: February 02, 2011, 01:25:56 PM »
All these photos were taken between 10:30am and Noon Wednesday.

Pierre out shoveling in front of Steeple Market.

Quiet day at the post office.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 2/2/11
« on: February 02, 2011, 12:06:43 AM »
Wednesday February 2, 2011
Picture of the Day

Sunday at University Mall, there were different local bands playing to promote a Youth Concert at Memorial Auditorium later this month. This band is called The Underground.

The Fairfax Fire Department held their annual election of officers Tuesday night at the fire station.
Chief Dean Potter steppped down after five years on the job. The members voted current Deputy Chief Justin Hayes as the new Chief. Dean stayed on as Deputy Chief.
The complete list of officers:
Chief: Justin Hayes
Deputy Chief: Dean Potter
Captain: Matt Gillilan
Captain: Tom Snyder
Lieutenant: Jordan Hayes
Safety Officer: Greg Hartmann
Secretary: Steve Bessette
Treasurer: Dave Yergeau

Dean Potter hands over the Fire Chief's hemet to Justin Hayes

(L-R) Secretary Steve Bessette, Safety Officer Greg Hartmann, Lieutenant Jordan Hayes, Fire Chief Justin Hayes, Captain Matt Gillilan, Captain Tom Snyder, Deputy Chief Dean Potter. Missing- Treasurer Dave Yergeau

Two people who were missing from last week's Awards Banquet were on hand Tuesday night. Ron Whitmore recieved a 5-year pin, and Matt Koslowski received the 2010 Safety Award.

Current News & Events / Eastman's Bakery Sign Going Up
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:51:28 AM »

I was heading to the post office when I noticed the new sign was going up. Steve Boutin of Fletcher(SB Signs) was putting it up. As you can see, as I was taking the picture, Yvonne Eastman came out. She says they are shooting for next week to open. Yvonne says she will light the sign tonight to see what it looks like, then shut it off as to not have people think they are open.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 2/1/11
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:43:45 PM »
Tuesday February 1, 2011
Picture of the Day

"So, you goin' out and about on a boat, eh?"
Once upon a time there was this commercial for one of the Canadian provences, and it was two radio guys taking about heading out on a boat for the weekend. It was funny because of their English Canadian accent. "About" sounds like "aboot", even boat sounds like boot, and every sentence ends in "eh?". Think Bob and Doug McKenzie.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 1/30/11
« on: January 29, 2011, 11:39:46 PM »
Sunday January 30, 2011
Picture of the Day

The Vermont Breakfast Company is closed. The sign is gone. Why are the vehicles there? Moving stuff out?

Friday January 28, 2011
Picture of the Day

The Orlando Sentinel, the day after.


I was working at Spartan Industries on Fletcher Road where Morse Hardwoods used to be.
Because of the number of the employees, there were two lunch shifts, 11:30-noon, and noon to 12:30. The people who inspected Scrabble tile and the lumber yard workers(me), ate the early shift.
So there I was, eating lunch when company President Tom Fetters walked into the break room.
"I just got a call from Jim Zeno"(my lumber yard foremen, who used to go home for lunch). "The space shuttle- the one that had the teacher from New Hampshire on it?- blew up."
Jim came back to work and told us what was going on. After work, I came home and they kept showing the replay on TV.
The one thing that kept going on in my head and made me tense up when watching subsequent shuttle launches, was everything was fine during takeoff. Then Mission Control says, "Go throttle up." And then it happened.

So here's the question for you......
Where were you when you heard that the space shuttle Challenger exploded?

Current News & Events / 2010 Fairfax Fire Department Awards Photos
« on: January 25, 2011, 09:52:17 PM »
The Fairfax Fire Department gathered for their annual awards banquet Tueday night.
Here are the recipients of this year's awards:

Shelly Pottala-Community Service Award, Jordan Hayes-Firefighter of the Year, Tom Snyder-Chief's Award. Missing-Matt Kozlowski-Safety Award

Years of Service Pins: Steve Bessette(30 yrs.), Kyle Williams(5 Yrs.), Matt Gillilan(20 yrs.). Missing-Ron Whitmore(5 yrs.).

Sunday January 23, 2011
Picture of the Day

Cold. Snow. Ice. January.


Where the hell have you been?

Many apologies from not posting something for a while.
There just is nothing interesting to take a picture of, or nothing that I saw.
It's cold. Snow everywhere. And one day looks very much like every other day.
And there was nothing very interesting to talk about.
If something came up, like the BFA Fire anniversary, I put it in Current News and Events.

The BFA Fire get-together went very well. I had found new information as to when the game was interupted, it was the girls game, not the boys, and found other tidbits as well.
I was going to post something last night, but the pager went off for a fire call, so waited until this morning, only to get toned out yet again.

The Annual Fairfax Fire Department Awards Banquet will be this coming Tuesday evening, and I will post any pictures on the Current News and Events page.

In the mean time, I'm just trying to stay warm. We really need a January thaw.

Current News & Events / Pictures from Inside Eastman's Bakery
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:45:17 PM »
I was up getting the mail, and peered in through the windows at Eastman's Bakery because Henry mentioned that some equipment was arriving today.
Yvone Eastman was inside on the phone, saw me, came out and invited me in. I asked if I could take some pictures to post and she said OK.
My first impression when I walked in, was it reminded me of the old Post Office where Foothills Bakery is now. You walk in and the whole front is lobby, then there is the counters, and the back is all open so you can see everyone working out back in the kitchen. If you had been in the old post office, maybe you will see what I mean when you walk in here.

Yvone said Amoskeg on Fletcher Road built the cabinets. Hope I spelled their name right.

I had a phone conversation with Lucy Montague, former BFA teacher, and probably the last remaining teacher of the original BFA that burned in 1941.
Lucy currently lives in Jeffersonville.
She came to BFA as a subsitute on March of 1940 and was eventually hired full time. She spent a couple of years here before returning to New York State. She returned to Vermont, marrying George Montague.
In January of 1941, Lucy was living in the brick house on Main Street, two buildings up from where Steeple Market is now. She had an apartment upstairts. She heard the explosion, looked out the back window, and saw BFA in flames. Ruth St. Jock, later to become Ruth Benway, ran up the street to tell people that the school was on fire. Lucy did not go up to the scene, as she had hurt her knee skiing on the hill across from where Swansons is now.
She was teaching 2nd grade and after the fire, her class was held in the Homer Hunt house, just north of the school. She figures her class size was about 25 kids.
She taught at Fairfax, off and on, and finished full time when Mike Nason was principal in the late 60's/early 70's. She did some substitute teaching under Dick Brown's tenure as principal until she retired.
Thus, she is probably the only(?) person to teach in the old BFA, the new BFA, and the 1960 wing. Maybe wrong on that, I'm not sure.

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