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Topics - MikeF9

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This Date in Fairfax History
December 24, 2008

A night that will live forever in the memories of the residents of Fairfax, the night Steeple Market, the former St. Luke's Church, was gutted by fire.
In 2009, I posted other pictures and rememberences here:

Friday December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve

Picture of the Day

Christmas Eve morning, 2008

At some point, sometime, somewhere, sit down a minute, close your eyes, and remember.
Remember the building before the fire, whether it was St. Luke's Church, or Berardinelli's General Store, or Steeple Market.
Think about walking into the place. How it was laid out. Walking up the steps to take communion, or walking up the steps to the meat counter. Remember the faces. The different preists. Frank Beradinelli's face lighting up when he saw you and said hello. Betsy behind the counter. Jane, Mary, Pierre, Bernie, and everyone else who worked there.
The worn out tile on the floor. The shelves and where they were located.
The pews. The stained glass windows.
You're there, aren't you? As if it were yesterday.
Amazing how the mind can transport you through time.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 12/23/10
« on: December 23, 2010, 12:56:41 AM »
Thursday December 23, 2010
Picture of the Day

Margie was baking Wednesday!!!

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 12/20/10
« on: December 19, 2010, 11:14:33 PM »
Monday December 20, 2010
Picture of the Day

Main Street

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 12/19/10
« on: December 19, 2010, 12:42:00 AM »
Sunay December 19, 2010
Picture of the Day

Hunt Street

Saturday December 18, 2010
Pictures of the Day



Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 12/16/10
« on: December 16, 2010, 12:42:15 AM »
Thursday December 16, 2010
Picture of the Day

Hunt Street

Current News & Events / Remember Your Pet this Christmas
« on: December 16, 2010, 12:39:35 AM »

Once again, Mrs. Cassidy's 1st grade class and Mrs. Howard's 3rd grade class are making paper Christmas ornaments. For $1, you can buy an ornament and have the name of a pet on the ornament. It can be a pet you currently have, or a pet that passed on, but you would like to remember them. All of the money raised goes to the Franklin County Humane Society, to help them take care of the animals at the shelter. Last year they raised over $800.
I talked with Val French in the Elementary Office, and she said if you want to stop in, you can get the necessary paperwork there. The kids have been coloring the ornamnets, which include gingerbread men, wreaths, light bulbs, trees, stockings, and candy canes.
They will be selling ornaments through December 22nd.

I have been buying ornaments for a couple of years now. This year I bought one for Jose, and one to remember Rex, who we lost in March.

Tuesday December 14, 2010
Pictures of the Day

Pictures taken around 12:30pm Monday.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 12/13/10
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:24:42 PM »
Monday December 13, 2010
Picture of the Day

Our Christmas tree is up!

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / 12/12/10 Many Apologies
« on: December 11, 2010, 10:37:55 PM »
Sunday December 12, 2010


I would like to take this oppertunity to apologize for being AWOL, or MIA, while I have been laid up with my knee. I haven't been able to get out and take some pictures. I haven't been out very much. And when I am, I'm thinking about where I'm walking.
Saturday was a step up. I actually went out and shovelled snow on the corner. Took it easy and wasn't too bad. Shooting for a Monday return to work. Even if there is no school again.
Took a lot of naps this past week. Channel surfed. Saw the "first three" Star Wars movies- Ep 4, 5, 6. Been a while since I saw them.
Would rather had been healthy and working and shovelling snow and such.
I will try to get some pictures Sunday.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / 12/8/10 The Knee
« on: December 07, 2010, 11:48:16 PM »
Wednesday December 8, 2010

The Knee

Can't win for losing..........

Did building coverage for the Christmas Concert Sunday so I took Tuesday off. With the snow, planned to do a lot of shovelling. I cleared the driveweay when I got home Monday night, but of course the wind blew during the night and the driveway was full again Tuesday morning. So I shovelled again so Margie could get to work.
Something happened. My right foot slid, what, 6 inches? My left leg planted itself or something. All I know was my left knee tweaked, and that was it. Pain is on the outside and back of the knee. Spent most of the day on the couch.
I couldn't even hobble out to the corner to get a shot of the covered bridge.
MRI was originally scheduled for Wednesday, so I'm hoping they can find out what's wrong. This sucks. I hate being laid up. Too much to do.

Monday December 6, 2010
Picture of the Day

Hunt Street

Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes!
There was a surprise birthday cake waiting for me at the Community Christmas Concert. Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but I saw what was going on and figured things out. Thank you to the Minor Family, Diane, Jeff, Louise, and all for the cake. Thank you to Diane for all the nice words.
Thank you to my sister, Margie, for the new weather station I need to put up. Includes an anemometer, so I can see how hard the wind blows. Should be fun!

Thanks again, everyone!!

Current News & Events / 2010 Fairfax Community Christmas Concert Pictures
« on: December 05, 2010, 11:07:55 PM »
The Annual Fairfax Community Christmas Concert was held Sunday Dec. 5 in the High School Gym at BFA.

Bells of Ascension

Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band

Santa was there and was a hit with the little kids.

Santa was a hit with the big kids, too.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Picture of the Day 12/5/10 and Blog- 50
« on: December 05, 2010, 12:17:48 AM »
Sunday December 5, 2010
Picture of the Day

Yours truly. 1978. 17 years old.


5-0. But not Hawaii Five-O.
Old joke. I’ve told it before. Alan King used to say, “I turned 50. People say, ‘You’re middle-aged.’ HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW LIVE TO BE 100?”

Here is the truly scary part. I graduated from BFA in June of 1978. For any of my classmates reading, consider this: We are now older than most of the faculty when we graduated. I checked the yearbook and I think the only teachers that were 50 or older were Eleanor Berry, Barbara King, Ernie Codding, and maybe Chauncy Eldridge. Even Dick Brown was still in his 40’s.

If the old saying “You’re as young as you feel.” is true, I’m actually 70. Between the arthritis in my knees, and the side effects of the kidney disease, I’m feeling it. I sit at the computer for a while, go to get up, and it takes a few seconds for my legs to limber up so I can walk. My energy level is crap. It is so hard to get out of bed in the morning(well, that may be on account of the season). I don’t have the ambition to do ANYTHING. When I worked in the lumber yard at Spartan Industries, Jim Zeno would take off on the forklift. I would take off , run, and catch up to him and jump on the running board. No way I could do that now.

And now the kicker. I had an annual review regarding my upcoming kidney transplant. Because I am turning 50, to make sure I am fully healthy……..
I have to have a colonoscopy. Whoop-dee-friggin-do.

50. Where did the time go? Well, you figure 5 years of early childhood, 12 years of BFA. Almost a year off before 9 and ½ years at Spartan Industries and then 22 years at school. A lot had happened. Fire Department, Historical Society, a lot of races, baseball cards, comics, and a lot of walking.

The changes. 3 channels on TV. 3, 5, and 8. It was high school before Mom and Dad bought a TV that had UHF and we could watch 22 and 33. We weren’t high up enough to get the Canadian channels. I ended up buying our first color TV in the early 80’s. I never had any, but I remember the 8-track tapes. Now we have iPods and MP3 players. I used to listen to all the NASCAR races on WKDR out of Plattsburgh on the radio. Now ALL the races are on TV. Satillite TV. Satillite radio. The internet. Instant information. I actually get most of my breaking news from my iPhone.

The things I have seen. I remember Dad waking us up after midnight to see the first man on the moon. The end of the Vietnam War. The Cold War. 9/11. The ’73 tornado. Rain storms. Flooding. Violent thunderstorms. Fires. House fires. Barn fires. Steeple Market. Lamoille River coming over Fairfax Falls and being amazed at the power of water. Being at Thunder Road when they stopped the races to hear President Nixon giving a speech over the PA and hearing him resign.

Travels. Thanks to racing, especially my nephew Anthony. The places I went. Florida. Central and southern Pennsylvania. Out past Niagara Falls. Enjoyed every minute of it, no matter what the result.

The athletes I watched, live and on TV. Bobby Orr, Carl Yastrzemski, Larry Bird, Bobby Allison, Butch Lindley, Tiny Lund, getting Richard Petty’s autograph at Catamount Stadium.
Championships. Baseball- The magical year of 1978. The Fairfax Fire Department winning two Muster titles at States. Anthony’s mini-sprint title in 2001. And I got to see the Red Sox win the World Series. Twice.

Wow. I really must be getting old. I’m rambling.

No big party planned for Sunday. Just building coverage for the Community Christmas Concert at school.

It’s been quite a half century.

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