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Topics - MikeF9

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Setting the ladder against a silo.

Former FXFD deputy fire chief and lifetime member Claude Rainville.

More positioning of the ladder.

Reviews / Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
« on: July 12, 2012, 10:06:27 PM »
This is a really good movie. Director Brad Bird(The Incredibles) does a wonderful job with this. Edge of your seat viewing.
Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton and Simon Pegg make a great team.
Good storyline. The action is intense.
Highly recommended.

Reviews / Moneyball
« on: July 12, 2012, 10:01:26 PM »
There have been some great movies centered around the game of baseball.
Field of Dreams. Bang the Drum Slowly. The Natural. A League of Their Own. Bull Durham.
You can add Moneyball to the list.
Outstanding casting. Brad Pitt deserved his Oscar nomination as did Jonah Hill. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was wonderful as manager Art Howe. Some of his actions as manager reminded me of John Gillis when he was baseball coach at BFA. It was that realistic.
Watch this movie, and you too, can be "romantic about baseball".

Reviews / HBO's The Newsroom
« on: July 12, 2012, 09:51:32 PM »
Aaron Sorkin is an amazing writer. Sportsnight was one of my favorite shows.
He now has created The Newsroom for HBO. I really like this show. Great casting. Great ensamble. Great set design. Sorkin's writing is topnotch.
Sundays at 10pm with replays all weeek long.

We were leaving St. Anne's Shrine Sunday when I noticed a statue. I asked what it was. Margie said it was Samuel de Champlain. Didn't notice it on the way in so I did not visit it. Margie stopped, turned around and I jumped out and got some shots.

After the business meeting Tuesday night, a surprise party was unveiled for longtime member Steve Bessette. Steve turned 50 last Saturday and Tuesday night, his brother Bob, and Bob's wife Kathy showed up with balloons, a cake and some sandwiches.

Happy Birthday Steve!

Steve with his brother Bob, and nephews Tim and Marc.

The cake was made by Eastman's Bakery.

Last Sunday, Margie wanted to do something on a beautiful day, so she thought of taking a ride through the Lake Champlain Islands. Camera in tow, I went along.
We ended up in Isle La Motte, and Margie wanted to go to St. Anne's Shrine. The FFW Band had played a concert there back when we were in high school, and Margie had never been back.
Glad I went. Religious significance, yes, but historical ones, too.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Photos from Mohawk Friday Night
« on: July 08, 2012, 09:19:23 AM »
Not the greatest of luck but the car came home in one piece. Something was amiss with the motor as the temperature was climbing as the race went on and the motor seemed to dog down a little. Anthony pulled off after four laps and finished 20th. Four cars went ass over bandbox in the A-Main as they had to do a complete re-start three times because of accidents.

Old friend Tommy Wickham.

Mike Stelter's baby blue #36

Sweltering weather brought out the shorts.

Matt Tanner, Jeff Cook, and Carl.

Either a great place to watch the race, or on the look-out for fallen french fries.

Lonnie and Anthony checking fuel line pressure.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Back in Action TONIGHT!
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:30:47 AM »

Anthony will get back in action tonight at the Mohawk Raceway in Hogansburg, NY. Pictures this weekend.

Current News & Events / Mike Cain's Pre-Parade Pictures Are Up
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:17:39 PM »
Sorry for the delay. I finally posted 15 pictures in the photo gallery from the parking lot at St. Luke's before the parade started.
Here's the link:

Margie and I went out to the Bay Sunday night to see the fireworks. No breeze AT ALL. Which meant the mosquitoes were out in full force. They couldn't decide whether to eat us there or take us home. I took a few shots. Some good, some blurry, but you get the jist of it.

Calm before the storm.

The Fairfax Fire Department would like to say Thank You to Fairfax Salvage for providing us with a couple of cars to do some stabilization and extrication training Tuesday night. We were able to use the jacks and extrication tool to give members practice for when an emergency is taking place.

The jacks are used to shore up a car to allow the personnel to safely work on the vehicle.

The extrication tool can do two things. With the first car, it was used to cut the posts for the removal of the roof. With the second car, the tool was used to force open the doors.

I apologize for not getting better pictures. I took these with my iPhone. It was a very busy night.

Mother Nature did us in Sunday night for the 25th Annual Pie and Ice Cream Social, as rain moved in and we had to move INSIDE.
A great crowd was on hand as the pie servers continuously served pie for a good 50 minutes to an hour.

Thank you to the Masons and the United Church for letting us use the building.
Thank you to those that helped set up and tear down-Al Daniels, Bob and Kathy Bessette, Marie Bourdeau, Paul Lavallee, Chris Ross, Wayne and Sally Sweet, Barb Duvall, among others.
Thank you to our pie servers-Bob and Kathy Bessette and Margie Cain. You really have it down to a science.
Thank you to Al Daniels for serving ice cream. Great job as always.
Thank you to Paul Lavallee for serving drinks.
Thank you to Elaine Kirkpatrick and Sally Sweet for running the cash box.
Thank you to everyone who made pies. I heard alot of compliments on the pies.
Thank you to Jeff and Aaron Minor and Minor's Country Store for helping supply the ice cream.
Thank you to the Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band. You have been there for all 25 years. You people sounded fantastic last night.
And finally...
Thank you to everyone who came. You really seemed to enjoy yourselves. Some people sat downstairs and ate, and conversed. Some stayed upstairs and listened to the band. Some braved the drizzle and stood out under the tree and were engaged in lively conversation. That is what the night is for.
To anyone I may have forgotten or missed, I sincerely apologize.
See you next year.

Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band

Some of the crowd listening to the band.

Some people hung out outside.

Our pie servers-Margie Cain, Kathy Bessette, Bob Bessette

Margie Cain serving a piece of pie to Paul Lavallee.

Current News & Events / The Sign Says It All!
« on: June 24, 2012, 09:38:16 AM »

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Sprintcar Stars at Granby-Photos
« on: June 03, 2012, 08:10:38 PM »
Pictures are from the two races at Granby:

Jason Barney

Can-Am Challenge winner Shane Stewart

Glenn Styres

Jared Zimbardi

Keith Dempster

Michael Parent

Paul Kinney

Cory Sparks

James Hanson

Shawn Donath

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