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Topics - MikeF9

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Current News & Events / Neat Picture Swiped from Facebook of Santa
« on: December 24, 2011, 09:42:27 PM »

Merry Christmas everyone!

Current News & Events / J&L Hardware's Annual Contest
« on: December 19, 2011, 11:37:35 PM »

J&L Hardware are having their annual contest. This year, guess how many gold-foiled covered chocolate coins are in the bowl to win the tool box and EVERYTHING IN IT!
The paint behind the toolbox is not part of the package.
Just stop in, put your name and address and phone # on the slip of paper along with your guess to enter.
The winner will be the one who guesses correctly, or the closest guess. 2nd prize is the bowl full of chocolate coins.
Drawing will be before Christmas, either Friday or Saturday.


Once again, Mrs. Cassidy's and Mrs. Howard's classes are raising money to help out the Franklin County Humane Society.
For ONE DOLLAR, you can get a decorated ornament with your pet's name on it to be hung on the Christmas tree in the Elementary Lobby.
This fundraiser has gone well over the years, with EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR going to the Humane Society.
If you would like to remember a pet you have now, or remember a pet that has passed on, go to the Elementary Office and see Val French, whom I am sure will help you.


School Street

The following pictures are on Main Street

Buck Hollow Road

Current News & Events / Fairfax Community Christmas Concert Photos
« on: December 05, 2011, 12:05:28 AM »
Many apologies for the clarity of the pictures. I was trying to be inconspicous when taking them and did not use a flash. Hopefully you get the idea of what's going on.

Ascension Church Bell Choir

Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band

Louise Minor helps Santa Claus give candy to the kids.

Margie Cain read the story, "T'was the Night Before Christmas" to the little kids.


I came upon this halfway through. A performer named John was doing a stunt with chairs.

Getting ready to juggle flaming torches.

Juggling three torches.

John adds a fifth chair.

Standing tall.

Doing a handstand on the chairs.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Traffic Jam This Week
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:47:54 PM »

This delivery truck was having trouble pulling out of the parking lot at Steeple Market one day this past week, resulting in a traffic back-up for a few minutes.

Current News & Events / Tree Lighting Ceremony Dec.10th
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:36:00 PM »
A Fairpoint Communications truck and worker were helping to string lights and place ornaments on the tree to be used for the annual Fairfax Tree Lighting Ceremony, next Saturday, Dec. 10, from 4-5:30pm.

Current News & Events / Christmas Trees at J&L Hardware
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:31:39 PM »
J&L have Christmas trees for sale.

Current News & Events / Early Christmas Decorations-Photos
« on: November 27, 2011, 11:24:52 PM »
I was out and about Sunday night, and noticed that the decorations are up at different houses in the village. I will probably put ours up during this coming week.

Main Street

Main Street

Hunt Street

Hunt Street

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Christmastime in Fairfax-Photos
« on: November 26, 2011, 04:17:35 PM »
Thanksgiving is over and now we gear up for Christmas.

Fairfax Pharmacy

Christmas trees at Minor's Country Store

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Literature inspired Painting at School
« on: November 26, 2011, 04:12:44 PM »
This painting is hung downstairs in the high school end. One person is real, the others are characters from literature. Can you name them all?

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Random Pictures from the Last Few Weeks
« on: November 26, 2011, 04:06:20 PM »
Sorry for not posting any pictures in a while. I have been out and about and would snap a shot here and there, but never got around to downloading it to post. So here's a few pictures  from the past few weeks.

Randy Devine owns this now down behind the school, but back in the day, the local kids used to play wargames in this area.

Eveready Battery Plant, St. Albans


Lamoille River

Not quite sure what this is, but it was making it's way through town one day.


Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Blog- A Death in the Racing Family
« on: October 16, 2011, 11:06:34 PM »

Auto racing. or motorsports in general, is a dangerous sport. We know this. I know this.
We just don’t think about it.
Of course, by “we”, I mean myself, my nephew, Anthony, his father, Carl, his car owner, Lonnie, and everyone else that has been connected with the sprint car that Anthony drives, and any other race team we have been involved with.
There are always wrecks. Bad wrecks. We were present this past season when two drivers were seriously hurt in the same night. July 4th at Granby with the All-Stars. One guy was injured in a wreck in time trials, the other in the closing laps of the A-Main.
Anthony has had some wrecks. The one at Granby in 2007 that destroyed the car and left him banged up. The wreck at Lebanon Valley with the World of Outlaws this year that he walked away from. The one he got hurt in, was not a major wreck to watch. July 3rd at Can-Am last year. Michael Parent spun in front of Anthony, flopped onto his side, and Anthony spun to try and avoid him, but hit Michael’s top wing, sending a support through the wing, and through the side panel of Anthony’s car, gashing Anthony’s arm.
Everyone knows that Anthony might get hurt at the track, but we don’t harp on it. If we did, we would stay home.

This is where I jinx everything.

We never really have had to deal with a death at the race track. There was a race at Fonda where an older driver in a support division had a really bad accident and we found out later that he died.
But we never had one of “our” drivers meet their fate at the track. By that, I mean our division of sprint cars. Like I said, we don’t think about it.
But death does happen at the racetrack. I have been a race fan for many, many years, and I can name A LOT of drivers who died doing the sport they loved. Mark Donahue. Swede Savage. Tiny Lund. Friday Hassler. Richie Evans. Gilles Villeneuve. Ayrton Senna. Neil Bonnett. Larry Smith. Grant Adcocx. J.D. McDuffie. Greg Moore. Dale Earnhardt. Clifford Allison. Kenny Irwin. Adam Petty. Two names I can’t include, Davey Allison and Alan Kulwicki, did not die on the race track.
And now we include Dan Wheldon. I did not see the original wreck, but switched to the race from football during the red flag. I ended up staying with it through the end. It reminded me of the 2006 IndyCar finale at Fontana. Greg Moore had a violent crash into an infield wall. The race was stopped, area cleaned, and they restarted the race. We learned that Moore had died a little while later, but the drivers were not told until the race was over.
Today was different. 15 cars involved, and such carnage and debris, that the mess had to be cleaned up and repairs done to the walls, track, and catch fence. In that time, the drivers had time to think and wonder about Wheldon.  And when the word came down that Wheldon didn’t survive, the drivers knew the championship had already been decided, so there was no real reason to go on. I think even the 5 lap tribute was hard to do for some of the drivers.
But in the end, we go on. The drivers will continue to race. I will continue to be a race fan.
We will go to the races. We will get the car ready. Anthony will race.
And we will think good thoughts.

Sorry. Meant to post these Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.

Indicitive of how this fall has been, some color, some green.

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