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Topics - MikeF9

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Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Sunday 10/9/11 Foliage Pictures
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:54:27 PM »
Sunday afternoon

Margie wanted to take a ride toward St. Albans later in the day, trying to see if the sunset was similar to the one she saw Saturday night. Most pictures were taken on the fly.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Pictures with New Camera
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:41:48 AM »
All pictures were taken Saturday October 8th.

Margie and I went over to the Apple Farm Market in South Hero.

Lake Champlain on the way home.

We came home by way of Milton/Westford Road. Some foliage, but still lots of green about.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / New Camera!
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:34:53 AM »
I'm sure you have seen the ads for the Capture My Vermont contest that has been going on. I decided to join, and submitted a few photos. There was a Franklin County Challenge, and I submitted the picture of the new ladder truck/fire department group photo. I called it "The Gift" as Rett Heald and Tom Hungerford donated to use of the truck to the department.

Not sure if it was the picture, or the subject matter, but the picture was chosen as the 'Random Winner" in the FC Challenge. Then, in an ad in the Buyers Digest, it was mentioned as the Grand Prize winner.
As a result, I won a Samsung ST95 digital camera.
Still can't believe I won.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Happy Birthday, Margie!
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:21:12 AM »

Picture posted on Facebook as Margie and Jose lead the parade at the Shelburne Museum last Sunday.

Happy Birthday, Margie!!

Sunday was a big day for Margie and Jose. He was the poster dog for the Shelburne Museum Goes to the Dogs. He got to lead the parade. I wasn't there but pictures were taken by Terri Kneen, Kim Ward, and Margie. The theme was The Wild West so Jose had to look like a cowboy.

Jose in his outfit.

Marching in the parade. Jose kept shaking his head when the hat was on, so for most of the parade, it hung on the side.

Margie and Jose

Jose with K-9 Officer Dave Dewey of the Colchester Police Department. Dave and his wife are good friends of Margie's.

Margie loves this picture that Terri took of Jose.

Louise Decker sent me some more pictures from the 1986 Fairfax Parade. These are some of the older cars in the parade and one small surprise.

Ah, the Shriners and the go-karts. Out in front is Ron Parah.

Current News & Events / 9/11 Memorial in Georgia-Photos
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:53:50 AM »
Steve Bessette and myself represented the Fairfax Fire Department at this morning's 9/11 Memorial at the Georgia Fire Station. Names of the 300+ firefighters who lost their lives at the World Trade Center were read and Steve and I read some of the names. Selection of pictures during the ceremony were not great as I was involved with the proceedings, not standing by and just watching.
Many thanks go to the Georgia Fire Department for putting this on. I am really glad we went. Departments participating in the memorial were Georgia, St. Albans Town, Fairfax, and Milton. Their trucks were on display out in front.

Fairfax Tanker 3 along side St. Albans Town's new Rescue truck.

The Georgia Station

The St. Albans Town Honor Guard practing before the event.

Steve Bessette reading the list of fallen firefighters whose last names began with P.

Current News & Events / WARNING: Fire Sirens to Blow at 1PM
« on: September 11, 2011, 10:23:01 AM »
At 1pm today, fire and rescue departments will pull their trucks and ambulances out of their stations and blow their sirens for ONE FULL MINUTE to commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Here in Fairfax, Steve Bessette will blow the civil defense alarm located in back of the station for one full minute.
Please do not be alarmed, there is no emergency when the siren is activated.

Thank you.

Current News & Events / Photo from 1984 Fairfax Parade
« on: September 03, 2011, 08:11:03 PM »
Louise Decker sent along this picture from the August 1984 Fairfax Parade on Main Street. Not sure who the driver of the car is, but in the back is Giles Boissoneault and Bennett Greene, who was running for State Representative for Fairfax/Westford. He lost that year to the incumbent, Al Woodward. You can also see Tim Collins in the background.

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Fonda Speedway Under Water
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:36:59 AM »
Dean Reynolds posted this picture on Facebook.

This is Fonda Speedway under water. The wide area in the middle is the Mohawk River. You can see the grandstands and the wall circling part of the track.
I was really surprised they had that much flooding that far west.

Current News & Events / Rt. 15 Bridge Closed?
« on: August 28, 2011, 09:24:31 PM »
I just heard that the Wrong-Way Bridge in Cambridge is closed. Can anyone confirm?
Margie and I went to Cambridge earlier this evening, around 6:30-7pm. Water was within 4 feet of the road then.

As of 9:30pm, I had 4 inches in the rain gauge.

Current News & Events / That's the Spirit!!
« on: August 28, 2011, 09:32:22 AM »
Heard someone hammering down in the village Saturday night around 10:30. Walked down to check it out. Thought maybe they were covering the windows on Foothills Bakery.
Saw what someone did in anticipation of the hurricane's arrival. Didn't have a camera with me, so I went down Sunday morning and took a picture.

The Fairfax Fire Department had a trining session Tuesday night at Ovitt's Pond at the bottom of Buck Hill. A portable pump was set up to push water up to the ladder nozzle.

Deputy Chief Deam Potter runs the portable pump while watching the action on the ladder.

Tom Snyder works on getting the nozzle in place.

Floating strainer connected to hard suction, connected to the pump intake, and hose hooked to the discharge feeding the ladder truck.

Louise Decker sent me some more pictures that she has scanned from slides. This time pictures are from the start of the Country Fair Parade, early in August 1977, that her husband David took, as the participants come out of the driveway of the Parish Center. The parade used to go from the Center, now St. Luke's, south down Main Street, down Main Hill, turn right onto School Street, up onto Hunt Street, and finish around in back of the school.

The Fairfax Historical Society will be meeting Sunday August 21st at 6:30pm in the Fairfax Community Library.
The program for the evening will be an interactive unit called The Thousand Word Project.
Based on the idea that "a picture is worth a thousand words", everyone will be able to observe an old picture(below) of Gaut Falls, later known as Fairfax Falls. Those observations will be recorded and noted, and in the end, a tally taken, to see if a picture really IS worth a thousand words. The actual picture, in a frame is quite large.
The agenda for the meeting is below the picture.
The public is invited to attend. For more information, call 849-6638

Fairfax Historical Society
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Fairfax Community Library,
75 Hunt Street, Fairfax

Meeting Agenda
              1) Welcome, introductions, opening remarks, opportunity for public comments.
              2) Minutes of previous meeting
              3) Financial report
              4) Old Business
              5) New Business
              6) Election of Officers

              Program- The Thousand Word Project. Based on the idea that a picture is worth a thousand words, the society will study an old picture of Gaut Falls, later known as Fairfax Falls. It is large with quite a few items in the picture. Observations will be recorded, words counted, and we will see if a picture is truly worth a thousand words.
              7) Adjourn

              Public is invited to attend. For more information, call 849-6638

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