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Messages - trussell

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 53
General Discussion / Re: Where can I bring paint cans for disposal
« on: March 22, 2017, 12:49:36 PM »
Unless it's latex paint then they can be disposed of the regular trash.

Correct- The sap from Wild parsnip can causing severe, painful blistering. I came in contact with it last year, the blisters lasted about a month- and still have some scars from it!

General Discussion / Re: Dragging these new trash Bins to the main road?
« on: August 09, 2016, 10:11:17 AM »
It looks like several homes are opting to simply leave the bins at the end of their driveways, lol.

General Discussion / Re: Dragging these new trash Bins to the main road?
« on: August 01, 2016, 12:47:40 PM »
Logical, I think they were going to be distributed this week or next.  I received a letter last week.

It wasn't clear, however, about the limits.  Are we still limited to one large trash bag?  Or are we now allowed to fill up the trash can?  Does everything still need to be bagged up?  For instance- I bought a water heater and had very large pieces of styrofoam to dispose of.  It would be much easier to simply throw them into the bin loose.

I agree though roadrnnr- While I personally welcome this change, having only to roll them 108 feet, I suspect a majority of residents won't have the same fondness.

Is this eat-in only or take out as well?

Current News & Events / Re: Trash removal opinions?
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:24:55 PM »
roadrnnr- I think you'd want to divide that by the number of households though- which is around 2,000 I think.

Current News & Events / Re: Trash removal opinions?
« on: February 15, 2016, 10:00:34 AM »
Personally, having the costs included in my taxes works out better for me financially... but at the same time when people have a direct vested (monetary) interest in something, it automatically leads to better compliance.  If a homeowner were charged say $2.00 for each bag to be picked up but recycling is free then I bet 9 out of 10 people will do all they can to recycle.  But if they don't have to pay directly then they have less of a financial reason to comply.

The idea that the absence of town-sponsored trash removal will lead to littering is incredibly dated.  Fairfax is one of the few towns in the area- and probably the state as well- that pays for trash removal through taxes and I don't see our roadsides any less littered than other towns.  I see just as many trash bags waiting for pickup after Green Up Day as any other area too. 

This topic also seems to consume an incredible amount of the Select Board's time so why not just follow the good work that so many other towns have done and just join the local Solid Waste District?

General Discussion / Re: Who does Water Well Testing?
« on: January 25, 2016, 12:22:21 PM »
The State of Vermont will test your water for you:

General Discussion / Re: Holiday Tipping
« on: December 21, 2015, 11:22:10 AM »
I have in the past for our postal carrier- on Boxing Day.  I've left a small package of chocolates or cookies in the mailbox for them :)

Current News & Events / Re: Duffy's To Pick Up Fall Lawn Debris
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:23:04 PM »
Is this free or is there a charge for it?

Let me first say that I'm absolutely in favor of the town accepting this donation for many reasons... However there are a couple things that I feel haven't been addressed sufficiently:

1) Upkeep and maintenance costs- If I remember correctly it was estimated that it would be somewhere around $4,000/year for utilities?  If we have this resource it really should be utilized to its full extent, year round.  This will no doubt result in greatly increased costs, probably 3 times that amount, for heat, electricity and water/sewer.
2) Regardless of what grants may or may not come through, there will undoubtedly be maintenance costs associated.  Something as simple as exterior painting would run many thousands of dollars and needs to be budgeted.
3) My understanding is that a municipality cannot enter into a multi-year agreement without voter approval.  While I think it's important that the Select Board act as soon as possible and give a non-binding "Yes we're interested" or "No we're not" decision, I don't think a legal decision on assuming ownership can happen without voter approval.

I absolutely support this initiative and will definitely vote in favor of it but I would like to see a much more detailed and accurate plan for how it will need to be maintained and the associated costs- even if that means hiring an outside agency to give an unbiased assessment.


General Discussion / Re: Saves me from possibly taking a fall
« on: August 30, 2015, 08:53:14 PM »
Careful Henry- If Ed knows' the camera is there he'll undoubtedly moon it. :)

Current News & Events / Re: Smuggs Is Closed Due To Tractor Trailer
« on: August 21, 2015, 10:59:03 AM »
Signage isn't the answer.  There are signs.  and lights.  You just can't fix stupid....

Unless there is something or someone to physically stop vehicles that can't maneuver, you're always going to have the people that think they can make it.

Fund Raisers / Re: BFA Football Selling Gold Cards
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:11:50 AM »
Could you scan a card so I can see what the offers are?

I'm a little confused with this line:

$5 a square - 50/50 -- chance to win up to $500....

Does this mean that there's a 50/50 chance to win?  If so then there would only be two squares (Or I suppose if you buy 100 squares you'd have a 50/50 chance of winning).  If there are 200 squares, it would be a 1/200 chance to win (still pretty good odds though!).  Or is there also a 50/50 raffle?  Or does the winner receive 50% of the ticket sales?

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