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Messages - roadrnnr

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General Discussion / Appliance Repair?
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:32:53 PM »
Any body local to recommend to fix a gas Range?

General Discussion / Re: Recommend an Electrician?
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:31:15 PM »
anybody have steve's number?

General Discussion / Re: Dragging these new trash Bins to the main road?
« on: August 01, 2016, 07:41:37 AM »
On your recent tax bill there is a $225 trash Surcharge per household.

The whole point is this type of pickup does not work in a country setting. As far as I know this was never laid out in the proposal we voted on.  Even the 96 gallon containers are to big to lug up to the main road when you live an  several thousand feet from the main road. Our road also has no level ground or space to line up all our 4 houses carts the way they want them placed. The driver is getting out of the truck at our stop no ands.ifs.or buts, period. I imagine it will be this way at most stops.

General Discussion / Dragging these new trash Bins to the main road?
« on: July 30, 2016, 06:03:53 PM »
Is anybody upset about having to drag these huge things up to the main road? We live on a dirt road that is away's from the main road. I use to bring my trash up to the road in my 4 wheeler but these things are not going to fit in it. What about the elderly who will have to do this?
So we are paying an extra $225 on top of what we allready paid for what. To do most of cassellas work for them so they don't have to get out of the truck.

This is BS and I am surprised more people are not POff!

General Discussion / Re: Carbon Tax.. no Thank You
« on: July 16, 2016, 06:45:08 AM »

Carbon Tax “Quick Facts” Sheet (For the VPIRG Intern in your Neighborhood)

The left wing lobbying and activist organization VPIRG is engaged in its annual summer ritual of sending college kids door to door to propagandize citizens. For the second year in a row, the issue d’jour is passage of a statewide Carbon Tax.

Readers who have experienced a VPIRG visit report that these young spokespeople are not revealing to their audience several facts, such as the tax will, among other things, raise the price of gasoline by 88¢ per gallon, home heating oil by $1.02 per gallon, etc.

VPIRG does not have a sterling reputation for honesty when it comes to promoting its causes. (See: More Vermont residents say VPIRG canvassing drive used names fraudulently), so if you want to make sure your name is not misused or your position regarding the Carbon Tax misstated for political purposes, be prepared.

We have put together a list of quick facts for when the VPIRG representative knocks on your door. Use it, and five minutes of high quality entertainment guaranteed. Apparently, they don’t stand up to questioning very well.  (PDF Version: Carbon Tax Fact Sheet)


WHAT IS A CARBON TAX? The proposal on the table is an excise tax on fossil fuels of $100 per ton of carbon when fully implemented, which would amount to a total tax of $500 million a year. For real folks, this translates into adding 88¢ to each gallon of gasoline, $1.02 per gallon of diesel and home heating oil, and similar increases for propane, natural gas, kerosene, butane and aviation fuel. (Other names for the Carbon Tax are “Carbon Pollution Tax” and “Carbon Pricing.”)

WHO GETS HIT HARDEST? Households earning more than roughly $25,000 per year (the top four income quintiles) would shoulder the bulk of the burden. Businesses will pass the added costs onto consumers wherever possible, and these taxpayers would not qualify for proposed income based rebates.

Working Vermonters who commute to a job will be hit hard, as will farmers, tradespeople and others who depend upon trucks, vans and tractors to do their jobs.

The massive discrepancy in fuel prices between Vermont and border states not subject to this radical level of taxation would provide yet another incentive to cross the border to shop, hurting many Vermont small businesses.

WHO BENEFITS? Wind and solar developers, weatherization programs, and other “green” energy outfits will receive 10% of the Carbon Tax revenue to subsidize their businesses and projects.

WHERE DOES THIS STAND? In 2014, Rep. Tony Klein (D-East Montpelier), chair of the House Energy & Natural Resources gave an interview stating that “it’s at least a three-year process,” and that “you don’t [pass a massive tax increase] in an election year.” This means 2017 – after this November’s election – is the target for passage.

WHO IS PUSHING THIS? A coalition of 15 special interest groups called Energy Independent Vermont, led by VPIRG. VPIRG pays seven state house lobbyists and army of summer “interns” going door-to-door to ensure passage of Carbon Tax on Vermonters. There were two Carbon Tax bills put forward in the 2015-16 legislative session (H.395 and H.412). These bills have a combined 28 sponsors (that’s a big number), all Democrats and Progressives.

OVER 90% OPPOSED. In January 2015, the Ethan Allen Institute ran a statewide online survey of Vermonters regarding support for or opposition to a Carbon Tax. 1546 people responded, over 90% opposed the tax.image001

General Discussion / Re: Carbon Tax
« on: May 01, 2016, 09:15:02 AM »

We need to find out who supports this and vote them out before it is to late!

General Discussion / Re: Carbon Tax
« on: March 30, 2016, 07:55:03 AM »
sorry no Cigar,

This is nothing more than another redistribution of wealth Scheme.

All ready admitted  by a bureaucrat in Montpelier it will have no effect on anything environmentally.

Just like all the "Efficiency Charges" on my electric bill that do nothing more than give my Money to some one else to improve their home.

I am sick of it and I am sure Vermonters when given the real facts of this nonsense, like a $1 more per gallon for gas, more to heat your home etc etc and for what?

Absolutely nothing buy Giving Montpelier more money to dole out to others.

Does it work, Just ask all the Angry people in California who are now realizing the effects on their Carbon Tax policy

Here's the Facts:

Commentary: Here Comes the Carbon Tax
by John McClaughry

The Climate Change Warriors are ramping up for a full scale effort in Montpelier .  Not content with the decade long carnival of subsidies, taxes, mandates and sweetheart deals to enrich the renewable energy complex, they’re now going for the brass ring – making you pay the Carbon Tax.

The carbon tax campaign flies the flag of “Energy Independent Vermont”, a coalition of nine environmental lobby groups led by the Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG). Here’s the coalition’s argument: Our planet is threatened by the Al Gore-Obama-Sanders-Shumlin Heat Death, now called “climate change” (after “global warming” went on vacation the past 18 years.) The main cause of this coming catastrophe is “carbon dioxide pollution”. This “pollution” is primarily the result of people burning gasoline, diesel, heating oil, propane, and natural gas to stay warm, get to work, grow food, and earn a living. They must be stopped!

The coalition’s way to stop us from generating “carbon dioxide pollution” is to make those fossil fuels so expensive that we’ll have to find some other way to stay warm, get to work, grow food, and earn a living. How will we make those fuels more expensive? Impose a whopping “carbon pollution tax”!

The leading bill (H.412, revised), from Reps. David Deen (D-Westminster) and Mary Sullivan (D-Burlington), calls for starting with a $10 per metric ton tax on the carbon content of fossil fuels in fiscal year 2018. This tax rate would automatically increase by $10 a year for nine more years until it reached $100 per ton in 2027.

According to the REMI study, paid for by long time VPIRG benefactors David Blittersdorf and Matthew Rubin, in 2027 the carbon tax would raise about $500 million a year. Gasoline users would be paying another 88 cents per gallon just for the “carbon pollution tax”. Diesel, propane, heating oil and natural gas users would similarly pay 22-31% more for those fuels. The bill puts the tax on fuel distributors, so customers won’t see it – but they’ll pay it.

The “carbon pollution tax” advocates say, “You’ll pay the tax, but you’ll get it back!” Of course the “you” that will pay is not exactly the same “you” that will (maybe) get its tax dollars back.

First off, this new tax is not ‘revenue neutral” to taxpayers, because VPIRG insists that ten percent of the proceeds – $50 million (in 2027) – be skimmed off the top, into the Clean Energy Development Fund. The CEDF ran out of money when Gov. Shumlin’s favorite extortion target Vermont Yankee shut down. The bill resurrects it as the Vermont Energy Independence Fund (VEIF).

Much of the VEIF funds would be used for more low income housing weatherization, which is why six low-income organizations are supporting the bill. The remainder of the ten percent skim would be used to replace the solar investment tax credit which is scheduled to drop from 30% to 10% at the end of 2016, and without which Big Solar is dead in its tracks. We know this because James Moore, the former VPIRG energy lobbyist now employed by solar developer SunCommon, said so at a February conference.

After the ten percent skim, the remaining proceeds would be used to make up for reducing the Vermont sales and use tax rate from 6% to 5%, a refundable income tax credit, a monthly prebate program for the poor, and a per-employee rebate to employers. At least that’s the promise.

Whether there would even be any proceeds left to redistribute is very much in doubt. The state is running $100 million budget deficits almost every year, and is desperate for money. As the Energy Independent Vermont fact sheet of last November helpfully pointed out, “Based on legislative priorities, carbon tax revenue could of course also be used for other purposes.” Yes, probably so.

And what will Vermonters get for this scheme? Punishing taxes on every user of gasoline, diesel, heating oil, propane, and natural gas. No detectable effect whatever on “climate change”. Even more tax dollars channeled to subsidizing favored renewable energy projects. An exodus of businesses and taxpayers who can’t realistically abandon fossil fuel energy and can’t absorb the higher tax burden. Another big reason for Vermonters to shop somewhere else, despite the promised 5% sales tax.

All this is offset by the bragging rights for VPIRG delegates announcing to national environmental conferences that they were the first to heroically push through a “carbon pollution tax”.

Last month the Carbon Tax advocates finally appeared to recognize how their plan is likely to go over with Vermont voters not terrified by “climate change” – very poorly. Now they say they only want the legislature to pass the whole thing in 2016 (while Gov. Shumlin is still around to sign it), but make it take effect only after other states act.

A better idea would be for the House to vote the carbon tax bill down so overwhelmingly that no one will ever bring it up again, here or anywhere else.

– John McClaughry is vice president of the Ethan Allen institute.

General Discussion / Re: Carbon Tax
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:00:44 AM »
Sane people do not want any such thing.
Especially here in VT where it is already to expensive to live

Current News & Events / Re: Trash removal opinions?
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:42:32 AM »
roadrnnr- I think you'd want to divide that by the number of households though- which is around 2,000 I think.

Yeah I realized my mistake after I posted this. So Lets say $650000/2000=$6.25 week

At $4.50 a bag on our own looks like the town option is much better

Current News & Events / Re: Trash removal opinions?
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:38:46 PM »
Is the amount they are proposing just a continuation of what we have now? The money stated is for the whole contract right, not added to what we allready pay, to cover some new regulation.

If I figured right by using 4285 residents the numbers they presented are only about 3 bucks a week per person.

Looks like doing our own would be much more.

General Discussion / Good place to buy a Propane Tank?
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:27:35 AM »
Does anybody know  if someplace sell the tanks besides the fuel company's?

Looking to mabey buy my own 100 Gallon Tank so I can Finally shop around for propane

General Discussion / Re: Getting rid of Suburban Propane
« on: January 24, 2015, 10:26:38 PM »
I to am fed up with Suburban. Worst company I have ever dealt with.

Any more suggestions that deliver in Fairfax

General Discussion / Re: Recommend Insulation Contractor
« on: December 23, 2014, 04:32:42 PM »
I'll second Bugbee's. They blew some foam in my attic, and gave me a great price. Less than half a couple others wanted an the guys they sent over to do it were excellent

General Discussion / Re: Where Can I Get Gas With No Ethanol
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:09:02 AM »
The place in St. Albans is Clarence Brown

96 Federal St,

Saint Albans, VT 05478

(802) 524-2400

They are not open on Sundays

General Discussion / Appliance reapir man?
« on: October 01, 2014, 04:56:45 PM »
Any body know a good one around here that can fix a built in dishwasher?

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