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Messages - markdrapa

Pages: [1] 2

Hi all,

It looks like there was some issue around checking out "as a guest" and using a credit/debit card. 

Everything should be fixed now.  I believe we'll keep things open for a few extra days to help overcome the technical difficulties.  Thanks everyone!

Hi all,

This is still open for orders--thanks to everyone who has participated already.

To answer a few questions...

-The Steeple Market vouchers are on prepared, take out, or made to order food--including the hot dinners, and daily specials, Sunday->Wednesday. 
-Sweet Clover Market in Essex vouchers are good on everything.
-Pick up date is November 15th.  If you can't make this date, you can pick up at the school office shortly afterwards.  It's best if folks come on the day of, especially if food items are involved. 

Online ordering is a snap.  Pick up a few vouchers for a last minute meal when you're running behind!  Can't beat 50% off. 

Thanks again!

Fund Raisers / School Fundraiser with discount Steeple Market vouchers
« on: October 22, 2013, 08:40:32 AM »
The Westford School PTO is doing their Buy Local Fundraiser again this year, now until October 30th.  Anyone can participate.

It's a home-grown effort that features Vermont-based food producers and businesses, including a few Fairfax businesses!

Online ordering makes it easy.  Check it out...


Some highlights:

$20 for $10 voucher for Steeple Market prepared meals
$20 for $10 at Sweet Clover Market
VT Smoke and Cure products--great bacon
VT Coffee Company
VT Nut Free Chocolate products

Just like previous years, we're keeping it local, asking that students *not* do the selling, no prizes, no middleman.  The only way this works is with the generous support of Vermont businesses and our customers. 

Thanks for looking!

Current News & Events / Country Pantry coupon
« on: November 28, 2012, 04:42:57 PM »
There is a 10% off coupon for the Country Pantry on the 7nights website.  Direct link below.  Enjoy.


Current News & Events / Re: Eat Local Fundraiser in Westford
« on: October 27, 2012, 06:29:56 AM »
We're heading into the home stretch.  Orders are due by Tuesday the 30th. 

Current News & Events / Re: Eat Local Fundraiser in Westford
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:30:23 PM »
Thanks for the kind words.  We're all very proud of this effort to support the school.  Equally important, it's a nice reminder of what an incredible state we live in.  World class products, producers, businesses...all willing to work together towards a common goal. 

Traffic and orders to the site indicate that we're on to something...many thanks to everyone who is participating. 

Current News & Events / Eat Local Fundraiser in Westford
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:34:07 PM »
The Westford School PTO has just started their unique "Eat Local Fundraiser" featuring great deals on some favorite local foods.  This is organized and run by parent volunteers so 100% of the profits go to enrichment activities at the school, all while helping to support local producers and keep your money close to home.  Best part?  All prices are at or below suggested retail!

check out westfordpto.myshopify.com to see.  You can even order securely online.

What will you find?
  • Discount certificates to Sweet Clover Market and Mimmo's in Essex ($20 for $10)
  • Vermont Smoke and Cure products
  • American Flatbread frozen pizzas
  • Vermont Cookie Love frozen dough
  • It's Arthur's Fault sauces, dressing, and chutney
  • Vermont Nut Free Chocolates
  • Cabot cheese
  • Vermont Coffee Company coffees
  • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
  • local Maple Syrup
  • Shipping included gift boxes for Christmas delivery
  • ...and more!

Stock up your freezer or order for holiday gift giving. 

The fundraiser runs through October 30th.  Item pickup will be November 15th from 3pm-6pm at Westford School (not far from the town common and 128). 

I'm one of the volunteers, so I'm just spreading the word to try to make this a big success.  Take a look--there really are some good foods that match or beat Price Chopper and Hannaford's pricing.  Another neat part of this fundraiser is that we don't offer prizes or sales incentives to children, and we ask that children don't solicit at all.  By trying to be fair, we're hoping to reach a wider audience and keep our students' attention on what really matters at school. 

Thanks for reading.

General Discussion / Re: Can some one recommend a painter?
« on: May 08, 2012, 08:48:32 AM »
Odd--when I call, I get one ring and then a busy signal.  Tried it on several phones on several days.  Any alternate numbers?

General Discussion / Re: Can some one recommend a painter?
« on: May 03, 2012, 08:13:52 PM »
Does anyone have a current number for Jay Shedd?  The one I've found is no longer in service.

General Discussion / Firewood recommendations?
« on: August 31, 2011, 07:22:48 PM »
Does anyone have a good firewood supplier that they could recommend?  My usual guy has gotten out of the business and am looking for someone to take his place. 

Looking for split and delivered to the north side of Westford. 

General Discussion / Re: Fairpoint DSL speed struggles
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:48:04 PM »
to test your speed, you can try any of these free speedtests...


You should see roughly the speed which you pay for, and--for DSL at least--it should be fairly constant no matter what your neighbors are doing. 

I have used both Comcast cable and Fairpoint DSL, and have always gotten the correct speeds during all tests over the last few years.  If you aren't, then you can document the time/conditions and take it up with your provider. 

Also, if you see a speedup at reboot, you may have other issues at play on your machine.

I believe I heard at a Westford Selectboard meeting that the work was scheduled for 2011, but will be deferred due to budget constraints.  Note that this is a state funded project, they were just updating the town on the situation.  I recall that the work was 'hoped for' in 2012, but no firm commitment. 

Current News & Events / Re: In search of slabwood
« on: October 27, 2010, 10:39:46 PM »
Thanks--that did the trick.

Current News & Events / In search of slabwood
« on: October 25, 2010, 01:37:39 PM »
Does anyone have a good source for slabwood (the wood/bark cut off at a sawmill) nearby?  Used to get it from a great fellow up in Fletcher, but he's out of the business.  Delivery is not necessary.

We've got an exciting season planned.  The warmer than average spring has given a huge jumpstart to our vegetable producers, plus we'll have lots of baked goods (bread, cookies, scones, foccacia, etc.), meat, prepared foods (Euro Restaurant and amazing Thai food, too), pickled and preserved foods, maple products, honey, etc.  It's a great and inexpensive way to pick up excellent takeout.

Join us on the Westford town common from 3:30-6:30 every Friday.  Expect 15+ vendors and live music from Hot Slick Martha's Club as well. 

Follow the signs and look for more info at http://www.westfordfarmersmarketvt.org/


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