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Messages - markdrapa

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Current News & Events / Re: Brown and Jenkins Coffee Cafe in Cambridge
« on: February 28, 2010, 09:39:22 PM »

I'm not making donuts, but trust me--it's not because I don't love them.  I've been baking mostly pastry items like scones, cinnamon brioche, onion rolls, cookies, muffins, etc.  Depending on how I'm feeling, there might even be some other goodies.

Also, starting this week I'll be selling bread again at Sweet Clover Market in Essex. 

Current News & Events / Brown and Jenkins Coffee Cafe in Cambridge
« on: February 26, 2010, 11:02:26 AM »

For those who haven't ventured in yet, I'd like to recommend giving Brown and Jenkins coffee roasters a try. 

They are located on the hill across from Boyden Valley Farm on the intersection of 15 and 104. 

I'm a baker and have started selling my pastries and sweets there, and was really impressed with the owners and the location.  The brewed coffee is excellent and very reasonably priced ($1.00), there are places to sit, the building is quite beautiful inside, and...free wifi (!) 

Of course, while you're there, make sure to try my baked goods.  I just dropped off a tray of blueberry scones and onion rolls, all baked fresh this morning. 

Thanks for all your support,
Mark Drapa - owner/baker at Mollybean Breads, Westford

Current News & Events / Winter Farmers' Market in Westford this Friday
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:05:17 PM »
For all the chatter about winter markets, I thought folks would like to know that there is one just a few miles down the road this week.  Everything from baked goods, syrup, preserved foods, meat, prepared foods for dinner, and more.

From the announcement:

Dec. 11: Winter Farmers' Market in the Red Brick Meeting House...
Mark Your Calendar! Friday, December 11 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. will be the date of the very first Westford Winter Farmers' Market!

We are very excited to bring you some of your familiar foods and products of the summer - in time for the holidays.

Check the website http://www.westfordfarmersmarketvt.org for more information, as we will post all the details, incl. who will be selling, throughout the next week.

Join us and stock up on local products for the holidays and winter months - this will be a fun afternoon with great food and live music.

Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax Farmers Market???
« on: September 01, 2009, 10:46:04 AM »
Farmers' Markets across the state are having a hard time this year.  Add that to the difficulty in lining up vendors and customers for a new market, and you'll quickly see that it is not an easy task to get the Fairfax market off the ground.

A farmers' market should be one of the cornerstones of a small community.  I have been involved with the Westford Farmers' Market for the past five years (vendor and board member) and have watched it grow steadily each year.  This year, we have a thriving market with 15-20 regular vendors selling everything from fruit, produce, eggs, meat, bread, pastry, kettle corn, wine, take-out foods, pickles, coffee beans, fudge, etc.  We have live music under the gazebo every week, and events planned in conjunction with the library and others.

However, if you look beyond the tasty farm products, you'll see this is a quite amazing social gathering.  People come with their families and stay for hours...meeting friends, swinging at the playground, eating dinner, listening to music.  Both new and old faces show up each week.  It's a vital part of our community for many reasons.  That, as much as anything else, is part of the catalyst which makes a market work.

Keep at it and support all your local markets.  The community will be better for it. 

For those interested, the Westford Farmers' Market is on Fridays at 3:30-6:30pm on the town common.   Information at

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