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Messages - trussell

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 53
Rev. Elizabeth- Thank you for summing up all my thoughts.  Excellent!

Mummy- The pavilion project has been in process for the better part of two years and I know that Katrina gave a presentation and solicited questions at town meeting.  This posting definitely isn't the first time that it was "released" to the community.

As a member of the Parks & Rec advisory board, I can attest that what Katrina accomplishes with the minimal budget provided is amazing.  Although I don't remember the exact amount, she receives only a fraction of a full-time salary yet often works full time weeks, which would equate to hundreds of volunteer hours every year.  Even more than just her time though, she truly pours her heart into her job.  She does a great job soliciting donations of time, materials, and products from local businesses and has put in a tremendous amount of time seeking grant opportunities and applying for them.  This pavilion project is a great example of the funds she has been able to secure, and also the cutting of the ball fields, and other park and field improvements to make our community a better place.

Thank you Katrina for everything you've done.  I'm sure Mummy didn't intend to offend you personally, but remember that the unfortunate reality is that most people only speak up when they DON'T agree with something instead of when they do.

Wow! Great job!

That's just amazing! At least the grass is really green!

(Scary drive into work today though)

Geez, even with flooding you can't get a break with the 4-wheelers, huh?

Reviews / Re: Wood Furnace
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:38:44 AM »
I have a wood stove (two actually). But with the mansion I live in they just don't heat it to my liking :)

General Discussion / Re: Little League Fence
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:37:58 AM »
Can they be moved to the other side on the field so they face the field AND the road?  I'll help...

Reviews / Wood Furnace
« on: April 20, 2011, 09:12:19 PM »
Does anyone have a recommendation for a hot air, wood-burning furnace?  I'm looking to add one to supplement my oil heat.  I've been looking at Vogelzangs and they seem to have pretty good reviews.  Thanks!

There's also the Underhill (I think) Rod & Gun Club off Allen Irish rd.  Their dues are quite low and it's a good little place.

Current News & Events / Re: Memorable Birthday
« on: April 16, 2011, 07:06:36 PM »
My wife was reading over my shoulder when I laughed at Mike's response.  I got hit.

(No, I don't learn)

Mike and I prefer to duke it out in person (He's old so I go easy on him), but since we're 4,244 miles away form each other I don't get to lay the smack down on him very often- so Henry's site has to suffice :)  It's all good!

Current News & Events / Re: Gonna Get Windy
« on: April 16, 2011, 06:59:15 PM »
Not sure the gust but our grill just flew off the deck. Not happy

Again??? I think you need to chain that thing down... but not today- you don't need to break the other arm!

Mike, have you ever been out on Ship Creek without a paddle?

And to think, I was going to take advantage of "Passport Day" in St. Albans this Saturday. Oh well...

It's interesting that the article didn't mention that politicians will still get paid.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Fairfax Water Bills
« on: April 05, 2011, 04:17:44 PM »
Thanks Chris. I didn't mean to stir up anything, I just really didn't have any idea how much people pay! Wow, glad I have my own well too!  :)

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Fairfax Water Bills
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:47:08 AM »
I way outside of the water district, but I'm just curious- what's the average water/sewer bill?

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