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Messages - trussell

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Current News & Events / Re: School Budget Voted Down By 1 Vote
« on: April 16, 2014, 08:15:47 AM »
Consolidating supervisory unions has been talked about at the state level and it sounds like it's (thankfully) inevitable.  The City of Los Angeles has a single school district and services nearly 700,000 students and 84,000 staff- so it certainly can be done!

Current News & Events / Re: School Budget Voted Down By 1 Vote
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:04:58 AM »
Yes, less than 600 voters voiced their opinion.  And I think I can fairly say that many people simply don't have a stong opinion either way and/or just don't care enough to vote.  I'm glad I did and would like to urge everyone to express their concerns and WHY they voted the way they did to the school board.  Not on the forum, not on Facebook, but write a letter to the board or attend a meeting.  If you want change, complaining about it isn't going to do any good (I'm not targeting anyone, that's just a general statement).  Don't keep rehashing the problem, come up and present a solution.

Thanks and enjoy this sunny day!

General Discussion / Re: vermonts population
« on: April 03, 2014, 09:30:18 AM »
Tom, thanks so much for the clarification! I didn't know there was a European and American standard of "billion" but that's very interesting!  I can't wait to share that :)

General Discussion / Re: fav.green mnt.coffee flavor?
« on: April 02, 2014, 08:44:46 PM »
... and now on www. Keurig.com, Enjoy 15% off all packs + free shipping thru 4/6. Use Code APRILFOOLS

General Discussion / Re: fav.green mnt.coffee flavor?
« on: April 01, 2014, 07:47:50 AM »
It's ok Henry, Folgers comes in K-Cups too!

Right now my favorite is Barista Prima Colombian.

« on: March 24, 2014, 08:36:12 PM »
One Rod is enough for any community :)

Announcements / Re: Welcome Jacob Marshall Russell
« on: March 19, 2014, 09:15:42 AM »
Thank you! Yup, 7lbs 13 oz, 21" long.

Any Fairfax trash that isn't picked up today can be brought to 88 Sodom rd in Milton, right?  I have a bunch of recycling so if I leave my bin there will they bring it back to me next week?

I have a question that I'm hoping someone could answer- Article 3 of the school meeting ballot asks "Shall the voters of said school district authorize the school directors to borrow money for school expenses in anticipation of revenue for the ensuing year?" What exactly does this mean?  That the school is operating on loans until tax money arrives in November?  The School's fiscal year appears to begin on July 1 so am I correct in thinking that from July 1 until tax money arrives, the school doesn't necessarily have the money to operate if this article is voted down?  Is this a standard practice?  If so I don't think it's a very good method and should be addressed.

Also out of curiosity, the town budget that we voted on for "2014"- Is that the amount to cover the calendar year of 2014?  So the town basically operates without an approved budget from December until town meeting?  If I remember correctly this was brought up by an outside auditing company several years ago and it was suggested that the town's fiscal year be shifted (I think to April 1).

Any thoughts?

I agree- It IS very bright and open now!  It's certainly sad, but definately an improvement over what the building had become.

General Discussion / Re: Fairfax Town Water & Sewer
« on: March 02, 2014, 12:03:17 AM »
Thanks both for the clarification!!

General Discussion / Re: Fairfax Town Water & Sewer
« on: March 01, 2014, 12:51:19 PM »
David, why was the money used for logging the town forest used for the water department?  The two projects have nothing to do with each other.  Shouldn't that land- and it's resources- be used for the greater public good and not limited to the users of the water system?  I was on the Recreation Advisory Board at that time and it was explained to us that the funds were not going to be used for the water department and instead would be used for development purposes of the 100-acre wood property.  Is this not correct?

General Discussion / Re: Constable
« on: March 01, 2014, 12:46:34 PM »
Nick, I looked into the insurance issue in 2004 and through the VT League of Cities and Towns, the Constable was covered under the town's $2,000,000 liability policy- which is probably fine for "typical" Constable duties but probably nowhere near enough in the event of a wrongful-death lawsuit or other worst-case scenario.

What happens if a moderator isn't elected or appointed?  Who runs town meeting?

Current News & Events / Re: Garbage pick-up
« on: January 24, 2014, 08:49:29 AM »
Is it possible to get approximate times of when they arrive at certain areas in town?  I know we're supposed to have the trash out by 6:00, but realistically that would require me to put it out the night before- and during most of the year, there is a high probability that critters will get into it- which I'd like to avoid.

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