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Messages - roadrnnr

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Current News & Events / Re: Haz Mat Day this Saturday?
« on: October 04, 2008, 05:09:04 PM »
Every town around here has a free tire disposal day twice a year.

You can find out usually on the CCSW web site.

Current News & Events / Re: Walmart Rally
« on: October 04, 2008, 11:26:06 AM »

You got 4 votes from  my household

Current News & Events / Re: Haz Mat Day this Saturday?
« on: October 04, 2008, 11:25:05 AM »
Thanks, Henry

I made it over there with my oil but I won't pay to dispose of Tires.

Why doesn't Fairfax have a free tire day like every other town?

They wanted $5 per tire this morning!

Current News & Events / Haz Mat Day this Saturday?
« on: October 03, 2008, 06:47:42 PM »
Does anyone know if Haz mat day tomorrow, Saturday the 4'th, if they will be accepting tires?


General Discussion / Re: Fairfax Forest
« on: April 28, 2008, 04:46:45 PM »
Can you tell me also please?

General Discussion / Re: High Speed Internet Expansion
« on: March 08, 2008, 01:06:34 PM »
I talked to all three in the past few months.

Forget Verizon they are not going to expand at all here.

Comcast may in 2009 but not 2008. I talked to the guy who does the buildout and he may suggest north of 104a next year but still no guarantee's. They are all set with their buildout this year.

Surf Global keeps saying they are expanding but won't say where or when so who knows with them.

We now have Verizon wireless available here which worked great for a month and a half but right now my speed has dropped to a crawl and still trying to resolve with Verizon.

General Discussion / Any one Using Verizon's Wireless Broadband?
« on: March 08, 2008, 01:00:14 PM »
I got the service about a month and a half ago here in Fairfax and was loving it. Getting speeds of 600-1000 KBPS consistently. Then on Wed March 5'th,(day of first Ice storm) speeds have dropped to Dial up like, 1-100 KBPS. Going around and round with Verizon and waiting now for them to get back to me after they do a Tower check.

Need to know if some one else in Fairfax has been experiencing the same problem as I am. I am running off the Georgia Mountain tower I believe.

General Discussion / Re: Talk to me about satellite internet access
« on: January 25, 2008, 09:11:10 PM »
What did it end up costing you for start up, per month and how long of a commitment?

What speeds are you seeing?

General Discussion / Re: Talk to me about satellite internet access
« on: January 15, 2008, 04:07:13 PM »
I saw that also.

It is time for everyone in Fairfax who is fed up with Dial up to get our planning commission and select board a push to get us in on this regional network the surrounding towns are proposing.

There is grant money available to us, we need to get it.

Contact them and let them know we need to get going on this.

I talked to Comcast last week and they have no plans on expanding here this year.

It's up to us to do it ourselves!

General Discussion / Re: Talk to me about satellite internet access
« on: December 31, 2007, 03:33:57 PM »
Count yourself as one of the chosen few in Fairfax!

General Discussion / Re: Talk to me about satellite internet access
« on: December 21, 2007, 02:51:32 PM »
Where do you live in Fairfax?

I would hold out if you can. It is way to expensive and I have heard nothing but nightmares especially with outages and Customer service.

I almost pulled the trigger and got it a couple times in the past year and so but stopped and researched it more and then decided against it.

About the only thing you can seem to believe from there web sites is nothing.

In all fairness My neighbor has Wild Blue and likes it. I also have two friends who have Hughesnet and say it works good.

Maby in VT it works better.

If I was going to get it I would probably go with Wild Blue.

Here's an message board that deals with both services. Do alot of reading here before you decide.


Did you try calling Surf Global to see if their Wireless is available in your part of town?

That would be your best bet and alot cheaper.

If you do get it let me know what it is like. I am curious still.

My sister in law had the same problem at her house on Fox Run Road.

Her neighbor had it but they said it was not available at her house. They finally got them to come to the house to test the lines and sure enough it was available.

The problem with Verizon DSL is you have to be within apx 3 miles of the swicthing terminal in the village.

They will not add any repeaters or remote terminals outside those limits because they can not make enough money with so few households for the investment.

I think Verizon has pretty much given up on any expansion beyond those limits since they are trying to abandon the land lines in New England.

I would not hold out any hope for Verizon to expand here if you are beyond the 3 mile limit.

I think this Fairpoint deal won't hold out much hope also. I could be wrong but they seem to be promising anything and everything to get the deal through but if you look on where they want to expand as far as jobs go most of it is in sales and billing, not techs.

Also DSL is fast becoming obsolete unless fiber optic is introduced into the mix such as Verizons"FIOS" service and Burlington Telecoms Fiber Optic network.

That is why we have to get the town to start pushing in that direction.

General Discussion / Re: DSL in Fairfax ??
« on: December 15, 2007, 08:57:23 AM »
I suggest any one who is really interested in Surf Global Service to call them and tell them you want their service.

As I said they may be the best hope we have right now for those of us not in the Verizon/Comcast area of Fairfax as it looks like they have no interest in expanding here any time soon.

I know a few people who have the Surf Global Wireless package and love it.

Their web site is  http://www.surfglobal.net/products/wireless.php and the phone number is


That is the local office, in Essex I believe.

Call  and tell your neighbors to do so.

When they see the demand they will put in more repeaters

General Discussion / Re: DSL in Fairfax ??
« on: December 13, 2007, 04:17:17 PM »
That is one thing that would help, if we could get everybody we know to call them and tell them we want service. Probably would speed up them putting in another repeater.

I call every six months and remind them!


What area do live in that is not served?


General Discussion / Re: DSL in Fairfax ??
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:11:36 PM »

Thanks for the info.

I have tried three times in the past year to try and get them to come to my house and they will not. They keep telling me their software says I have no signal here.

I can practically see their tower. I may not have a signal but I think it is still worth checking especially since they are around here all the time.

On another note,

I encourage anyone who feels we need better coverage in Fairfax to attend the planning meeting this Saturday at the High School at 1 pm to see where the selectboard stands on the issue.

There are some grants available to the town to use to get providers like Surf Global to expand here.

It only gonna take participation from the town.

I would also like to see the town Join the exploratory committee with St. Albans, Underhill and Jericho to join Burlington Telecom.


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