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Messages - trussell

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Is this eat-in or take-out? Thanks!

That's correct Raz.  She was a very nice woman. :(

I'm sorry Nancy, I wasn't directing my comment at you and I'm sorry if that sounded like an attack.  It was more of a general comment that (dare I say *most*?) people are often unwilling to change their own habits and dependencies but at the same time will complain. 

People complain about the chemicals in food but continue to buy those exact same foods.
People complain about how expensive gas is but continue to drive vehicles that consume (large quantities of) it.
People complain about their government/roads/sidewalks/community but are unwilling to get involved and work toward the change they desire.  Or pay higher taxes for improvements.
People complain about ALL types of electricity generation - water, wind, solar, nuclear, coal - but I bet households consume even more now than they did 20 or 40 years ago.

I'm sure I could probably go on... But the reality of it is that we, as a community/state/nation/world, *NEED* electricity but people aren't willing to cut back enough to make a difference.

I bet wind turbines are better for property values than cooling towers.  Or coal stacks.

I don't think anyone should complain about electricity generation until they're willing to become self-sufficient and produce all the power they use, especially when the inconvenience is visual (wind, solar) and not affecting air or water quality.

...and doesn't the town of Fairfax receive property taxes on the dam?  I always assumed we did but now I'm wondering...

Current News & Events / Re: perpetual garage sale...
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:41:26 PM »
I don't think there is an ordinance prohibiting activity like that, but you could always ask the select board... and if there isn't one, you could ask that one be implemented.

General Discussion / Re: Basket of sweets?
« on: April 05, 2013, 01:51:46 PM »
This has happened to me before- I almost think they were selling vacuums.  You could always put a Glock sticker on your front door and point to it if they get pushy :)

General Discussion / Re: Apartment for rent but can not read sign
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:05:52 PM »
I'm pretty sure that 518-4217.  Is it near the funeral home?

Current News & Events / Re: Enosburgh Crash Splits Car In Half
« on: February 20, 2013, 11:27:48 AM »
I doubt it was speed-related.  Probably the car's fault.

I think this is a reasonable cut.  I've always wondered why there was still mail delivery on Saturdays.  and I like the idea that Saturday delivery IS an option, just as it is with Fedex and UPS.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Article 5 In The Fairfax Town Warning
« on: February 01, 2013, 04:46:40 PM »
Yes, that's correct.  "Executive Session" can be called whenever something is declared a "legal issue". LOL!

Surely there's something in Roberts Rules of Order regarding that! :)

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Article 5 In The Fairfax Town Warning
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:44:19 PM »
Nick- This probably happened during one of the "Executive Sessions" that come up whenever the Select Board doesn't want the public to know about stuff. :)

Current News & Events / Re: Found two Great Danes in Fairfax
« on: January 22, 2013, 10:31:52 AM »
Rumor has it that their owner has been located.

General Discussion / Re: Windmills
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:47:27 PM »
I dunno... Now that I've created a simulation of what Georgia Mountain would look like with cooling towers, I think I'd like to see that... Think of the jobs it could create! I mean other than a couple towers sticking above the ridgeline, I'm sure all the other infrastructure could be submerged inside the mountain. I mean, hey all they're emitting is a little steam- that's no worse than a sugarhouse, right? So basically I think they'd fit right in...

The unfortunate truth is that we are a nation of energy-dependent people.  Anyone that continues to use energy has no right to complain about the companies that generate it.

Oh and regarding the windmills, I don't really care either way.


Current News & Events / Re: Please Keep Roads and Driveways Cleared
« on: January 04, 2013, 11:27:28 AM »
I've been on several rescue calls where driveways were not clear and we've had to park the ambulance a considerable distance away.  Like Potter said, minutes- and really, seconds- count and having to shovel a path or haul a stretcher down a snow-covered driveway or walkway is dangerous and wastes precious time.  So yes... please keep your driveways clear :)  (and also try to make sure your nearby hydrants are clear as well).

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