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Messages - JoeT

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There was a power failure yesterday (Stowe Electric) on Mount Mansfield.  Due to a problem with the emergency generators, all commercial stations were off the air.  VPT stayed on the air as we have our own generator set.

Anyone with cable probably never saw any problem as local stations feed the head ends directly rather than over the air.

Hey, when you lose you TV, that's a good time to go make a  C O O L  pitcher of iced tea and sit in front of a fan!


Sum it up in three words..... A Major Inconvenience

There were many weeks where Brenda and I could skip the "Hannaford's Run" and just go to Steeple for whatever we needed.
Getting gas was always easier at Steeple than Minors or Nan's, just plain easier to get in and out....parking is better, too.

Customer service wise no one beats Nan's, Steeple was just "OK."

When Steeple re-opens I'll be there with bells on, and an empty propane tank !


Current News & Events / Look Up in Them Thar Hills ...
« on: June 08, 2009, 08:23:33 PM »

A new tower has sprouted up on Georgia Mountain, west of the cell tower... and taller !

No clue what it could be... wireless internet?  Or maybe a wind sample tower for the proposed wind farm?

always looking up,


Where was that picture taken?  Just curious where fiber is being installed in our town.


Current News & Events / "new" Road
« on: May 07, 2009, 07:57:41 AM »
This week I noticed a new road, off Rood Mill just down from Buck Hollow.  Is this what the town is calling Bushey Road?
It looks like a subdivision is going in there.  Does anyone know how many homes?


My understanding from talking to folks (all unofficial, of course) is the contractors who were rolling out Fairpoint's wireless broadband services have been pretty scarce since the end of last year... in other words, nothing's happening!

I look at the tower at the phone building in Fairfax almost every day to see if anything's going on... nothing has happened since last fall!


Current News & Events / Re: Before The Malls, There Was Church Street
« on: April 28, 2009, 08:46:01 AM »
Funny, Henry...

I saw that story and wondered that exactly... Church was *the* place to shop even though it was sometimes a pain to go there.  Best place to park was the lot next to the police station (both of which are now City Market). 

If you wanted records, Hi hi gear, clothes, etc, Church Street was one of two choices...the other being Gaynes on Williston Rd.  There were a few local stores that are gone now (like Phil's in Essex).  Oh yeah, the other big shopping destination was Forest Hills in Winooski.

I do remember people "cruizing" up church street on Saturday nights.  Ahhh, those were the days!

Let's keep Madden and retire the Gopher  : )

Brenda and I stopped in for dinner last night.

The menu has the same items as before.  Now, however, you can now order off the full menu at dinner (except for waffles).  If you want just a sandwich for dinner, no problem.

Everything is great now, quality is great!  Stop in and support them!


General Discussion / Re: who was your tv heros growing up?
« on: March 10, 2009, 09:43:29 AM »
James West from the Wild, Wild West.  He was waaayyyy cool !

Wow, Henry!  You paid with exact change to boot !!!

: )

WCAX's digital signal is changing from a temporary channel to a permanent channel.  That new channel starts on the 18th.
If you don't rescan you converter box or digital TV you won't be able to get WCAX any more (your receiver literally will not know where to find the new channel).



I'm not sure what exactly they did for the test.  I can tell you if she receives 5.1 and 5.2 (their weather channel) that means she *is* watching DTV and is all set.

Just guessing here, maybe they had a problem and ran the test incorrectly?  Their digital transmitter is on low power temporarily and perhaps the signal faded at the wrong time?

Mistakes do happen during this very confusing time: At VPT we had an issue back during January's market wide analog test and the folks up in the Northeast Kingdom saw the "test passed" message accidentally on their analog TV's.

Looking forward to the 18th,

Current News & Events / Re: Old Penny Postcard Link
« on: February 03, 2009, 11:29:38 AM »
I love the old painting of Ft Ethan Allen, I work right down the street from those buildings.  Hey, where are the trees?

It always amazes me when I see old paintings/pictures of Vermont is how few trees there were in some areas back 100 or more years ago.


JoAnne Willkins sent me a link to an old penny postcard site.  Although there is very little of Franklin County, there was one very interesting one in Chittenden County of the old Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception - They identify it as St. Mary's.  I had completely forgotten what it looked like, but it sure was a beautiful building.  They also have one of Fort Ethan Allen in the old days.  They have some for each Vermont County, if you are interested in looking at them, click on the following link:

That plant in Georgia, VT was sold several years ago, now owned and run by PBM Products.


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