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Messages - Mark Hunziker

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Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax Neighborhood Watch Facebook Page
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:08:57 AM »

Quite a few Fairfax residents have been involved in trying to secure a venue for community activities for about six years now. We created the nonprofit corporation “Citizens for Fairfax Community” (CFC) in order to apply for grants for the project. (Some grants are available only to municipalities, while others are given only to nonprofits.) The same need has been on the Rec. Dept’s. radar for several years as well, and doing something to address the need has been on its agenda, waiting only for other projects, such as the Rec. Field and its facilities, to be completed.

When CFC and the Rec. Dept. became aware that the Baptist building’s owners are willing to donate the building for use as a community center, it was decided that it would be best if the Town took ownership—primarily because it could then be included in the insurance coverage that the Town already carries.

Several good questions have been raised on this forum, and as someone who has been involved in CFC’s efforts from the beginning, I can at least partially address most of them. The Select board has looked into it and it turns out that this is something that they can legally do without a town-wide vote. The question for some Board members is whether they feel comfortable doing so.

We’ve had every conceivable assessment and inspection done on the building: by architects, historical preservation experts, contractors of every specialty, the fire marshal, and a structural engineer. These have included cost estimates. Maintenance, repairs, and upgrades costs have been worked-up into fact-based phasing timetables; and these will continue to be refined and adjusted as we go along.
Granted, no one can predict the future. Successful businesses create projected budgets, knowing that they’ll need to revise them as income, overhead, and expenses become known quantities. The best estimates for this project indicate that it can easily be self-supporting; with renovations taken on as grant funds become available; and any costs to the Town covered by the Rec. Dept. reallocating fundraising income and its normal budget as other projects are completed. In the worst-case-imaginable scenario, if the Town is unable or unwilling to make ownership of the Baptist building work out financially (or for any other reason), the building would revert back to its current owners. This is to be stipulated in the deed. It seems to me that this makes it a “can’t lose” proposition!

Over a hundred Fairfax residents showed up at a meeting a few weeks ago about the recent rise in residential break-ins and related crimes, demonstrating a widespread concern about these issues. Also present were experts from the State Police, Sheriff's office, State’s Attorney’s office, and rehabilitation and prevention programs. They made it clear that most of these crimes are related to illegal drug use. And they all consistently told us that reactive measures—law enforcement, neighborhood watches, incarceration, etc.—though important, are not effective ways to stem the tide. They said that what’s needed to really address this problem is good rehab. and prevention programs. Bored young people, lacking engaging and constructive activities and adult supervision and guidance are a big part of this problem. The Rec. Dept. has sponsored some such activities; but it has a longstanding backlog of people and organizations that are willing to run such programs, but with no space in which to do it. Of course, a Fairfax community center would enable us to have activities for all ages. But it seems to me that even just this one issue alone—the need to provide constructive activities for our teenagers and young adults—is enough to justify accepting this generous offer.

General Discussion / Cider harvest in Fairfax
« on: October 14, 2013, 01:04:48 PM »
We harvested an amazing abundance of apples from our two-tree ‘orchard’ this year; and in spite of giving away as many apples as we could, we pressed twice as much cider as ever before! We can’t possibly refrigerate it all, and in fact, need dozens more containers for it than we had saved.

If you’d like some cider, you can email me (mark@vtwellness.net) or phone 849-6561; and please bring me as many clean glass or plastic containers (with caps) as you can—milk jugs work well. A ‘contribution’ of $2.00 per half-gallon (cheap) to cover my overhead would also be much appreciated. The cider is pasteurized and I’ve been told that this crop is even tastier than in past years. Come ‘n get it!

-Mark Hunziker
234 River Rd

General Discussion / Thanks! —from CFC & Rec. Dept.
« on: November 05, 2012, 06:43:43 PM »
Citizens for Fairfax Community and the Fairfax Recreation Department would like to sincerely thank the scores of people who generously contributed to making our first annual Haunted House a success—including Lamoille Lodge #6 F&AM, the United Church of Fairfax, the Fairfax Community Theater Company, BFA's Honor Society, Drama Club, and Soccer team, many other friends and neighbors, and particularly our intrepid project leader, Ann Lemieux. Let's do it again next year!

Mark Hunziker, President, Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc.
Katrina Antonovich, Director, Fairfax Recreation Department

Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
Annual Membership Meeting Minutes –7:12-8:15 PM, 12/7/11

CFC’s annual membership meeting was hosted, once again, by Liz and Jason Minor in the Inn at Grace Farm common room. We are very appreciative of their hospitality.

▪   Special thanks to outgoing Trustees Trevor Russell, Katrina Antonovich, Megan Daigle, Eda Kirkpatrick, and Susie Posner Jones.
▪   Welcome to new Trustee Roy V. Hill, II
▪   Our new board is composed of Mary Taylor, Amanda Duling, Liz Griffin, Doug Stuart, Barb Duval, Roy V. Hill, and Mark Hunziker. We can add new volunteers to our ranks, year-round, so anyone who would like to serve their community in this way is welcome to contact us at any time.
▪   Mark reviewed CFC’s 2011 activities and previewed our 2012 priorities:
o   A meeting of representatives from the main organizations interested in the future of the Baptist building and/or creating a community center was held in November. The groups represented were the Masons, Fairfax Recreation Department, United Church of Fairfax, and CFC. The Selectboard and Baptist Trustees were unable to attend but expressed interest in participating in future meetings. This group has great potential as a venue for the coming together of the various perspectives and the coordination of future activities and initiatives. The representatives will meet again in early 2012.
o   We will shift our focus toward immediate and tangible activities aimed at (1) raising funds and community awareness of the need for restoration of the Baptist building and the creation of a Community Center; and (2) hosting, to the extent possible, community programs this summer. (3) A secondary priority will be to make as much headway as possible on our three long-term projects: assessing the needs and priorities for repair of the Baptist building, planning a capital campaign, and creating an operational business plan for a community center.
o   Susie led brainstorming sessions on ideas for this coming year: (1) activities that might be able to happen at the Baptist building, (2) fundraiser activities, and (3) ways to move the planning for a community center capital campaign and business plan forward.
▪   Next Meeting: Tues, Jan 10, 7:00 pm at the Hunzikers’ home

      

Full Report:

Members present (by sign-in sheet): Sally and Wayne Sweet, Roy V. Hill II, Trevor Russell, Barbara Duval, Liz Minor, Doug Stuart, Katrina Antonovich, Mary and Skip Taylor, Mark Hunziker, Liz Griffin, Amanda Duling, and Susie Posner Jones

Business meeting:
▪   Convened at 7:12 PM
▪   The minutes of our last (10/26/10) Membership Meeting were approved. (Moved by Liz Griffin, seconded by Mary, passed unanimously.)
▪   Treasurer Barb Duval reported a balance of $824.20. She noted that during the past year, the raising of funds has not been a top priority, and the spending of funds has not been required. In fact, the current balance represents the proceeds of one modest fundraiser, added to last year’s balance.
▪   Board President Susie Posner Jones thanked the current Trustees for their contributions over the past year, and acknowledged outgoing Trustees Trevor Russell, Katrina Antonovich, Megan Daigle, and Eda Kirkpatrick. In addition, we thank Susie in particular, who has lead CFC as president for the past two years, as well as contributing many hours of grant-writing. All of these outgoing Trustees have run into shifting schedules and family priorities that make future participation as board members impossible; but each has expressed the desire to continue contributing to our work.
▪   New member Roy V. Hill, II and current member with an expiring term, Barb Duval, were nominated and elected to three year terms on CFC’s Board of Trustees. (Motion made by Mark, seconded by Mary, and passed unanimously.) We want to thank Roy and Barb for stepping-up to help our community in this way.
▪   Our new board, then, is composed of Mary Taylor, Amanda Duling, Liz Griffin, Doug Stuart, Barb Duval, Roy V. Hill, and Mark Hunziker. New officers will be elected at our January meeting. Our Bylaws stipulate a Board of six to twelve Trustees, and has provisions for adding members during the year. So anyone who would like to serve their community in this way is welcome to contact us at any time.
▪   Mark reviewed CFC’s activities over the past year and previewed the coming year.
o   Our application for a planning grant from the Vermont Community Development Program, and the subsequent denial of our request, as VCDP’s priorities shifted to dealing with the damage from hurricane Irene.
o   Our shift, on advice from Preservation Trust of Vermont, to a focus for the near future on more immediate and tangible activities aimed at (1) raising funds and community awareness of the need for restoration of the Baptist building and the creation of a center for community activities; and (2) providing a venue, to the extent possible, for more community activities. (3) A secondary priority will be to make as much headway as possible with volunteer time, on our three “projects:” assessing and tending to the needs and priorities for repair of the Baptist building, planning a capital campaign, and creating an operational business plan for a community center.
o   In the interest of the above, a meeting of representatives from the main organizations interested in the future of the Baptist building and/or creating a community center was held in November. The groups represented were the Masons, Fairfax Recreation Department, United Church of Fairfax, and CFC. The Selectboard and Baptist Trustees were unable to attend but expressed interest in participating in future meetings. This group has great potential as a venue for the coming together of the various perspectives and the coordination of future activities and initiatives. The representatives will meet again in early 2012, after getting input from each organization’s membership.
▪   For the remainder of the meeting, Susie led brainstorming sessions on ideas for this coming year: (1) activities that might be able to happen at the Baptist building, (2) fundraiser activities, and (3) ways to move the planning for a community center capital campaign and business plan forward. Many ideas were put forth and will be added to the discussion as we move forward.
▪   Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. (Moved by Trevor, seconded by Mary, passed unanimously.)

Next Meeting: Tues, Jan 10, 7:00 pm at the Hunzikers’ home
Tentative agenda: 
▪   Election of new officers
▪   Confirm meeting schedule
▪   Events strategic planning for the year
▪   Scheduling the next ‘Baptist building partners’ meeting
▪   Strategic planning for capital campaign and business plan work

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

Current News & Events / Citizens for Fairfax Community's October Report
« on: October 24, 2011, 10:13:19 AM »
Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
10/19/11 Meeting Minutes:

▪   Ann Cousins, from Preservation Trust of Vermont, shared her perspective on where CFC stands currently and options for moving forward, based on her first-hand experience with virtually all of the community center initiatives that have taken place in VT in recent years. Her main points:
o   Independent nonprofit organizations have played key roles in most of the successful community center projects in VT, regardless of the level of involvement of the municipalities. So in answer to ‘the big question’ we had been asking ourselves recently —whether there continues to be a meaningful role for CFC to play in creating a community center for Fairfax— Ann convinced us that there is.
o   Although grant funding may well be hard to come by for the next few years, carrying on modest community activities would enable us to raise some funds, while also increasing public interest, awareness, and involvement. The board agreed that this will become our focus for the immediate future.
o   She also suggested that we initiate a meeting of representatives from all the key interested organizations, as a way to get us all on the same page and begin creating a game plan that we can all get behind. Our board agreed that this is a good next step, and will set up such a meeting for sometime during the first two weeks of November.
▪   We will hold our Annual Membership Meeting in the first week of December from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Stay tuned for the date. It will be a dessert and beverages potluck. Board Elections will be held at this meeting. We are still looking for suggestions for additional nominees.
▪   CFC and the Fairfax Recreation Dept. will team up with the Masons to help put on the Deer-Hunters and Families Breakfast. The Masons will send us a list shortly of the specific jobs and shifts for which we need volunteers.

      

Called to order: 7:03 PM
In attendance: Amanda Duling,* Katrina Antonovich,* Doug Stuart,* Mark Hunziker,* Mary Taylor,* Elizabeth Griffin,* and Ann Cousins (* indicates Trustees)

9/21 Minutes: The Board of Trustees meeting minutes of Sept 21, 2011 were approved unanimously. (Moved by Mary, seconded by Liz.)

‘The Big Picture:’ Ann Cousins, from Preservation Trust of Vermont (PTVT), shared her perspective on where CFC stands currently and options for moving forward, based on her first-hand experience with virtually all of the community center initiatives that have taken place in VT in recent years. Her main points:
•   Independent nonprofit organizations have played key roles in most of the successful community center projects in VT, regardless of the level of involvement of the municipalities. So in answer to ‘the big question’ we had been asking ourselves recently —whether there continues to be a meaningful role for CFC to play in creating a community center for Fairfax— Ann convinced us that there is.
•   Although grant funding may well be hard to come by for the next few years (as those funds will probably mostly be directed at urgent situations resulting from the Hurricane Irene damage), there are still ways for us to move forward.
•   Carrying on modest community activities would enable us to raise some funds, while also increasing public interest, awareness, and involvement. The board agreed that this will become our focus for the immediate future.
•   Ann offered to take CFC Trustees to visit two VT community centers that have successfully dealt with similar challenges to ours: the Rochester Community Center and Main Street Arts in Saxton’s River.
•   She also suggested that we initiate a meeting of representatives from all the key interested organizations, as a way to get us all on the same page and begin creating a game plan that we can all get behind. She offered PTVT’s help with that meeting. Our board agreed that this is a good next step, and will set up such a meeting for sometime during the first two weeks of November. Katrina, Mary, and Mark will determine and schedule a workable date and invite participants.

Annual Membership Meeting:
•   We will hold the meeting in the first week of December from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Stay tuned for the date.
•   Katrina will look into the venue.
•   Amanda will coordinate the logistics. It will be a dessert and beverages potluck.
•   Board Elections will take place during the annual meeting. We are still looking for suggestions for additional nominees.

Deer-Hunters and Families Breakfast:
•   CFC and the Fairfax Recreation Dept. will team up with the Masons to help put on this event.
•   The breakfast’s hours will be expanded this year; so more help will be needed than in the past. The Masons will send us a list shortly of the specific jobs and shifts for which we need volunteers.

Haunted House: Katrina reported that the process of ironing out logistical issues has delayed things to the point where it became too late to adequately set up and advertise the event this year. She is already working on it, though, for next year.

Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM  (Moved by Mary, seconded by Liz.)

Next Meeting: Once the new composition of the board is finalized at the Annual Meeting, Mark will survey the Trustees on meeting date options, and set a date for the January meeting. (Tentative) January Agenda:
•   Election of Board officers
•   Debrief from ‘key organizations’ meeting and plan next steps and events.

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

General Discussion / River Berry Farm CSA members
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:29:11 AM »
River Berry's minimum quantities for ordering storage crops are too large for our family of two, with no good cold-storage area. Are there any other CSA members who are in the same boat and would like to split an order? Contact Mark: 849-6561 mark@vtwellness.net.

Current News & Events / citizens for Fairfax Community September Minutes
« on: September 27, 2011, 10:16:16 AM »
Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
9/21/11 Meeting Minutes:

▪   VCDP has decided not to award us the planning grant. Overnight, VCDP’s attention has shifted from routine projects to emergency flood relief to facilities in central and Southern VT. The focus on these urgently needed infrastructure repairs is likely to continue for the foreseeable future –not only for VCDP, but for all state funding agencies. So our chances for obtaining any grant to pay consultants to help us on our project seems slim for the next couple of years. And we have found that accomplishing what we need to do next to move toward creating a community center (evaluate the Baptist Building’s renovation and upgrade costs in more detail, create a sustainable business plan for the community center, and plan and execute a capital fundraising campaign to purchase and renovate the building) is beyond the available time and expertise of the volunteers who have stepped forward to help. We are left with the reality that we cannot pull this off as a grassroots independent nonprofit organization –at least not at this time.
▪   In researching how other towns have accomplished similar projects, we found that every one that was successful –with one exception– was done as a municipal project. We must conclude that it is only with greater involvement from the Fairfax Town itself (i.e., its elected officials and taxpayers), that we will be able to create a community center –not as an independent organization. So it’s now up to the Town to decide if, how, and when to proceed.
▪   The question for CFC is whether our continued existence as an independent nonprofit is likely to be of any benefit in such a process. Is there an advantage to keeping CFC alive as an organization? A few possible advantages were discussed; and we will investigate further.
▪   In light of the questions outlined above, we tentatively decided to hold the annual meeting in November this year to give us enough time to first gather information and input and decide, at our October meeting, about whether to continue our operations. If we decide to continue, we will need some new Trustees, as at least two current board members will be leaving. Suggestions for replacements are urgently needed.
▪   If some logistical concerns raised by the Masons can be satisfactorily addressed, we will move ahead with the Haunted House fundraiser, in partnership with the Recreation Department.

      

Called to order: 7:05 PM
In attendance: Corey Hinton, Amanda Duling,* Barb Duval,* Mary Taylor,* Mark Hunziker,* Susie Posner Jones,* and Katrina Antonovich* (* indicates Trustees)

The Board-meeting minutes of June 15, 2011 were approved unanimously. (Moved by Mary, seconded by Barb.)

VCDP Planning Grant:
The CFC Board had received word, a few days prior to the meeting, that VCDP had decided not to award us the grant. From their email and additional information relayed by Susie, it was clear that two overarching factors had worked against our chances. For planning grants VCDP’s priorities are to first support affordable housing projects, then economic development; and community facilities such as a Fairfax Community Center come last. (I.e., if they still have funds to give after tending to the two higher priorities.) The second, and much bigger, factor was the flood damage from hurricane Irene. Overnight, VCDP’s attention shifted from routine projects to emergency relief, such as repairs to buildings that were damaged or destroyed. A third factor was also mentioned that we would need to address if we reapply. They would like to see more of the work on the capital campaign planning part of our proposed projects done through volunteer efforts, and the $6,000 consultant’s fee thereby reduced.

The focus on repairing central and southern Vermont towns’ severely damaged infrastructure is likely to continue for the foreseeable future –not only for VCDP, but for all state funding agencies. So our chances for obtaining any grant to pay consultants to help us on our project seems slim for the next couple of years. And we have found that accomplishing what we need to do next to move toward creating a community center (evaluate the Baptist Building’s renovation and upgrade costs in more detail, create a sustainable business plan for the community center, and plan and execute a capital fundraising campaign to purchase and renovate the building) is beyond the available time and expertise of the volunteers who have stepped forward to help. We are left with the reality that we cannot pull this off as a grassroots independent nonprofit organization –at least not at this time. Furthermore, in researching how other towns have accomplished similar projects, we found that every one that was successful –with the exception of one very wealthy town– was done as a municipal project. We must conclude that it is only with greater involvement from the Fairfax Town itself (i.e., its elected officials and taxpayers), that we will be able to create a community center.

So it’s now up to the Town to decide if, how, and when to proceed. The question for CFC is whether our continued existence as an independent nonprofit is likely to be of any benefit in such a process. Obviously, interested CFC members can help in any Town-led effort. But is there an advantage to keeping CFC alive as an organization? A few possible advantages were discussed; and we will investigate further. Susie will look into the technicalities; Mark will seek advice from the Preservation Trust of VT; and Board Members will discuss the question with the Selectboard as soon as possible.

Annual Meeting and Board Elections:
Our Bylaws require us to hold our membership meeting in Oct, Nov, or Dec; and to elect our Trustees at that time. In light of the questions outlined above, we tentatively decided to hold the annual meeting in November this year to give us enough time to first gather information and input and decide, at our October meeting, about whether to continue our operations. If we decide to continue, we will need some new Trustees, as at least two current board members will be leaving. Suggestions for replacements are urgently needed.

Haunted House:
Katrina will be meeting with Corey to try to iron out some logistical concerns expressed by the Masons. If these can be satisfactorily addressed, we will move ahead with the Haunted House fundraiser, in partnership with the Recreation Department.

Meeting adjourned: 7:55 PM (Moved by Amanda, seconded by Barb.)

Next Meeting: Wed Oct 19, 7:00 PM at the Hunzikers’ home

October agenda in brief: 
▪   Whether and how to continue our work
▪   Annual meeting arrangements
▪   Board nominations
▪   Haunted House

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

Current News & Events / Citizens for Fairfax Community July Minutes
« on: July 22, 2011, 05:02:41 PM »
Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
7/20/11 Meeting Minutes:

▪   The grant application has been resubmitted and, after VCDP’s initial review, their list of additional ‘Ts’ to cross is relatively short and quite doable. They will consider the application on Sept 8.
▪   We urgently need to raise an additional $1000 - $1500 before Sept. 8 to bolster our case with VCDP. Donations (sent to CFC c/o 234 River Rd, Fairfax) would be most welcome. We also hope to raise funds with some activities at the Egg Run

      

Informal meeting: As we were one short of a quorum, this was not a formal business meeting of the Board. We met from approximately 7:15 to 8:45 PM.
In attendance: Doug Stuart,* Eda Kirkpatrick,* Mark Hunziker,* Susie Posner-Jones,* Corey Hinton, and Amanda Duling* (* indicates Trustees)

Reports & Discussions:
▪   Susie reported that she has resubmitted the VCDP grant application; and Carl Bohlen has already given it a preliminary review. He gave us a short and fairly easy ‘knock-list’ of ‘T-crossing’-type details left to tend to. We are on schedule and on track for consideration at their next meeting, Sept. 8.
▪   The most important thing we need to deal with immediately is to raise approximately $1000-1500 before that VCDP review. Only a few hundred dollars are actually needed to meet their percentage-based requirements. But the higher number will definitely make our case for approval stronger in the eyes of the VCDP Board.

Many fundraising options were suggested and discussed. Most of them will not fit this tight timetable, but seem like good ideas for next year. Even the Zumbathon, though relatively quick and easy to organize, may need to happen slightly after Sept. 8. The group zeroed in on three activities that could be done in conjunction with the upcoming Egg Run: a 50/50 raffle, face painting, and a gourmet lemonade concession. If the Rec. Dept. Board is OK with these, we will do them.

Next Meeting: Though there will need to be a lot of coordinated CFC activity in the next two months, we will not hold a board meeting in August. Our next meeting will be Sept. 21.

September agenda in brief: 
▪   VCDP grant
▪   Fundraising report
▪   Haunted House
▪   Other future fundraising
▪   Other grant options
▪   Annual membership meeting
▪   Nominations committee

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

Current News & Events / Citizens for Fairfax Community June Meeting
« on: June 17, 2011, 05:20:06 AM »
Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
6/15/11 Meeting Minutes:


▪   The Zumbathon fundraiser is in the works—probably for August. Watch for posters and ads in July!
▪   We are also working on the SCARIEST   Haunted House EVER, for late October.
▪   Our preparation for re-applying for a planning grant is almost complete. We will be submitting the final pieces by early July, for consideration in early Sept.
      

Called to order: 7:06 PM
In attendance: Barb Duval,* Katrina Antonovich,* Doug Stuart,* Eda Kirkpatrick,* Mark Hunziker,* Mary Taylor,* Elizabeth Griffin,* Mary Taylor,* Amanda Duling,* Megan Daigle* (phone), and Corey Hinton (* indicates Trustees)

▪   The Board-meeting minutes of May 18, 2010 were approved unanimously. (Moved by Mary, seconded by Liz.)
▪   Treasurer Barb reported that the CFC account balance is unchanged at $790.20.
▪   Katrina has not yet begun going through her grant source database, but plans to do so shortly.
▪   Fundraising:
o   ‘Bean-hole Supper:’ Corey explained that when the Fairfax Masons stopped holding the event, several years ago, they handed off the equipment and the ‘Bean-hole’ label to the St. Albans Lodge. So resurrecting the event in Fairfax would require an OK from the St Albans group and scheduling that did not compete with their fall event. The Board decided not to pursue the idea this year; but to continue developing the idea or a major fundraiser of this kind for 2012.
o   The ‘Haunted House’ committee will ask for permission from the Baptist Trustees, Masons, and UCF Board to hold the event at the Baptist building, and will work on a timetable and plan. (Katrina, Liz, & Mary)
o   Zumbathon: Holding a Zumbathon event continues to be our most viable means for raising required matching funds before VCDP considers our grant application (first week of September). The idea of holding it at BFA ASAP has run into scheduling difficulties –particularly the questionable availability of BFA space during the summer vacation. Several Board members will look into options for space in adjoining towns, but the most likely solution appears, at this point, to be to schedule it for August, after BFA goes back to its school-year staffing schedule. The Zumbathon committee (Susie, Katrina) will nail down a date before our next meeting.
▪   VCDP grant application: Mark reported that almost all of the information and documentation has been assembled for the re-application. The deadline for a ‘timely’ submission is mid-July. Mark will send everything he has to Susie for her to review and use in revising the application. The potential weak-points and loose ends that we still need to work on are:
o   Getting an estimate from a business plan consultant to include in the budget. (We have a good estimate, but not an ‘official’ estimate.) Susie, Katrina, Mark, and Amanda each have possible sources of consultants’ names that they will investigate. Mark will request estimates from any we identify as possible consultants for the business plan.
o   A few specific documents are still pending.
o   Doug reported on the demographic analysis he has done and the information re possible activities for seniors at the community center, that he and Megan put together. Doug also brought in ideas for activities from Grand Isle County’s ‘CIDER’ program, and Mary, from the Charlotte Senior Center. Susie will review this info. to determine whether anything additional is needed.

Meeting adjourned: 8:07 PM (Moved by Mary, seconded by Doug.)

Next Meeting: Wed July 20, 7:00 PM at the Hunzikers’ home

Tentative July agenda: 
▪   VCDP grant application
▪   Zumbathon
▪   Haunted House
▪   Other grant options

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc.
  802-849-6561                     mark@vtwellness.net

Current News & Events / Citizens for Fairfax Community, May Minutes
« on: May 23, 2011, 05:36:55 PM »
Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
5/18/11 Meeting Minutes:

▪   Over the past month, we learned that our previous understanding of some aspects of the overall community center situation (as reported publically in our unapproved minutes) were not entirely accurate. Specifically:
o   Whereas we had understood that the idea of the Town creating and running a community center was a decision that had been made, it is actually just a proposal at this point.
o   The matching funds required of us for obtaining a VCDP planning grant can be “in-kind” donations of planning-related labor. Since we have already received substantial contributions of such work, the remaining amount needed is much less than previously understood, and can probably be raised in the next few months.
o   Though VCDP’s need for the planning to address the needs of low-middle income residents must focus primarily on activities for Fairfax Seniors, the way VCDP assesses those needs makes our case stronger than we had previously thought.
▪   In light of the above, the Board decided to move forward with the VCDP grant application. The target date for resubmitting the VCDP application is early July.
▪   We decided to pursue three possible fundraising projects before next winter. Look for news of our upcoming “Zumbathon” and contact us if you are interested in participating.
▪   We are adjusting how we work as an organization by (A) doing as much as possible through individual work and committees, (B) holding Board meetings only as needed, and (C) enabling ‘virtual’ participation in Board meetings.

      

Called to order: 6:45 PM
In attendance: Elizabeth Griffin,* Katrina Antonovich,* Mark Hunziker,* Mary Taylor,* Amanda Duling,* and Susie Posner-Jones (email/phone vote)*
(* indicates Trustees)

Reports and discussions:
▪   The Board of Trustees meeting minutes of April 20, 2011 were approved unanimously, as amended. (Moved by Mary, seconded by Amanda.)

▪   Over the past month, we learned from conversations with the Selectboard, VCDP representative, and others that our previous understanding of some aspects of the overall situation (as reported publically in our unapproved minutes) were not entirely accurate. Specifically:

o   Whereas we had understood that the idea of the Town, through its Rec. Dept., creating and running a community center was a decision that had been made, it is actually a proposal which may or may not actually come to pass.
o   The matching funds required of us for obtaining a VCDP planning grant can be “in-kind” donations of planning-related labor. Since we have already received substantial contributions of such work, the remaining amount needed is much less than the previously understood $5,000, and can probably be raised in the next few months.
o   Though VCDP’s need for the planning to address the needs of low-middle income residents must focus primarily on activities for Fairfax Seniors, the way they quantify those needs makes doing so more ‘doable’ than we had previously understood.

▪   In light of the above, the Board decided by consensus to move forward with the VCDP grant application, look also for other planning grant sources, and initiate some fundraising activities. The target date for resubmitting the VCDP application will be early July, for consideration in September. The work needed for the application itself will be handled as follows:
o   Mark: Liaise with the Selectboard for a new public hearing to consider the application.
o   Doug (lead), Mary, and Katrina: Gather information and write up our case for Seniors’ proposed use of the community center.
o   Mark: Refine the budget for the use of the grant.
o   Mark: document in-kind donations to date.
o   Susie (lead) and Katrina: Organize a fundraiser ASAP. (See below.)
o   Susie: Redo the actual application, as needed, once all the information updates are in. (Mark will help.)

▪   We decided to pursue three possible fundraising projects before next winter:
o   Hold a “Zumbathon.” Zumba is currently a very popular dance/exercise program, and Zumba events can be very successful fundraisers. We believe we can organize and hold this event quickly enough to raise the needed matching funds before the deadline for the grant application. (Susie and Katrina)
o   Bean-hole supper. This has been a popular Fairfax event in the past, but not held in recent years. If the Masons are willing, we will help resurrect it. (Mark)
o   Halloween haunted house. Katrina (lead), Liz, and Mary

▪   In light of the considerable work to be accomplished in the next few months and the increased difficulty, for many, of attending meetings during the summer, the Board agreed by consensus to make some adaptations to how it operates. We will (A) do as much as possible through individual work and committees, (B) hold Board meetings only as really needed, and (C) enable ‘virtual’ participation in Board meetings. Trustees can participate in meetings via phone or computer. In the minutes, those who participate in the entire meeting will be noted as “in attendance,” whether they are physically present or not; and those who participate just in official votes and consensus decisions will be so noted. A detailed description of these options has been sent to all Board members. We also decided to continue holding our meetings on the third Wednesday of the month for now (though not every month) but changed the start time to 7:00.

Meeting adjourned: 8:06 PM (Moved by Mary, seconded by Liz.)

Next Meeting: Wed June 15, 7:00 PM at the Hunzikers’ home

May agenda in brief: 
▪   VCDP grant application: where are we and what remains to be done?
▪   Zumbathon
▪   Other fundraising activities
▪   Other grant options

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc.
  802-849-6561                     mark@vtwellness.net

Current News & Events / Citizens for Fairfax Community April Minutes
« on: April 21, 2011, 06:55:49 PM »
 Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
4/20/11 Meeting Minutes:

▪   The planning grant application has been put on hold pending raising matching funds and decisions regarding CFC’s future role and activities.
▪   The CFC Board learned recently that the Fairfax Rec. Dept.’s long-term plan includes the creation and operation of a community center, with the intention of providing a venue or venues for the same wide range of activities that CFC has targeted. The Rec. Dept. will not be focusing on this for a few years; but meanwhile, having declared the intention to ‘own’ this project, it is now clear that any effort by CFC to actually create a center on its own would be an unnecessary duplication of effort.
▪   Suggestions for CFC’s new role and activities included (1) running events to raise funds for the community center project; (2) eventually folding into the Rec. Dept.’s structure as a ‘sub-committee,’ working on the project; (3) Moving forward, on its own, with the planning work, in order to provide the Town with complete, current, and detailed planning groundwork to enable the Town to move forward in tangible ways immediately, rather than having to start back at square one.

      

Called to order: 6:35 PM
In attendance: Elizabeth Griffin,* Katrina Antonovich,* Doug Stuart,* Eda Kirkpatrick,* Mark Hunziker,* Mary Taylor,* Megan Daigle,* and Susie Posner-Jones* (* indicates Trustees)

Reports and discussions:
▪   The Board of Trustees meeting minutes of March 16, 2011 and December 15, 2010 were approved unanimously. (Moved by Liz, seconded by Mary.)

▪   Mark explained the issues that came to light a few weeks ago, in the process of trying to address some shortcomings in our VCDP planning grant application. First, our understanding about the 25% matching funds turned out to be incorrect. We had thought that we simply needed to show that we had these funds ($5,000 for our $20,000 request.) (Showing the ability to raise some money through donations is apparently a common way for grant applicants to demonstrate that they have community support.) Since it was the Town that was applying for the grant, we had planned to use funds in the Recreation Department’s coffers for the match. Feedback from VCDP about our proposed budget, however, made it clear that the matching $5K needed to be included in the budget and spent in the execution of the planning project.
This was not what the Selectboard had approved; and in fact the Rec. Dept. has budgeted other uses of those funds over the next year. Once this was clear, the VCDP grant application process had to be suspended. Before we could reactivate the application, we would need to raise the matching funds ourselves.
It is also worth noting that as VCDP’s criteria for evaluating a community’s ‘need’ for a project became clearer (based primarily on the numbers of low-to-middle income families that would be served), it became less certain that we can make a strong case in these terms for this grant’s approval even with all the ‘t’s crossed and ‘i’s dotted. We are still gathering information that will clarify this part of the picture. So when and if CFC decides to move forward again in asking for a planning grant, it may be with VCDP, or it may be from another organization whose specifications are a better match for our situation.
We have also learned recently that the Fairfax Rec. Dept.’s long-term plan includes the creation and operation of a community center, with the intention of providing a venue or venues for the same wide range of activities that CFC has targeted. The Rec. Dept. will not be focusing on this for a few years; but meanwhile, having declared the intention to ‘own’ this project, it is now clear that the Town does not consider it to be in its interest to support our work in any tangible way. It’s equally obvious that any effort by CFC to actually create a center on its own would be, at best an unnecessary duplication of effort and, at worst viewed as ‘competition.’
So at this point, the question we need to consider is what, if anything, does it make sense for us to do to help the Town move toward getting a community center up and running? Katrina suggested that eventually it might make sense for CFC (either as an intact 501(c) 3 organization, or at least its interested members) to become a ‘sub-committee’ working within the structure of the Fairfax Recreation Department on the community center. Meanwhile, it could focus on running events to raise funds for the project. This is one idea that is now on the table for consideration.
You will recall that the intended use of the planning grant was to pay outside experts to get us to the point where we could say, with reasonable confidence, (1) what it would cost to get the Baptist building running as a community center, (2) how to go about raising funds for those capital costs, and (3) what approach to operating the center would be sustainable.
The main problem with reducing the scope of our immediate activities to just fundraising is that in a few years, when the Rec. Dept. is ready to focus on creating a community center, most of the considerable groundwork that CFC has done will no longer be relevant. Most of that work, plus the work that we could be doing over the next year or two, would need to be done or redone by the Town, putting any actual creation of a community center an unnecessary additional two years into the future. Mark suggested that, in addition to considering the fundraising and eventual ‘sub-committee’ roles, CFC could choose to move forward, on its own, with the planning work. That way when the Town is ready to move forward with the project, the planning groundwork could be complete, current, and detailed enough to enable the Town to move forward in tangible ways immediately, rather than having to start back at square one, redoing the work we have done and the work we could be doing.
The question seems not to be whether pursuing the planning phase would be a worthwhile thing for us to do. It seems pretty obvious that any form of additional planning would be a positive thing. The question before the CFC Board is whether we have the will, time, and energy to do what would be required in the absence of any assistance from outside the CFC organization. This is a personal-commitment issue for all of us; and one we need to weigh carefully over the coming month.
Several Board members continue to collect and analyze information that will help clarify our options, and that will also be needed for any planning grant application we may decide to pursue.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM

Next Meeting: Wed May 20, 6:30 PM at the Hunzikers’ home

May agenda in brief: 
▪   Choose a direction and role for CFC’s future; specifically regarding fundraising and planning grant options.

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc.
  802-849-6561                     mark@vtwellness.net

Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
3/16/11 Meeting Minutes:

▪   The VCDP grant has been submitted and has received its initial, pre-hearing review. Three ‘threshold issues’ were identified and have been addressed by CFC, with timely help from the Selectboard, Stacey Wells, the United Church, the Masons, and the Baptist Trustees. We should get a decision from VCDP in early to mid-April.
▪   VCDP rules prevent us from beginning the actual work outlined in our application while that application is under consideration. But if we get the OK from VCDP to do some preparatory homework, we will focus between now and our April meeting, on the following:
o   Capital campaign: Susie will identify consultants and/or consultant pools and other resources to contact.
o   Capital needs assessment: Eda will identify what information we already have on needed repairs and improvements to the building, what other information we need, what work-prioritization decisions we need to make, and who to contact.
o   Business plan: Amanda will find out about sources of business planning models –including other Towns with experience doing similar projects. If she has enough information, she will assess what aspects of the business plan we can pull together ourselves and what, if any, aspects will require a consultant’s expertise.

      

Called to order: 6:42 PM
In attendance: Barb Duval,* Doug Stuart,* Eda Kirkpatrick,* Mark Hunziker,* Mary Taylor,* Susie Posner-Jones,* and Amanda Duling* (* indicates Trustees)

▪   The Board-meeting minutes of Jan 19, 2011 were approved unanimously. (Moved by Mary, seconded by Eda.)
▪   Treasurer Barb reported that the CFC account balance is unchanged.
▪   Susie reported that our application for the VCDP grant has been submitted and has received its initial, pre-hearing review by Carl Bohlen. He has identified three ‘threshold issues.’ (I.e. issues which need to be addressed before the formal review can proceed.) These were: (1) the need for better documentation of the public notice for the Selectboard’s public hearing on the grant application; (2) the need for the letter from the owners of the Baptist building to address some additional specific concerns; and (3) the addition of administrative costs to the budget for planned use of the grant funds. These issues have all been addressed thanks to timely help from the Selectboard, Stacey Wells, the United Church, the Masons, and the Baptist Trustees. Barring unexpected problems, we should get a decision from VCDP in early to mid-April.
▪   VCDP rules prevent us from beginning the work outlined in our application while that application is under consideration. Susie will check to confirm that this does not mean that we can’t start doing some homework and laying some foundation stones for the work, such as identifying possible resources. If we get the OK from VCDP, we will focus between now and our April meeting, on the following:
o   Capital campaign: Susie will identify consultants and/or consultant pools and other resources to contact.
o   Capital needs assessment: Eda, with Mark’s help, will identify what information we already have on needed repairs and improvements to the building, what other information we need, what work-prioritization decisions we need to make, and who to contact.
o   Business plan: Amanda, with help from Mary and Katrina, will find out about sources of business planning models –including other Towns with experience doing similar projects. If she has enough information, she will assess what aspects of the business plan we can pull together ourselves and what, if any, aspects will require a consultant’s expertise.

Meeting adjourned: 7:35 PM

Next Meeting: Wed April 20, 6:30 PM at the Hunzikers’ home

April agenda in brief: 
▪   VCDP grant status
▪   Reports on preparation for the planning process for the capital campaign (Susie), capital needs assessment (Eda), and business plan (Amanda)
▪   Initiating the planning work

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
2/16/11 Meeting Minutes:

▪   We have a logo!
▪   Grant due for consideration in April.


Called to order: 6:40 PM
In attendance: Doug Stuart,* Mary Taylor,* Mark Hunziker,* Amanda Duling,* and Barb Duval* Since we were one short of having a quorum, this was an informal discussion and any decisions are subject to reconsideration by a formal meeting of the Board. (* indicates Trustees)

▪   Eda’s sister removed some of the lines in her woodblock image of the Baptist building, as per our request. We agreed that it will now work quite well for use in a CFC logo.
▪   We reviewed about 30 font suggestions for use in the logo and agreed to go with “Footlight MT Light.” (You’ll see a rather amateurishly-constructed version of the logo in the footer, below.)
▪   The grant application should be considered at VCDP’s April meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 7:35 PM

Next Meeting: Wed, March 16, 6:30 PM at the Hunzikers’ home

February agenda in brief:  Reports, discussion and “to-dos” re:
▪   VCDP grant status
▪   Initiating process for finding people for heading up our planning projects.

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

Current News & Events / Jan CFC Meeting
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:18:53 AM »
 Citizens for Fairfax Community, Inc. (CFC)
1/19/11 Meeting Minutes:

▪   We agreed that Eda’s sister’s woodblock image of the Baptist building will work well for use in a CFC logo and made some suggestions for minor improvements. Once we have the revised image, we will email it to everyone and ask for suggestions for the font to go with it.
▪   Susie expects to submit the VCDP planning grant application in the next few days. That may be in time an early February decision or it may not happen until April.
▪   We discussed how we will move forward when and if the planning funds are approved. Our first step will be to find three or four key people; one for each of the three planning projects and possibly a fourth to oversee the three and funnel information to the Board. (1) Refining our capital needs assessment of the building renovation will require someone with experience in the role of general contractor. Each of the other projects, (2) developing a capital campaign plan and (3) developing a business plan (including identifying an “anchor tenant”) will require hiring a specialist in that arena. Ideally, the coordinator/overseer of the three would be a volunteer from within CFC; but it may require more time than any of us can manage, and therefore need to be a hired consultant.

      

Called to order: 6:35 PM
In attendance: Doug Stuart,* Mary Taylor,* Eda Kirkpatrick,* Susie Posner-Jones,* Mark Hunziker,* Elizabeth Griffin,* Katrina Antonovich*
(* indicates Trustees)

▪   We looked at Eda’s sister’s woodblock image of the Baptist building. We agreed that it will work well for use in a CFC logo, and made some suggestions for minor improvements. We liked the “hand-crafted” look that comes from doing the image in this medium and noted that choosing a font that fits with that look could be a challenge. Once we have the revised image, Mark will email it to everyone and ask for suggestions for the font.
▪   Susie has been gathering the last few bits of documentation required for the VCDP planning grant application. She expects to submit the grant in the next few days. That may be in time for VCDP to rule on it in early February or it may not happen until April.
▪   Katrina has a draft of a memorandum of understanding from the Fairfax Recreation Department, documenting the terms under which some if its funds can be considered as matching funds for the grant. She will add a few details and submit it for our next meeting.
▪   We discussed how we will move forward when and if the planning funds are approved. Our first step will be to find three or four key people; one for each of the three planning projects and possibly a fourth to oversee the three and funnel information to the Board. (1) Refining our capital needs assessment of the building renovation will require someone with experience in the role of general contractor. We may be able to find a volunteer for this or may need to hire someone. Each of the other projects, (2) developing a capital campaign plan and (3) developing a business plan (including identifying an “anchor tenant”) will require hiring a specialist in that arena. Ideally, the coordinator/overseer of the three would be a volunteer from within CFC; but it may require more time than any of us can manage, and therefore need to be another hired consultant.

Meeting adjourned: 7:35 PM

Next Meeting: Wed, Feb 16, 6:30 PM at the Hunzikers’ home

February agenda in brief:  Reports, discussion and “to-dos” re:
▪   VCDP grant status
▪   CFC logo design

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Hunziker, Secretary

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