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Messages - klangelier

Pages: [1]
Current News & Events / Re: Sketchy salesmen, NY steak and seafood?!?
« on: August 10, 2011, 10:09:52 AM »
Probably not Josh!  But the guy in the pick up with a freezer in the back did stop last week - I told him no thanks.  It seemed very sketchy to me.

Current News & Events / Re: Maple Street/Hunt Street intersection
« on: June 10, 2010, 09:15:33 AM »
So .... what exactly is the etiquette RE driving thru the covered bridge?  Seems to me taking turns is the way to go - this keeps traffic moving and it doesn't get held up at either end - I've been thru a couple times and all drivers were very considerate, a car from each side going thru one at a time.  Been thru other times and had to wait for 4-5 cars flying thru, going way too fast for the narrowness of the bridge and road.  Let's all be considerate of one another and heed Margie's advice to slow down!

Current News & Events / Golf Cart needed
« on: August 12, 2009, 06:21:42 PM »
Fairfax Football is looking for a golf cart in good condition to be used during the 2009 football season.  Please e-mail gkmcnall@myfairpoint.net.

Current News & Events / Re: Look At All The Cows With The Short Tails
« on: July 14, 2009, 08:10:14 PM »
Although the cows that Henry and Maryann saw don't belong to us, when we did have a milking herd we did dock their tails.  Believe me, Paul agonized over that decision!   He had one cow that always seemed to hit him right in the face, and one day he'd had enough and put a rubber band on her tail.  The next calf that she had was born without a tail!  We named the calf "Bob" (for bobtail I guess).  As far as swatting flies, well, if you look at the length of a cow's tail and the size of her body, there's only a small part she can actually reach with her tail.  We always sprayed our cows so the flies stayed away.  Making sure your cows are comfortable is a huge part of being a dairy farmer - the happier and more comfortable your cows are, the more milk they give.  And with today's milk prices, that's important!

Current News & Events / Re: The Field Of Dreams - November 20, 2008
« on: November 21, 2008, 08:19:00 PM »

The Friends of Fairfax Football Boosters Club is selling "Field of Dreams" T-shirts, designed by Fairfax's own Sharon O'Neil and Beth Barden,  to commemorate our years of playing football at McNall Field.  The cost is $15 and we have sizes from adult S to 2XL. It's a great Christmas idea for your football player!  For more information or to purchase a T-shirt you can contact Karen Langelier at 849-2230.  All proceeds will benefit the BFA Fairfax football team.

Current News & Events / Re: BFA Graduation Ceremony
« on: June 16, 2008, 04:11:06 PM »
You're right, these five young men all played varsity football at BFA.  Thank you Scott for recognizing them!  I think it was gratifying for them to see such wonderful support from their classmates and their community.

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