Political Issues/Comments / Decommission Vermont Yankee in 2012
« on: January 24, 2009, 06:02:36 PM »Please support decommissioning Vermont Yankee in 2012
Vermont Yankee is an old, obsolete and dangerous power plant and its electrical output is only 2% in the New England Power grid. This grid collects the electric current for New England and supplies Vermont and other states. There are several clean and safe sources to replace Vermont Yankee's production. However Vermont Yankee is very profitable and is owned by Entergy, a huge conglomerate in Mississippi. Entergy has not been shy to pay supporters and Governor Jim Douglas is their chief advocate in Vermont. Bottom line: Entergy gets the profit and Vermonters assume the risk of a catastrophic meltdown which could wipe out Vermont's population and habitability.Possible reasons for catastrophe: mechanical failure, operator error, earth quake, sabotage, terrorism. As the decades pass, the probability of such mishaps grows inexorably.
The Legislature is considering a bill to decommission VY in 2012 when its operating license expires. I have not been able to get on the Town Meeting Day warning a note about the need to pass a town resolution supporting closure in 2012, but I plan to raise the issue under "Other Business" toward the end of the March 3, 2009 Town Meeting and will ask for a show of hands to see how many people are willing to oppose this unnecessary risk to our lives, health, and property.
If you would like more information, please e-mail me at peter28moss@yahoo.com or phone me at 849-2108 or write to me at Box 413, Fairfax 05454. We have all February to build support for decommissioning and closure in 2012 by the Vermont Legislature. Many towns are circulating petitions for this purpose. Thank you.