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Messages - SusieJ

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Vermont Gas, in partnership with the Franklin-Grand Isle United Way
and the Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce, is helping
Fuel Kids This Summer!
Did you know that Childhood hunger peaks in the summer months?
Be a part of the solution! Help us Stuff the Bus with non-perishable
food items. Look for the Terricel Transit School Bus at the Franco-
American Festival on Friday, June 19th at the St. Albans Bay from
noon to 5 pm, or in Taylor park, Friday evening from 5:15 PM to 9:00
PM, and again on Saturday June 20th from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM .
You can also donate now! Look for the Bus Bins in our schools and
around the community, or call the Franklin-Grand Isle United Way at

Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax Voting Results
« on: March 04, 2009, 12:29:15 PM »

Great job! I have had people comment on your greeting them and how impressed they were with you. I voted at 8:30am and must have missed you???
I'm very proud of your determination and hope that you run again in the future.


Thank you for your thoughtful and comprehensive reply. You make very good points and have clarified things in detail. I believe that I was wrong to insight allegations that there was only one reason to make the decision the board made to pull it. My apoligies.

Again, I support the school board and believe that every member works extremely hard in thier role. I personally wish that the issue had made it to the voters for a decision after the time and energy the Kindergarten committee spent in making a recommendation to proceed; I realize it will likely be readdressed in the year/s to come.


Hi Clarice,
I am referring to comments made that decisions regarding the budget were made to keep in line with a request from Governor Douglas which was reiterated at Town Meeting -- comments were made before you arrived. I think that the board could have submitted the option of full day as a separate article to allow the recommendation made by a committee that spent much time being very mindful and deliberate in their process, as well, to be voted upon. I have seen this debate and process happen in many other towns over the last several years - in decent and hard economic times. In all occasions, the decision went to the voters and Hartford is one example of a town that, regardless of economic pressures from state government, allowed the residents to decide the outcome -- We can disagree on how this proceeded; I still believe the last word should have come to a conclusion in the voting booth where people truly engaged and passionate on this issue...make the final decision.

I have and will support the school board; in this case, though, I think there was an option ignored and perhaps should not have been.

I just saw on WCAX this evening that the town of Hartford, in a similar situation as Fairfax, had a less than full day kindergarten program. Despite economic times and the "call of Governor Douglas" to level fund and keep per pupil costs at a minimum, Hartford decided to submit the expansion of the kindergarten program to the citizens of their town as a separate article.

It passed; they will have full day kindergarten next year. The cost to Hartford is $418,000 to expand.

In Fairfax, the opportunity to let the voters decide never made it on the ballot. In fact, it was axed on a very snowy evening with minimum public knowledge or participation. We had a kindergarten committee who submitted a recommendation in support of full day which would have cost residents $40,000 (originally $70,000 before boiled down figure) -- If you use the same ratio of tax dollars supporting the full school budget it would have equated to less than $4 per homestead.

To say that I am disappointed our residents didn't have the opportunity to vote, regardless of the outcome, on this is a gross understatement. The School Board owed it to the Kindergarten committee and our community to let us decide. Using Governor Douglas as an out... was simply that... nothing more.

Current News & Events / Re: Saturday Is Town Meeting Day
« on: February 26, 2009, 08:41:00 PM »
Does anyone know if childcare is available for families with young children so that they can participate during Town Meeting? Many families I know have asked me about this and I was not sure? Last year, I was disappointed to see the lack of people in my age range attending; my husband and I could not attend together because one of us needed to stay home with our kids. I won the coin toss and got to go.

I know Rev. Liz and the youth group have been amazing volunteers for the Success by Six community meetings -- watching kiddos so more people can be involved and present when discussing and deciding town and community issues.

Thanks Mark for your exceptional note taking skills! Well done.

Current News & Events / Re: The Last Time You Were In Steeple Market
« on: December 25, 2008, 10:31:23 PM »
I was there Monday morning... bought a gallon of apple cider and a bottle of juice and a coffee -- The cider and juice was for my daughter's class holiday party at BFA -- the coffee was my morning ritual.....
My family and I are still in shock... even after visiting today and having reality settle in.

Current News & Events / Re: fire?
« on: December 24, 2008, 09:43:17 PM »
came through Fairfax about an hour 1/2 ago -- saw lights as I came off Huntville from dropping friends off. I had no idea what was up until I received a call from that friend several minutes later. does anyone know if there are families upstairs? i work for United Way and can get gifts together for any children involved in this.... thanks.

Hey Henry--

I can call Karen and have her email you a photo--- You should also note that the prize for "best green" house went to the Joneses (my family) who are also Fairfax residents -- they didn't mention we are too from Fairfax inthe BFP article.


Current News & Events / Re: full day kindergarten
« on: November 12, 2008, 12:33:31 PM »

Thank you for sharing your perspective, Karen,  as I find teacher's input on this topic extremely valuable while I come to my own conclusions. It is also valuable to our town and residents to have an active parent that is also a kindergarten teacher by profession that has years of experience in both full day and less than full day teaching. I trust your judgment and feel that full day is reasonable request, given the state of our education systems and the expectations on both children and educators, and I would like to see it implemented -- I also respect the personal choice of parents to decide whether a full day is appropriate for their own kiddo. My kiddo is one that may be considered "at risk" being on an Individualized Educational Plan for a speech delay and would perhaps already benefit from a full day program -- but I think that option should be available to his peers. As many have mentioned, kindergarten is not mandated and parents have the complete right to keep their child at home until age 6/first grade if they so choose. They also have the right to reduce their child's day in a full day program.

I did not make it to Monday's session but was at the previous school board meeting where the recommendation was offered by the joint teacher/parent committee. I really honed in to a few parents that spoke (not members of the committee) that are teachers by trade and how they believe that full day is the best option for our children. They did cite research as well as personal observations from their own classrooms how children have benefited from the full day program. I remember when my daughter was in kindergarten  - extended day at Fairfax - and how rushed her day was as well as her very competent teacher's day. There were many times where the kids did not make it outside in winter due to time constraints and free play became a hot commodity that the kiddos could only imagine.

This is a hot topic -- I have seen people address hard times, economy, personal choices, tax payer burden, childcare issues, parental judgments stating that people need to take ownership of their child, research and evidence of one being better than the other -- Yes, lots of things to consider. My own philosophy is that it does take a village, in this case, Fairfax to raise our children... I think we can all help one another in this regard -- whether you have children or not... whether you work or stay home... whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, business owner, faith leader, educator etc. -- We ALL have a responsibility to help our youth... they will be the ones carrying our community forward -- how do we want to raise them, teach them so that they can thrive and understand being your brothers/sisters keeper as they become adults. We are in this together, folks. We may have differing opinions based on personal values and beliefs -- but, we all have a vested interest in doing what is best for the community as a whole. It will effect each and every one of us either directly or indirectly.

I am saddened that the anonymous letter was presented that way to both the school board and in this forum -- I do not want to cast assumptions on why that was done although I have my own ideas. I do think that if you feel strongly about something to that degree and choose to put much time and energy into such a letter -- you would want to own it. I agree with our school board member, Angela Baker, when she says she can respond or have a dialogue with anonymity. I am spending some time here today to present my opinions -- I am happy to share my name,  Susie Jones -- I am a parent of children in the Fairfax School system, a tax payer, a member of the Development Review Board, a Success by Six facilitator, the Community Impact Director for the local United Way serving Franklin and Grand Isle Counties during these hard times as so many have mentioned and so on. We all have roles to play and hats to wear in such a small community -- it is OKAY for us to wear our multiple hats and still share our disagreements openly. That is democracy -

With regards to the tax burden of $70,000 for a full day program. I urge people to do the math -- we have roughly 1,700 properties that make up our tax base. Now, when folks mention on here that they don't want to spend their tax dollars on this increase... or that they don't have kids in school so why should they have to... I think about the many children that attend school that live in rental housing -- should we just cast those kids out of school because it is other's tax dollars covering the cost of education in Fairfax??? Is education a right or a privilege?  They are not technically contributing to the tax base so therefore they don't get an education -- I don't think that is fair because again...it is in our, and by our, I mean our whole communities best interest to support EVERY child to the best degree possible. We have a tax payer system that has been set up nationally and locally -- for better or for worse...we all share the tax burden for our own families and that of others; it is how it currently works... so in this town roughly 1,700 properties pay the municipal and educational taxes for the town. The tax rate for residential is 1.527 and nonresidential is 1.871 -- of that I believe 1.1010 goes to education tax. Take your tax bill and property value and let the calculations begin!

Let's let the school administrators and school board do their work and then we'll determine how much each tax payer will be paying for such an increase -- we have been very fiscally responsible as a school, in my opinion, in the past -- I trust that will continue.... and I support the increase in my tax burden if it is in the best interest for our teachers and children. I understand if others feel differently --- although I would hope to have the chance to discuss this in depth before a vote. For those suggesting that this $70,000 be a separate line item... I think if you take this approach with this one category -- we are opening up the case to do the same with every other line item in the school budget... people can decide how that should play out in the end.

Thanks to everyone who has shown passion and energy around this issue. There are many more areas in town where this energy and passion could be directed once this is settled -- I hope to see many of you at town meeting day, volunteering in various efforts and projects, serving in town government and so-on!

Warmest regards,

Current News & Events / Re: Some Truly Nice Neighbors
« on: August 30, 2008, 03:39:14 PM »
The wood idea is GREAT. Lamoille County United Way is doing something similar and they are getting national recognition from CBS -- I just spoke to Jon Gailmore, a board member, about the program they are doing.

I am working with a Food & Fuel Coalition in Franklin & Grand Isle Counties to develop solutions for people in need this winter... if you'd like to speak further about your idea -- let me know and I can put you in touch with the right folks on my end!

Susie Posner Jones

Hello Neighbors:
I wanted to alert people and spread the word that the first fuel assistance application deadline is September 2 --If you know people that may qualify for help paying for fuel/heating this winter -- PLEASE urge them to apply. The only way to qualify for CRISIS fuel assistance when winter comes is if you have already applied for seasonal fuel assistance. MANY VERMONTERS do not realize this. I am working with a Food & Fuel workgroup to get the word out.

Visit http://www.dcf.state.vt.us/esd/fuel_assistance to apply or learn more. You can also call 1-800-479-6151. Another helpful website on this issue is http://www.liheapch.acf.hhs.gov/profiles/Vermont.htm

Please help spread the word in our community -- even if people think they may not qualify they should still apply.

Thanks very much!
Susie Posner Jones, Regional Partnership Director; Franklin Grand Isle Community Partnership -- United Way

Hi there;

My name is Susie Posner Jones and I am the Regional Community Partnership for Franklin & Grand Isle Counties, a coalition of health, human services & education organizations (under the United Way) -- I am currently working with Ethan Dezotelle, editor of the Courier, to form a Food Council for our region -- we are trying to link up the faith community & food shelves --along with others interested in making the most impact during these difficult times. I am collecting fresh garden veggies & fruit at the next Community Partnership meeting Wednesday --Sept 3rd. We are donating what we collect to area food shelves (including the ones already mentioned) -- Let me know if you'd like me to pick your veggies up from you..... and thanks for thinking to do this!!! We are trying to spread the word far and wide.............

Be well;

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