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Messages - Dominic

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  My name is Dominic Ladue from georgia Vermont and I have been doing something that most people in office have forgotten and that is to listen to the people. So a light goes off and now we can change and alter our Government by and only through the debate process.

Here is how it works.

1) You need a place to meet prior to the primary elections so those running can debate ad  come up with a winner to go onto the Novemeber ballot. 2) You need to Unbiased people a gate keeper/time keeper to hold every one to the 2 minute rule. ! person controls the question and answer period with a microphone to the people. The other person controlls the time. 3) The people running are reminded this is your interview and job application and we are your employer's and you need to remember this.

A) We need to get the debates going now prior to august  and thse debate are for both the people running for any state office or federal office. The debate process is used in all debates period. The people want this so bad and they want someone to lead and that's what I'm doing.

I neeed your help in finding places and times for these debates starting with those running against Peter welsh. We need places to hold lot's of people a speaker system, 2 volunteer unbiased people to be a time keeper and a roaming micro phone person moderator for the whole debate.

We need to get the word out on the debates time and place through the presses , poster's on poles and stores. This is easy lets do it.

For any help contact me Dominic Ladue Domladue@gmail.com or call 802-363-4100 no calls after 9 thanks

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Santee for House
« on: September 09, 2008, 08:34:03 AM »
Chris you have my vote for sure. I have told you many times that we need to get new blood into office and we need to elect those who don't forget that they are but servants of the people. A lot of elected officials say what you want to hear then when they get into office they do what they want with it. Like the passing of Jessica's law or a tougher one calling it the Brooke Bennett Law. As I told you in a previous conversation that they dictate to us that they are working on toughening our sex offender's laws but not going to consider or pass any new laws.

I'm sick of these people who have been in office so long that their rear ends look like the chairs they set in. They need to get off their rear ends and meet with people like you and Governor Douglas and Brian Dubie do and learn to listen to the people.

There is a event coming up this month in Georgia Vermont called the Georgia fall fest September 13, 2008 I believe is the date from 3 pm until 8 pm see if you can get our friends to attend this.

Thanks for giving us hope and for running

Respectfully and supportive
Dominic Ladue Georgia Vermont

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