Current News & Events / Re: Rumor Mill Has It There Is Something New In Town
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:47:08 PM »
I am not saying that the ambulance would be there forever. They do need there own place. The Rescue is a growing service. But the fact is that they asked the fire dept. if they could store it there temporarily and the fire dept. told them no. That is not working together. Plus, the space is currently filled with equipment not a truck, which isn't supposed to arrive until the middle of next year. I'm sure that equipment could be relocated. Maybe the rescue would be willing to pay a little bit for the space. And as a tax payer in this town, I would expect the fire dept. to help out the rescue for a few months. If there not willing, then maybe we don't need 3 tankers in that station. The fire dept does do mutual aide to surrounding communities. They all have tankers. Why does Fairfax need 3 Tankers?