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Messages - Deacon Steve

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Political Issues/Comments / Doyle Survey At Town Meeting
« on: February 24, 2011, 07:54:52 AM »
Hi Y'all . . .
As announced on VPR today, the Doyle Town Meeting Day  Poll will have the following question:
#3) Should Vermont Legalize Physician-Assisted  Suicide?
Please alert your neighbors and friends to attend Town  Meeting Day and cast a NO vote on question #3.

Bob Kinzel- Montpelier, Vt.
(Host) For the 42 nd straight year, Washington County Senator Bill  Doyle is soliciting public opinion on a wide range of issues on his Town Meeting  Day survey.
And, as VPR's Bob Kinzel reports, a few of the questions are ‘hot button  issues' that are likely to come before lawmakers in the second half of the  session.
(Kinzel) Doyle launched his survey as a freshman senator in the winter of  1969 as a way to gauge his constituents' support for Governor Deane Davis' plan  to create a state sales tax.
Since that time the questionnaire has grown into a statewide survey that's  filled out by roughly 12,000 people.
Doyle says he kept the survey going because he feels it's a way to help  stimulate public interest in Legislative issues.
(Doyle) "I know that people when they're sitting around their dining room  tables often will discuss this in the family and I think the more people know  what the issues are they are more informed voters...and these are issues that  haven't been decided yet."
(Kinzel) It's likely that a number of the issues on the survey will come  before lawmakers in the next 2 months including a bill that backers call "Death  with Dignity" and opponents refer to as "Physician Assisted Suicide."  On  the survey, Doyle says his question uses the "suicide" terminology for a reason.
(Doyle) "Because that's the way I asked the question 3 or 4 years ago. I  didn't want to change the question because there's no comparison otherwise. It  was pretty close then and I expect it to be pretty close now."
(Kinzel) The House and Senate Judiciary committees are looking at a variety  of ways to reduce drunk driving in the state. Doyle wants to know if the public  supports giving repeat offenders a mandatory minimum jail sentence.
(Doyle) "The people I talk to are really angry about it. They think the  present law is too soft and that drunk drivers on the road are potential  killers."
(Kinzel) This year's survey also asks if Vermont Yankee's license should be  extended, if the state's bottle bill should be expanded, and if drivers should  be prohibited from using cell phones while operating a vehicle.
Do the results of the survey have much impact on lawmakers during the second  half of the session?  Senate President John Campbell says the answer is  definitely ‘yes'.
( Campbell ) "Those are things that we all look at - we take a  serious look at it when we come back because it's amazing how many folks  actually fill them out... I think what's to me the most valuable is the fact  that it shows Vermonters actually participating in this whole process of  legislation."
(Kinzel) Doyle expects to have preliminary results of his survey in the  middle of March.

For VPR News, I'm Bob Kinzel in Montpelier.

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