« on: May 19, 2013, 01:57:23 PM »
We have done our best to respond to request from the public and from the Citizen's for Fairfax Community to allow for public use of the Baptist Building. While the final say is always reserved for the true owners of the Building (United Church of Fairfax), We have done what we can to facilitate the building use and to open the doors. There have been several non-profit groups including Boy Scout Pack 853, the Citizen's for Fairfax Community, and the Fire Dept Axillary, all with opportunity to hold fund raisers and events on both floors.
The Masons have decided not to charge non-profit organizations, This leaves us funding the operating cost and maintenance for these events. The chicken bbq is our only fund raiser to offset this cost. Please do not confuse this with the Hunter's Breakfast, which is earmarked specifically for major repairs to the Baptist Building.
I hope that folks will show their support for the Masons and the Baptist Building by stopping by and enjoying a huge plate of delicious food.