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Messages - Jachenry

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Current News & Events / Attempted robbery on King Road
« on: July 15, 2015, 03:53:30 PM »
This afternoon there was an attempted breaking in for the third time on King Road.  There were two criminals.  A large balding man with tattoos up both arms and driving a maroon Dodge Ram was the first one to go to the door.  He left and parked at end of King Road.  The second bum was a scruffy little guy wearing a blue baseball cap, and a black back pack.  When the alarm sounded, the trucker took off, picked up the scruffy guy and was gone.  If anyone wonders if they know one or both of them, message me and I will make sure you get to see the pictures.  Jachenry1@gmail.com.  Thanks.  We really need to clean up the streets. 

Last Thursday, march 14, someone scoped out a house on the king road.  They did not break in, but checked all the doors and looked in windows.   This could have been the second break in since April.  Perhaps the multiple security measures that have been put in place discouraged them.   Now another security measure has been added.......you're on candid camera!  Maybe next time we will have a picture and not just footprints. 

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