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Messages - Rev. Elizabeth

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Current News & Events / FAIRFAX FOOD SHELF
« on: April 23, 2020, 11:22:36 AM »
The Food Shelf will be open every Wednesday of May from 9-12 in the United Church, corner of River and Fletcher Roads.  Park in the lot and go down the ramp! There will be pre-packaged bags waiting for you. 

Also open this Saturday April 25 from 8:30-10:30, and the 4th Saturday of May, the 23rd  from 8:30-10-30

Announcements / Thank you!, Fairfax Vermont!!
« on: December 30, 2019, 01:34:17 PM »
Wishing our most generous community a very healthy and peaceful New Year.  Your support of the food shelf never ceases to humble me by its generosity. 

« on: November 10, 2019, 02:51:52 PM »
Would you or someone you know need an Operation Happiness food box for the holidays?  Do you live in Fletcher or Fairfax?
Here’s how you can  get one ( as well as gifts for children!)
...CALL  Rev. Elizabeth  @ 849 6588
  ...between NOVEMBER 18- NOVEMBER 25  (only!)
           ...FROM 8 AM- 4 PM (only)
..she will fill out an application with  you.
..if you need to leave a message, please speak clearly and slowly and leave your name and phone number. 
PICK UP DATE:   December 14
TIME:   8:30-11:00
PLACE: FAIRFAX COMMUNITY CENTER (Baptist Building) on Main Street, lower level.
if you are in need of gifts for children, someone will call you to arrange a time for you to go to St. Albans and select gifts.

Upcoming Events / Harvest Dinner Update! This Friday!!
« on: October 07, 2019, 04:52:33 AM »
Make your reservations now (reservations required)  for the
October 11th 3rd Annual Harvest Dinner!!
Food grown and prepared by the  BFA Farm to School program
Call Amy at 849-6711 to make   reservations
Farm tour 5:00   Dinner at 6:00 - 8:00
  Eat out Friday night!  For a family of 4 or more, only 30.00
6.00 student, 15.00 adult.   
The Harvest Dinner Menu includes:
Chicken with Pesto (Roasted chicken with a choice of pesto)  or Black Bean Chili(vegan)  (all ingredients grown on our farm)
Roasted Vegetables (potatoes, onions, peppers and carrots with a mix of seasonings)
Curried Butternut Squash Soup  (organic squash from the farm, lightly curried)Garden Salad
Applesauce  (Freshly made applesauce with maple syrup)
Vanilla Ice Cream with a Maple Syrup Drizzle
(Vanilla ice cream donated by the Abbey Group with an option of maple syrup tapped from school trees)
(All ingredients from School Farm or locally sourced)

Upcoming Events / PHPG--our local not for profit annual -Valentine Brunch!
« on: February 01, 2019, 06:18:31 PM »
Please join  us, People Helping People Global, for our annual Valentine's Day Brunch and Silent Auction. As a not for profit working in Nicaragua,  we will be raising funds to send to Nicaragua  to help provide basic foods for those of our microlending community whose lives have been disrupted by the  current  circumstances.
As always, our brunch will have    amazing food and company, lively music from The Smokey Newfield Project, fair-trade products from Central America and an extensive silent auction.
 Event details: 
Date: Feb. 17th
Time: 12-2pm
Cost: $20 per person or $50 per family
Location: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 273 VT Route 15 Jericho
We hope to see you there! 

Library Announcements / Unapproved minutes FCL Trustees 1/10 meeting
« on: January 15, 2019, 10:14:58 AM »
Unapproved Minutes: January 10, 2019 meeting: FCL Board of Trustees.

The meeting was called to order at 6:18.
Present were: Pat Gallant, Emily Diguilio, Liz Griffin, Ellen Holmes-Henry, Christina Fearon, Eric Foreman, and public visitor, Lisa Griswold.

There was no correspondence.

The minutes of the previous Trustees’ meeting were approved after a motion by Ellen.

Eric reported that the balance in the checking account is $450.35 after being reconciled on 12/18. The savings account balance is $2337.07.
The balance in the CD is approximately $5000.  $1000 was moved from the CD to the Trustees’  savings account.  Liz made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, and it was approved.


There is no information about the date of the next Facilities  Committee meeting. .  Eric has been unsuccessful in communicating with the group.

Emily distributed her quarterly report.  She has completed the annual report for the Department of Libraries. 
The Halloween event at the library was busy and enjoyed by many.
A wide variety of programs are  offered  after school, in the evening, and on Saturday,  managed by  program director Nicole. They are well attended.  A high point was the Stuffed Animal Sleepover.   Nicole has a  monthly music program starting Jan 12 that will feature music and refreshments.  It will be offered through March. 

The library is going to offer library patrons a free trial to Kanopy, a video streaming service.  They have videos that include both documentaries and movies.  The charge is $2.00 per patron.  The possibility of students accessing the documentaries as part  of academic research was discussed.

The security buzzer for the  library door in the main lobby is now operational.  Amy will buzz people into the library.  Beginning Monday January 14 the  door will be locked. 

Vermont Associates for Training and Development approached Emily about having someone train at the library under their aegis.  It was decided that no additional help was needed at this time.

The town manager has said that he would present the budget to the Selectboard. There is a 2.55% increase in the budget over last year’s budget. 

New Business

There will be a trustee vacancy this year.  Lisa Griswold will be applying for the post. 

Chris has looked at the strategic plans of other libraries. She looked for common themes and objectives amongst all the plans she examined  and compiled them into a usable reference.
The idea is to read and revise the current plan, determining:  whether or not our stated goals were met; how to evaluate our objectives; and what revisions might be needed.  Our strategic plan ends in 2/19.  Trustees will review the current strategic plan, and consider the plan’s efficacy for the upcoming 5 years. Ideas about changes will also be discussed. This will be an ongoing agenda item for the trustees.

Staffing Plan.

Another ongoing conversation for the Trustees will be staffing.  Reorganizing hours and shifts of the current library staff, ensuring that there are two staff members on in the evenings, are among concerns to be discussed and resolved.

Emily brought  up the Baby Book Dedication, wondering how the books were funded.  The books are purchased by the trustees.  Last year approximately $200 worth of books was purchased through Ingraham, and the trustees will again purchase books for this event. 

Ellen broached the idea of having a book sale for the library.

The trustees went into executive session at 7:25 and came out at 7:45.

Town meeting will be held on March 2. Liz will help with the library table at town meeting.

The next Trustees’ meeting will be March 21 at 6:30 in the Fairfax Room.

Respectfully submitted

Rev. Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.

Library Announcements / Agenda,FCL Trustees' Meeting jan 10 2019
« on: January 07, 2019, 06:54:48 PM »


Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
January 10, 2019
6:30 PM – Fairfax Room
                       DRAFT  AGENDA
•   Call to Order
•   Approval of minutes of November 7, 2018 meeting
•   Treasurer’s Report
•   Correspondence

•   Updates
o   Facilities Committee
o   Highlights of our Library since last meeting  - Emily
o   Security Buzzer System
o   Budget 
o   Other

•   New Business
o   Trustee Vacancy for March Ballot - All
o   Trustees and Library Presence at Town Meeting, 2019
o   Kanopy video streaming service
o   Strategic Plan - Chris
o   Library Staffing Plan - Pat & Emily
o   Set date for next Trustee meeting
o   Other

•   Executive Session
o   Personnel 
o   Other

•   Adjourn

Library Announcements / Come and Greet our new Library Director!
« on: December 28, 2018, 09:37:53 AM »

Please join  us  as we welcome   our new  Fairfax Community Library  director, Emily DiGiulio.  A reception in the library on January 10 from 5-6:15PM  will give the community a chance to greet Emily and celebrate her presence on our library staff.  The Library Board of Trustees hopes to see you there!

Announcements / Winter Warm Up! December 1.
« on: November 19, 2018, 10:37:32 AM »
Winter Warm-up

Its a chilly, winter wonderland outside! Come inside for a day full of fitness to warm yourself up!! The Fairfax Rec Department is helping to put on a fundraiser to benefit the reconstruction of our soon to be Community Center. This is a great way to meet your local fitness instructors and see what is happening in Fairfax. Classes include Zumba with Shelby, Off Your Rocker with Liz Griffin, Strength Training with Callie, Circuit Training with Erin, Body Tone with Gail, Yoga with Michelle, and nutrition with Kailee.

Registration starts at 8:30 in the Main Lobby of BFA Fairfax and the event begins at 9:00 a.m. with a group warm-up and instructor introductions. From there we will be having 2-3 classes taking place at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30, all lasting 40-45 minutes. You get to choose the class you go to, or you can skip an hour session of classes to take advantage of RiseVT’s smoothie bike that will be there for you to make your own smoothie. Don’t worry about being able to exercise for 3-4 hours, some classes will be low-impact, more instructional than practical, and there will be at least one nutrition workshop. We will finish the day with a group cool down and raffle prizes.

Full-day event costs $20, if you would like to participate in a single class it is $10. Day of registration gets you 1 raffle ticket, early registration will get you 3 raffle tickets. Early registration can be done at the Town offices or by emailing danielle.haley.802@gmail.com

FREE CHILDCARE. NHS students will be helping our own Nicole from the Fairfax Library who has created lots of fun activities for your children to keep them busy for the entire time.

Announcements / OPeration Happiness INFORMATION!!!!! Read and Share!
« on: November 19, 2018, 10:33:28 AM »
If you, or someone you know who lives  in Fairfax or Fletcher could use  some support this holiday season,   Operation Happiness would like to help!  We can help provide food baskets and toys for children.

Please contact Rev. Liz Griffin
From : November 26 to December 4 between 8:30-3:00
Leave a detailed messsage. Your call will be returned.

Food Box distribution will be at the Fairfax Community Center (formerly the Baptist Church Building) on Main Street Fairfax, December 15,  from 8:30-noon!
 Please be prompt. If you cannot come, please arrange for someone to pick up your box for you.

Library Announcements / Unapproved minutes FCL Trustees 11/7 meeting
« on: November 14, 2018, 03:52:51 PM »
Fairfax Community Library
Trustees’ Meeting
Fairfax Room
November 7, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 3:30.   Present were: Pat Gallant, Liz Griffin, Eric Foreman, Ellen Holmes-Henry, and Christina Fearon.

There was neither correspondence nor public input.

The minutes of the October 18 meeting were reviewed, and after minor changes (changing the comment to “bullet proof film” on the windows, not “glass”--and eliminating “very” from Ellen’s overdue books conversation) the minutes were approved.

There was no formal treasurer’s report, as there has been no real change since last meeting. Eric reported that the CD, which has $6200.22, could be  automatically rolled over into a CD of the same terms, but we are still within the window of time for making changes. We decided that, rather than rolling it over for the prior lengthy term, he will go to the bank and renew it for a year’s time, at a variable interest rate, (currently at 1.66%). It  can be renewed at the end of the year for a year, or rolled into a longer period of time. It was decided to withdraw $1000 from the CD and put that money in the Trustees savings account which is depleting.

The trustees went into executive session at 3:43 to discuss personnel.

The trustees came out of executive session at 4:19.

Christina made a motion to hire Emily Diguilo as permanent full time Library Director. This was seconded by Eric and approved unanimously by the trustees.  Emily was called into the meeting to inform her of the board’s decision and she accepted. Pat will send her an e-mail to confirm the job description and terms of employment we discussed.

The trustees went back into executive session at 4: 22 to discuss budget and personnel.

The trustees came out of executive session at 5: 15.
They voted to approved the budget as it stands. It  will be discussed with  the Town Manager by Eric and Pat in the near future, prior to submitting it to the Select Board.   The trustees gave Pat and Eric authority to accept any modifications to the budget that might be proposed at this meeting as long as any increase in the bottom line does not exceed 3%. This proposal was presented by Chris, seconded by Liz, and approved.

Chris will review the strategic plans of other libraries and bring some ideas for how to examine our current strategic plan, revise it, and extend it for the coming year.  This approach gives the Trustess the opportunity to attend to other library business that arises, and we will revisit the strategic plan again at the end of 2019. 

The next meeting will be January 10 at 6:30.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:32.

Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.

Library Announcements / Agenda: FCL Trustees Meeting November 7. .
« on: November 05, 2018, 01:39:55 PM »


Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
November 7, 2018
3:30 PM –  The Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of October 18, 2018 meeting

•   Business
o   Executive Session:  Personnel
o    Budget
o   Strategic Planning

•   Adjourn

Library Announcements / Unapproved Minutes FCL Trustees 10/18 meeting
« on: October 23, 2018, 10:00:04 AM »
Unapproved Minutes
FCL Trustees’ Meeting
October 18, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:30. Present were: Pat Gallant, Liz Griffin, Christina Fearon, Eric Foreman, Ellen Holmes-Henry.

There was neither correspondence nor public input.

The minutes of the previous trustees’ meeting were reviewed and approved after a motion to approve by Ellen.

Ellen raised several points.  Should the library have a ‘nut-free zone’ sign?  Should there be a policy concerning allergy provoking foods in the library space?

She had several thoughts regarding the expansive library windows. She wondered if a bullet proof film could be applied to the windows   what the cost of installation would be.  Or, could several of the windows be covered totally  to reduce the number available for access. Remotely controlled blinds was mentioned  at the Joint Board meeting and was reviewed.

On another note she  acknowledged  having a library item overdue for a long time and was impressed that she received a letter reminding her of her lapse. 

At 6:45 the trustees went into executive session to discuss personnel and budgetary concerns regarding personnel.
The trustees came out of executive session at 8:15.

The trustees selected three qualified candidates from the pool of applicants to call for interviews.  Liz and Ellen, along with John Tague and Brad Ducheff will conduct these initial  interviews.  For the next step, all Trustees will interview the final candidate(s) and make the final decision.  Trustees will submit possible interview questions to Chris. John and Brad and Joy Mercer  will be asked for their input in regard to the interview questions.  Chris will collate the questions and distribute them to the interviewers. Interviews will be held within the next three weeks, with a decision to be made mid-November.

Eric presented a  draft of the 2019-2020 budget for the trustees review, which was discussed and modified as a first draft.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20.

Respectfully submitted

Elizabeth Griffin, Secretary

Unapproved Minutes
Joint Board Meeting, Fairfax Community Library
October 11, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:30. Present were: John Tague, Brad Ducheff, Kathy
Muehl, Joy Mercer, Emily Diguilo, Christina Fearon, Pat Gallant, Sandy Alexander and Liz
Voting members: Kathy Muehl, Liz Griffin, Pat Gallant and Sandy Alexander.
There was neither public input nor correspondence.
The minutes of the April 2018 meeting were reviewed and Kathy made a motion to accept them
as written, and the motion passed.
Library Safety Update
All library staff (school and community library) attended the recent ALICE workshop.
Emily reported that there is a library non school hours safety policy that was begun by Debbie
Landauer and Pat Gallant. When it is completed the School Resource Office and John Tague
will be asked to review it.
John reported that work on moving his office to the main lobby (and the area where the current
conference room is) will begin soon. A grant of $25000 for school safety improvements will be
used for this. Amy Plog will also use this office and will manage the buzzer for both the school
and the library. The library door will be open and buzzer not used after school.
What to do about the expanse of windows was discussed. Replacing the current window glass
with glass that reduces the ability to see the interior of the library was discussed. However, this
type of glass would need periodic replacement. Purchasing motorized shades is also being
considered. Although the cost is about $5000, they would be essentially permanent, which
might make a more cost effective investment. Perhaps the cost could be shared between school
and town. It will be further discussed as we prepare the budget.
School Policies Update
There were no new school policy updates to be discussed.
Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee did not meet over the summer and held its first meeting at the end of
September. There is a plan to do some sort of community outreach to ascertain what the
community is interested vis a vis the development/improvement of the school buildings There
has been no new architectural involvement as of yet. A plan might perhaps be available in
11/2019. Eric Foreman plans to attend these meetings for the Library Trustees.
New Business
The library has hired an interim Library Director Emily Diguiglo, whose contract will last until
Thanksgiving. We have also rehired Nicole Vance as program director. She will work 10 hours
and her contract will end at Thanksgiving, but may be
In light of these changes, the assistant librarian’s hours have been increased to 25 hours.
These changes create the opportunity for the trustees to rethink how the library is staffed.
One thought is to make the Library Director a full time, 40 hour job, and perhaps have the
Director assume some programming responsibilities, collaborating with a Program Director.
Plans for the future of the program director’s position will be made once the Library Director has
been hired.
An advertisement for a permanent Director has been placed in Seven Days, along with the
Vermont Libraries website, and any applications are due no later than October 18.
Both town manager Brad Ducheff, and high school principal John Tague have agreed to be on
the interview committee.
Once we have hired a new Director, the strategic plan for the Community Library will be edited
and extended for another year.
Quarterly Reports
Joy Mercer reported a highly successful Dorothy Canfield Fisher event with both elementary
and middle school students. Both groups played a game which involved troubleshooting,
problem solving and collaboration, and Joy reported that the participants were fully engaged in
the game.
The volunteer who has been working in the library has been of great help to the library
performing a variety of tasks successfully.
The library now has software that is able to to do an audit of our collection. It can, for instance,
indicate which books had or had not been used over a period of years, thus facilitating weeding
the collection. It can also order the books by publication year, which is valuable information for
evaluating science books.
Emily Diguilo reported that she attended a workshop about writing the library’s annual report to
the state.
After school programs and evening/weekend programs are back in full swing. Story time
During September 43 new patrons joined the library.
The library’s new website is up and functioning and has a new look.
Next meeting dates
The next Trustees’ meeting will be October 18, at which time the applicants for Library Director
and the budget will be discussed.
The next Joint Board meeting will be April 11, 2019.
Brad noted that it is important for all of us on the various town committees be aware of each
other’s work as we all work together for the common goal of the good of the Fairfax community.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Griffin

Library Announcements / Agenda; FCL Trustees' Meeting 10/18 /18
« on: October 16, 2018, 07:27:37 AM »


Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
October 18, 2018
6:30 PM –  The Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of Sept. 13, 2018 meeting

•   New Business
o   Executive  Session:  Personnel
o   Launch Budget Drafting Process

•   Adjourn

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