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: Sad News About Dick Brown  ( 10140 )
Hero Member
: 15235

« : November 18, 2012, 04:07:35 PM »

I have just received word that Dick Brown has passed away - Whenever I get more information I will pass it on

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 15235

« #1 : November 18, 2012, 05:44:00 PM »

One of the things that is very difficult about being administrator to a forum like this one is that you have some people register who do nothing but contribute wonderful information and Dick Brown was one of these people who had a very sharp mind and a wonderful memory.  Dick became a member on May 20, 2008 and since that time has posted 414 Posts.  Each one of these Posts clarified and brought more information to the people that read them.  None of his Posts were negative and nobody ever made a negative comment about any of his Posts.  I will miss him terribly, not only for his posting, but for his knowledge of the town and its people.  It will be a long, long time before I remove Dick's name from the Forum Registry and equally as long before I remove him from my e-mail address book.  May you rest in Peace Dick Brown and your comments and posts will live on here on the forum.  You have truly been a Gold Star Member.

Henry Raymond
David Shea
Sr. Member
: 471

« #2 : November 18, 2012, 06:12:37 PM »

R.I.P. Dick Brown,
I am sorry that I didn't get the chance to speak with you before your passing.  I was flattered by one of your comments about me, in one of the Cub Scout Washington DC post and wanted to thank you.  As it is with life, I put off calling you until tomorrow.  Tomorrow turned into a week, then a month and now you are gone....

You too had an positive impact on my life and thank you.

Dave Shea
Full Member
: 140

« #3 : November 18, 2012, 08:03:41 PM »

Although I didn't know Dick Brown, I did so much enjoy reading his contribution to this forum.
RIP Dick Brown
Sr. Member
: 429

« #4 : November 18, 2012, 08:42:28 PM »

Thanks for what you said about Mr. Brown, Henry.  He touched so many of our lives.  I'm watching all my former classmates posing beautiful thoughtful stories and feelings about this man on Facebook.  Margie Cain might have said it best, when she said BFA was our home, and Mr. Brown was our father.  I certainly feel that my schoolmates are my siblings, and we are feeling his loss greatly.
Hero Member
: 15235

« #5 : November 18, 2012, 09:48:15 PM »

For you non facebook users, Jeff Brown just put this up on Facebook:

Thanks to all for good wishes and prayers. Please remember his grandchildren Hunter, Ian & Grace whom are hurting today.
Today we lost a man who dedicated his life to serving others, and was rewarded by having made such a positive impact upon so many.

Henry Raymond
Full Member
: 156

« #6 : November 18, 2012, 10:11:09 PM »

Thank you, Suzy.  :-)  I think your comment about us being siblings is also so true.  The proof is the number of us who are "friends" on FB.  Coming from a small school with such a strong central figure, we all knew each and maintain contact...even more than 30 years later.  We are so privileged to have had that sort of experience growing up.

Mike and I were sharing stories tonight.  Ultimately, we said that even if Mr. Brown was hard on you, he did it because he believed in you and wanted you to succeed.  He never wanted to let you just "slide by".  He expected you to work hard and try.  As long as you did that, he made sure you knew you had succeeded.  I remember seeing him beaming at sporting events, concerts, and other school events.  He was always so proud of all his "kids". 

Good-bye, Mr. Brown.  You will be sorely missed, but your spirit will live on in all of us. 
Hero Member
: 15235

« #7 : November 19, 2012, 08:15:57 AM »

Here are a few comments I picked up on facebook from individuals not registered to post on my forum:

Jason Bashaw - Im sorrry to hear that Mr. Brown passed. I remember walking home after school (I think it was after a detention Ms. Eddy gave the whole class) and he asked me into his house. We had a great conversation. not as a principle or educator,but as friends. It really meant a lot to me being treated as almost an equal at that age. He was a great man indeed and will be greatly missed!

Dan Gross - Jason - that was the man that Mr. Brown was. Everyone got a second chance, but YOU had to use the chance wisely. Even an at 50, I still called him "Mr. Brown". That respect he earned. RIP Dick Brown

Amy Parah - I couldn't agree more...Mr.Brown was just one of those guys you had respect for and I think it was because he gave us respect too. Such a great man...he will be missed!

Daniel Ovitt - RIP today to my high school Principal at Bellows Free Academy in Fairfax, Vermont -- I had the priveledge to have Mr. Richard Brown as my Principal in 1987. He was a great Man, Leader, Mentor, and role model. He will be missed by many of us who always respected him.

Mat Mitchell - Mr. Brown had a clear line for us cross ot and he would deal with.
Stay on the right side of the line and he would do anything for you.
Jeff your father was an amazing person who I respected, honored, and considered a roll model.

Lynn Raymond-Empey - Today we lost an outstanding high school principal, educator and friend. Our graduating class, which also included his son, had to choose a guest speaker and there was only one man we wanted to hear from, Mr. Dick Brown. I don't remember everything he said, but when he got to the speaker's podium he picked it up and turned it to face us. He said, "I want to turn this around so I can see my favorite people." The feelings that we had towards Mr. Brown, the warmth, respect, "fear", and genuine affection were unique and continue to this day, his last day. We won't forget his lessons, his strength or his dedication to all of the youth of Fairfax. A friend of mine, Mike Cain, remembered a quote from his retirement speech. "When people ask me where I am from I say I was born in Bethel, but I'm from Fairfax." We love you Mr. Brown.

Rebecca Gomez - He was principal when my oldest son started school. I remember him coming by the house one night around 5:00 because one of our neighbor's kids had an issue at school and took off. Here was this man who had so much on his plate, yet he was concerned and out looking for this troubled young man. He ran the school with high expectations and rules, yet knew every student by name and had such great compassion for them all. He was a great educator and a kind man.

David Ainsworth - Every person has people in their life that have helped guide them into whom they become today. Those mentors are usually strong and direct, strict and forceful when you are wrong but quick to praise for something done well. They always give you their very best when you are are at very worst. They never give up on you and when you do succeed, they never share in the light of your glory.
One such person passed away yesterday. RIP MR Brown. I carry a part of you with me everyday of my life. Forever grateful. You will never be forgotten.
« : November 19, 2012, 09:11:40 AM Henry »

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 1744

« #8 : November 19, 2012, 09:38:05 AM »

Mr. Brown was a man who not only helped me understand how to give a "Clean Slate" to someone who had made wrong choices, did their punishment, and then let it go but also helped give me an opportunity to something that seemed I might excel at.

The first computer in the school was a Radio Shack Tandy.  It was on a table in the office.  I had a Commodore Vic 20 and also had a 64 and my parents had noticed my big interest in programming in my free time as an elementary student.  When the school's new FANCY computer was in the office, I told my Mom.  She spoke with Mr. Brown and it was arranged that I got to work on it an hour a day in the 6th grade.  He would pop his head over my shoulder every once and a while and say "What code you writing today?"  This helped reinforce my confidence, stimulated my mind, and my Dad got me into the Boy Scouts Explorer Post at IBM to continue my programming training.  By the time I got to High School and they actually had computers, I knew more than the computer teacher! The job I am in today and have been for decades involves computers in many ways and I thank him and my parents for the opportunities to help make me who I am today!

This is the kind of man he was.  If we had the resource, we had the tools as a kid.

Margie spoke about how he gave his school keys to her to let her and some others do band practices for the Talent Show on Saturdays as that was the only day they could all get together. The requirement was that her Mom be there.  He trusted us and we gave him 100% respect right back.  He helped you when you were lost in life get back on track.  He praised you for your accomplishments.  He challenged you to do more and be more and most of all he could be a principal, coach, teacher, friend all at once!

Skills we wish for all our educators and principals out there!
« : November 19, 2012, 09:39:56 AM mkr »

"Life is too short, so love the one you got!"
Hero Member
: 15235

« #9 : November 19, 2012, 11:35:27 AM »

Photos of Dick Brown scanned from The 1979 BFA Buzzer:

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 15235

« #10 : November 19, 2012, 11:49:06 AM »

The St. Albans Messenger will be carrying a story on Dick Brown today.

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 15235

« #11 : November 19, 2012, 05:34:18 PM »

Michelle Monroe of the St. Albans Messenger interviewed Gary Gilbert, long time employee of Dick Brown to get his thoughts on Dick.  Gary Gilbert met with Dick down in Florida on November 8th.  The article is in tonight's St. Albans Messenger

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 15235

« #12 : November 20, 2012, 07:05:03 AM »

An obituary should appear in both The Burlington Free Press and The St. Albans Messenger in the next day or two.  It was Dicks wishes to have no services.  For any of you that would like to contact Jeff, who's wife's name is Debbie and children are Hunter, Ian & Grace, his e-mail address is jbrown7985@gmail.com and his telephone number is 630-209-0319

Henry Raymond
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