For those of you that have been away and return to town looking for familiar landmarks or remember Clarice Shepardson when you were going to BFA as well as where she lived in the house below:
A retaining wall was put up just above it and a meticulously laid stone wall along the front, while just below a beautiful big new house has been built overlooking the village and the two small houses across the street, once owned by Depatie Shoemakers back in those early years of Fairfax. Larry Young was busy tearing it down yesterday and hauling the debris away and all that remains is some crumpled up metal roofing:
I have tried to get my hands on all of the old photos of homes that are in the process of being torn down, have been torn down or were destroyed by fire so that in years to come people can look at the actual houses as they were back in the early years. If you have such photos, please let me know and I will add them to my vanishing homes photo gallery.