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: Notice Of Hearing Tuesday, June 9 At Georgia Elementary  ( 10434 )
Hero Member
: 15235

« : May 12, 2009, 09:01:04 AM »


The Public Service Board will hold a PUBLIC HEARING, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Sections 10 and 248, in PSB Docket No. 7508 -

    Petition of Georgia Mountain Community Wind, LLC, for a Certificate of Public Good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Section 248, authorizing the construction and operation of a 5-wind turbine electric generation facility, with associated electric and interconnection facilities, on Georgia Mountain in the Towns of Milton and Georgia, Vermont, to be known as the "Georgia Mountain Community Wind Project" - on Tuesday, June 9, 2009, commencing at 7:00 P.M., in the Gymnasium of the Georgia Elementary and Middle School, located at 4416 Ethan Allen Highway in St. Albans, Vermont.

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 15235

« #1 : May 12, 2009, 09:46:29 AM »

This will be an important meeting for any of you to attend whether you are for or against as the Public Service Board does listen to input, so it will definitely be a good place to express yourself to the right people.

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 785

« #2 : June 09, 2009, 11:25:50 PM »

After attending tonight's hearing, I really feel sorry for the people who live on Georgia Mountain. They were largely the opposition and it appeared from my perspective that those who are not directly affected by this project in any way, feel that some one needs to sacrifice their home or health or way of life (or whatever) for the good of "green energy." The flaw in this theory of NIMBY is that if the roles were reversed, I am certain the proponents would be in the opponents seats

No one from the GM area was against renewable energy sources, there were just real concerns about the real issues concerning these projects, about the real impact on the aesthetics of Vermont and the real value/impact this project would have considering its size (is it really worth the cost/destruction for small output...)

I'm not sure anyone atually knows the truth about the realities of wind projects. We know there is plenty of information out there supporting both camps, but the questions to be asked are: What is  truly accurate? And what is acceptable?

I heard people speak tonight about saving the children (always a good one) about how Vt is unfriendly to business and uncompetitive (NO argument w/o this one), how bad things are environmentally  (WE KNOW). I got a sense that a point was being missed.

No one is against renewable energy sources, what people are against and should be against are those things that are destructive to someone's life. If wind turbines truly do cause the flicker and noise problems they are reported to cause then they really do not belong in anyone's backyard and should instead  be errected where they won't affect the quality of life of people. Isn't that what this is all about anyway? Quality of life?

Dont we need to invest in renewable energy to maintain our overall quality of life? Why then is it OK to suggest that certain individuals, be it on GM or elsewhere be the one's to sacrifice  their's? It's not. For those who said "somebody has to,"  by that philosophy, it's good that the risk of cancer is only 10% in people who drive Fords as opposed to 50%, unless of course you are part of the 10% that has cancer then it's not  so ok.... and why would it be?

I don't think we need to have an overblown argument about the needs/benefits of renewable energy. I don't think there is an argument there. I believe this needs to be thought through very carefully and the people who live in that neighbor hood should not be a token sacrificial lamb, just because "someone has to be."

Jim Harrison, although I am sure is a nice enough individual, was being hailed as some "bastion of green." The reality is the guy is a business man. His efforts are not selfless, yes it's great that he's willing to step forward and put his money up to get this going; he has to to get funding for the project. it's unlikely however as a businessman that he would make such a venture if there were not a payoff somewhere in the end. Mr. Harrison will no doubt reap profits if the project is approved.

Has anyone ever wondered why it is that the proponents never mention or downplay the the flicker/noise complaint about wind turbines? And opponents seem to be the individuals who are most directly affected? And that each side cites facts about the efficacy(or not) of the wind project, yet both can't be correct can't they? Life experience tells me that in opposing sides the answer is usually somewhere in the middle. Given that, maybe the "quality of life" issues are not as detrimental as the opponents project and the energy output/cost savings not as great as those in favor want to believe. So what we really have is a project that is neither as bad or as good as anyone thinks. All the more reason for a cooling period to research the matter well and determine what the real deal is. Everyone could probably benefit from a little introspection. www.windaction.org is a website with the opposition point of view.

I  am not sure of the  validity of the information, it could be propaganda support a cause. I don't have a web address for the other perspective, but I think it's important to know both sides and put yourself in both seats then ask yourself what the bottom line is for you. If you think you can't live with something, do you feel it's ok to expect some one else to? Again, everyone is different...I'm not nor ever have been a GM resident. I just see so many people passionately support things who never seem to look at the entire picture. I am far from being an energy expert, I just feel like this big "green energy" push is a knee jerk reaction to a crisis situation, because no one in charge made the right choices or decisions years ago. I worry about rushing into  a lot of these things that may prove to be not so great afterall...especially when they have such a huge impact on a state like vt and people.

I am all for responsible renewable energy sources, conservation, personal accountablity etc...BUT

...Facts are important. So if turbine flicker and noise are a real detrimental fact of life down wind of a wind farm then it really needs to be considered and reconsidered. Since I could not live with either one, I am hard pressed to ask anyone else to, not even to "save" the children, the farm, or the planet. No I do not have a problem with that, because I am confident that I am not alone in that thought.

If the world gives you melons, you might be dyslexic
Sr. Member
: 457

« #3 : June 10, 2009, 05:34:29 AM »

All I can say in this matter is when we lived in Europe for 3 years these wind mills were everywhere and it was by far, not an eye sore. We were inpressed in how they took care of themselves. Being a little ------------at times, I always thought they were Mercedes Bends dealers. ha ha .Yes, sadly, it is true. I live on a hill and would gladly have them right next to my house if I thought for a minute it would lower someone's bill. Especially mine. I would rather live with white noise than pay close to $400.00 a month for electricity. That is only my opinion. I also do not know all the facts nor do I have any expert knowledge about it. With that being said, have a great day, Shelly
Hero Member
: 15235

« #4 : June 10, 2009, 07:43:41 AM »

It is interesting to note that for over 100 years now, power has been generated at our Fairfax Falls power plant.  I wonder if that is being used to 100% capacity or if any improvements have been made to make it more efficient.  Fairfax Falls is one of our most photographed places in town.  Maybe, efforts to improve that source should be looked into instead of one that will effect the beautiful views surrounding Fairfax.  Below are some comments that appeared in The Burlington Free Press as well as on Channel 3 after the meeting last night:



Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 785

« #5 : June 10, 2009, 05:02:57 PM »

I would rather live with white noise than pay close to $400.00 a month for electricity.

Unfortunately, this is one of the great unknowns that everyone argues about Shelly. I don't know if any renewable energy will keep costs down or if it's just wishful thinking. It cost more to purchase "cow power" from CVPS--it's a hot new renewable energy source, so...??

White noise is one thing, the reports on noise level/type are different than "white noise."

People in cities live with all types of noise all day that eventually blends into the background. The sound of a jet (as reported on a web site opposing wind turbines) likely would not. I'm not given to pushing the panic button as it's  generally not an effective way to operate in crisis mode. This is how I am seeing the reaction to the current energy issues. It worries me because people do not make good choices or decisions when they are running around with their heads cut off. This goes to the highest level of goverenment, not just here in Vt. Those wanting to push these projects through really need to make sure it's worthwhile to do so.

There is a lot of conflicting  info out there about the efficacy of wind overall and whether or not it's a worthwhile thing to do and esp, should we wreck the ridgelines of vt (or anywhere), people's lives and whatnot for something that isn't as great as it's purported to be?

That's my concern--the need for more and accurate info. Unfortunately, there are never any experts coming forth with facts about anything. Good or bad. This makes me ask why not?

If the world gives you melons, you might be dyslexic
Full Member
: 100

« #6 : July 01, 2009, 08:14:57 AM »

I have no horse in this race, don't much care one way or the other, frankly: 

We are gifted with curiosity and the ability to investigate issues ourselves.  Rather than Goggling up position papers, I'd suggest getting in your car and driving to northern NY or southern VT to hear the turbines for yourself.  It might be worth a few hours and 30 bucks worth of gas to find out for yourself if the noise is objectionable or not.


Mike Raburn
Hero Member
: 2565

« #7 : July 03, 2009, 03:39:40 AM »


Until all of these topical posts.



Too little, too late.


Not In My Back Yard...
Full Member
: 233

« #8 : July 06, 2009, 07:04:47 AM »

The proposed wind turbines on Georgia Mountain will be directly in my view corridor and I do not object to that. We have been asked if we would get on the band wagon to oppose the project which I replied I would not. 
The land owner, the Harrison family have the right to do what they wish with their property.  If anyone objects let me ask you this.. where were you when it was for sale if you have such a passion in regards to what is being done here.  I sickens me to no end to see people trying to stop progress...wind energy...development...business growth... what ever they feel they can.  What the Harrisons are doing is providing green energy to this state however small or large a project we need this.  If there are different options out there and you happen to think they are better ones than go for it.  You spend the money buy up the land and provide what you think is better....greener...less noise...etc..etc... 
Stop talking, stop fighting, stop opposing and use your passion to do good rather than consistently create problems for people who have the gumption to get things done.
Hero Member
: 870

« #9 : July 06, 2009, 08:06:05 AM »

Thank you, Dearon, for voicing that side... I whole-heartedly agree. :)

"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." -Jackie Robinson
special ED

« #10 : July 06, 2009, 03:30:49 PM »

Julie & 6pt Dave
Full Member
: 179

« #11 : July 06, 2009, 08:07:56 PM »

I heard this on VPR this evening and it really made me think about this discussion line. Thought I would share it in case you missed it.
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