Andrew Parent, who was elected last year as Town Moderator by write-in vote and was elected by voice vote today as School Moderator, poses with Representative Carolynn Branagan just prior to the Town School Meeting today.
Principal Scott Lang posed for a photo for me as he leaves his post this year, after 10 years as Principal at BFA-Fairfax
John Mitchell, who is running for the Selectboard position being vacated by Judy Cleary, stops to chat with Phyllis Soule, a long time member of the Fairfax Civil Board of Authority.
Melissa Beerworth is also running for the Selectboard position being vacated by Judy Cleary.
BFA-Fairfax students sat in a group on the bleachers and observed the Fairfax Town Meeting today, while I am sure visions of the Championship Game in Barre ran through their heads also.
Patti Smith, Rev. Elizabeth Griffin, Nancy Ladd and Charlotte McNall handled the Food Table which has become a yearly custom at our Fairfax Town meetings.
Coach Mike Brown was on hand selling tickets to tonight's Championship Basketball Game in Barre.
Suzanne Lavallee, the new Selectboard Assistant was at work today at the Selectboard Member's table.
Selectboard Chair Judy Cleary has just presented Donna Meunier with an Appreciation Award for her twenty years of service for the Town of Fairfax.
Fairfax Firemen, Steve Bessette, Tom Snyder, DJ Leach, Chief Dean Potter, Duane Leach and Tim Bessette anxiously away the vote for the New Tanker at today's Town Meeting.
Town Office Assistant, Stacy Wells, proud mother of Moderator Andrew Parent, Anne Marie Sheppard-Parent pose at the end of the Fairfax Town Meeting in front of the podium.