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: It Seems Like Some Group Wants Fairpoint To Fail  ( 13182 )
Sr. Member
: 269

« #15 : July 24, 2009, 07:59:09 PM »

  Keep min mind Verizon wanted out of this area. And had not but anything into the lines or equipment in sometime. All of the repair ,line and call center people are the same ones we all had under Verizon. Take it easy on Fairpoint they are at least trying to upgrade in some areas to make it better. I think what they are finding out is Verizon left them with a lot of old gear that is failing now. I for one never had any issues with either company problems and outagous will happen with all companies.
Hero Member
: 785

« #16 : July 24, 2009, 08:44:56 PM »

I haven't had a lot of phone problems since Fairpoint took over, but I am not impressed with my internet service. I never know when something is not going to arrive at its intended destination. This is maddening! E-mails with any kind of attachment--forget it, it will never arrive anywhere. I never had this many problems with Verizon-ever. It started with the set-up process and the problems have never ceased!

Unfortunately, I feel stuck with Fairpoint, at this point. I can't justify the $ for Comcast because I don't need the cable TV. I don't want to see Fairpoint fail, but I am really sick of the BS. I don't know what the problem is exactly, I just know I didn't have these issues before they took over. It needs to be fixed and soon.

If the world gives you melons, you might be dyslexic
Hero Member
: 559

Follow The White Rabbit

« #17 : July 27, 2009, 09:51:33 AM »

WOA!  There's been 5 extended outages in Fairfax in the past 2 months?  I guess i don't use the phone much as the one on friday was the only problem i've noticed.  Hey Henry - maybe you can start a thread tracking the outages in our and surrounding areas?  That way those who ARE experiencing problems will be vindicated by the proof of such and their neighbors not experiencing ANY problems will start to see the truth about what's been going on. I for one don't want my opinion of them proven wrong - but i also don't want to pulled a fast one on.

I have to say though, the public offical i saw last night talking about Fairpoint, who's pushing for an investigation uses WAY TOO general terms to describe what's been going, where it is, and with whom.   I don't need names, but if it's one thing i leanred in college about critical thinking, it's that one shoudl always check sources of Information and pay attention to HOW somethign is worded.  Kinda like with the true or false questions on your SATs - sometimes you can tell what the answer is just by the over-definitive or over-gerneralized nature of a nature/wording of the question.  That guy just makes me suspicious.   

"Conservatives see any progress outside of what they approve of as the 'liberal agenda'.  Apparently no one told them they and what they think aren't any better than the rest of us"

"A closed mind is more dangerous than an ignorant one"
: 32

« #18 : July 28, 2009, 07:58:58 AM »

Fairpoint contacted us and, as usual, the repair people who are out in the field are polite and helpful.  The fellow that came out Sunday morning thought Friday's outage was due to a contractor cutting a cable and that's why it was so widespread. He also gave us some guidance on the more localized problems we experience. Apparently we are more likely to lose service on Fridays after 2:00 p.m. when upgrades or changes made during the week come on line. These are different sorts of outages than the one this past Friday and, if I heard him correctly, are caused when there is some sort of open circuit or line. Unlike Friday's problem, you have a dial tone but can't make calls (just get fast busy signals) and people can't reach you (they just hear it ring & get no answering message and you hear nothing).  In the past, we were shown where to unplug and plug back in the main line coming into the property and that sometimes "resets" the service or at least allows them to reset it without coming out to the property itself and the repair can be made more quickly. Don't know if others who read this forum are experiencing these types of service problems, but maybe a talk with the repair people could shorten the time their service is down.     


Full Member
: 233

« #19 : July 28, 2009, 10:29:17 AM »

Fairpoint reminds me of the old show "laugh in"  featuring Lilly Tomlin  - one ringy dingy, two ringy dingys.......
Full Member
: 141

« #20 : July 28, 2009, 11:25:17 AM »

He also gave us some guidance on the more localized problems we experience. Apparently we are more likely to lose service on Fridays after 2:00 p.m. when upgrades or changes made during the week come on line. These are different sorts of outages than the one this past Friday and, if I heard him correctly, are caused when there is some sort of open circuit or line.

That seems like a bad procedure to me. Implementing changes just in time for the weekend is a bad idea. When I was at IBM we had a rule that there were no changes implemented on Fridays or the last day before a holiday. Unless it was an extreme emergency and there was a procedure to follow and people to contact if there were any problems.
Hero Member
: 559

Follow The White Rabbit

« #21 : July 28, 2009, 01:40:50 PM »

I heard someone last night talking about a software Problem Fairpoint was having.  Somethign about them specifically buying this software for when they took over Verizon and it's had a myriad of problems with it so far.  The aforementioned public offical who seems to be spearheading the investigation said he ....."didn't want to hear about the WHy he just wanted to hear how they were going to fix it....."  Uhhh the first step to fixing something is WHAT?  figuring out what's wrong with it.  And with this sort of situation - this should be a systematic and comprehensive investigation then - gathering ALL the facts and factors affecting the situation.

I don't know maybe that public official just rubs me the wrong way - and thus i'm overly supicious of whatever he says or does.


"Conservatives see any progress outside of what they approve of as the 'liberal agenda'.  Apparently no one told them they and what they think aren't any better than the rest of us"

"A closed mind is more dangerous than an ignorant one"
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