October 8, 2009
Picture of the DayAnother little bit of symbolism with the new Steeple Market, is the front. There is woodwork to replicate the old front doors to St. Luke's. Nice.BLANKBlearry-eyed. Tired. Can't think.
I got nothin'.
We did get 6/10ths of an inch of rain by 12:30pm Wednesday.
Kinda strange hearing thunder in October.
Not to jinx anything, but...................
Has a hurricane made landfall in the US this year? Usually we start hearing about some coastal area hording plywood because of Hurricane Buzzkill bearing down on them. Usually watching the brave and bold media converging on the area to ride out the storm. I often wish I could join them. I'd really like to stand on a beach somewhere and watch a hurricane roll in. I'm serious. Wind. Rain. Great picture taking.