Academic All-Stars
Joseph Langelier
Age: 18
School: Bellows Free Academy, Fairfax
Parents: Paul and Karen Langelier
Hometown: Fairfax
Top 5 accomplishments: Vermont football hall of fame inductee 2012; north/south game participant; senior class president; 15 first honors for 15 quarters of high school; accepted into flight school.
In the community: National Honor Society, St. Luke’s Parish altar server, First Friday trip to a soup kitchen, Youth Winter Arena Flag Football coach.
Favorite spare time activity: Hanging out with friends and family.
After graduation: Florida Institute of Technology for its aeronautical science degree with a flight option.
Career plans: Commercial airline pilot, maybe joining the military for a few years.
Your bedroom in one word: Messy
Dead person to meet: Lt. Michael Murphy. To ask where he got the courage to sacrifice himself for his team.\
Your biography title: “Slow Joe”
Three “luxuries” on a desert island: A really awesome weightlifting set, the Bible, and a smartphone that has all my friends’ numbers in it and has limitless battery life.
Personal motto: “It’s not whether you got knocked down, it’s whether you get back up that counts.”—Vince Lombardi
Leah Lavigne
Age: 17
School: BFA, Fairfax
Parents: Pamela and Richard Lavigne
Hometown: Georgia
Top 5 accomplishments: Performing on the Flynn Mainstage four times during high school; inducted into the National Honor Society as
a sophomore; Phi Beta Kappa Award recipient; singing at Gov. Shumlin’s inauguration with the Vermont Youth Orchestra Chorus; getting accepted to my No. 1 choice for college, Middlebury College.
In the community: Member of the Vermont Youth Orchestra Chorus since 2009, Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference 2010 participant, student coordinator of High School Friends mentoring program, 100 community service hours in 2011
Favorite spare time activity: Reading with a cup of tea in hand
After graduation: Attending Middlebury College to study English and literature.
Career plans: I’d like to go into publishing or communications.
Your bedroom in one word: Mine (Stay out).
Dead person to meet: Jane Austen, because she understood human nature in a timeless fashion.