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+  Henry Raymond
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: Casella Labor Day, Trash and/or Recycle Service Schedule  ( 22437 )
Hero Member
: 15235

« : August 27, 2012, 01:18:37 PM »

Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 1:13 PM
Subject: Casella Labor Day, Trash and/or Recycle Service Schedule

Although there will be global connect automated calls providing this notification, I wanted to personally send a note to ensure contact

Company wide, Casella will not be providing service on Labor Day. All customers will be serviced one day later than normal after the holiday - For example:

Customers normally serviced on Monday will be serviced on Tuesday,  customers normally serviced on Tuesday will be serviced Wednesday, and thru the week until customers normally serviced on Friday, will be serviced on Saturday.

Have a great Labor Day and thank you for being such a great customer!

Best regards,

Bob Perry
Casella Waste Systems
P.O. Box 976
Williston, VT 05495

Also, there will be a Household Hazardous Waste Day on Saturday September 29th at the Town Garage on Fletcher Road
from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.

Henry Raymond
Jr. Member
: 51

« #1 : September 05, 2012, 06:56:54 AM »

Henry,  Just wanted you to know that we just had our trash picked up a few minutes ago.  We were going by this notice and did not have it out because we thought it was going to be picked up one day later than usual re this letter you received. Luckily the truck turns around past our house and we had time to get our trash out.  Don't know how many other homes missed having their trash out but hope they will read this and have time to get it outside.  Thanks
Hero Member
: 15235

« #2 : September 05, 2012, 07:15:58 AM »

Hi Janet,
I had forgotten about the letter - I put my trash out today even though they said it was supposed to be a day later - Will see what happens and thanks for the heads up - I have to head in to Burlington for some blood tests, so thanks again

Henry Raymond
Full Member
: 141

« #3 : September 05, 2012, 07:20:50 AM »

And we have never received a "global connect automated call" from Casella regarding their schedule.
Jr. Member
: 51

« #4 : September 05, 2012, 07:24:25 AM »

We never got a call either!  Wonder how many other people will be putting trash out a day to late.  The recycle truck is coming up our road now!
Hero Member
: 870

« #5 : September 05, 2012, 11:18:49 AM »

I'm curious how Casella has all Fairfax resident's phone numbers... Many people now only have cell phones.

"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." -Jackie Robinson
Hero Member
: 508

« #6 : September 06, 2012, 05:53:12 AM »

This is so upsetting !~ So I take it that if we put out our recycling and garbage today, a day later than our usual pick-up, it will just sit there because they came yesterday? If this is the case why did they write this notice?
: 5

« #7 : September 06, 2012, 06:43:05 AM »

I called customer service a few minutes ago. The woman who answered the phone confirmed that for my address in North Fairfax, pickup is delayed a day and will be on Friday.

(800) 439-3615

Full Member
: 124

« #8 : September 06, 2012, 07:32:26 AM »

We had ours picked up today...Main street..in downtown Fairfax.  They picked up yesterday also !!!
Sr. Member
: 357

« #9 : September 06, 2012, 07:41:14 AM »

If it was out yesterday, it was picked up,,,but they will pick up today, at least on hunt st.  Told by a realiable source.
Hero Member
: 508

« #10 : September 06, 2012, 07:42:58 AM »

I just spoke to Mandy, she said yes they did pick up some yesterday but will be taking another run through today and to put it out. Glad I called them!
Razzle Dazzle

« #11 : September 06, 2012, 08:17:24 AM »

It looks as though their notifications were off a bit.  However, it appears they are out roaming around wanting to pick it all up.
Kudos to Casella's.
Jr. Member
: 51

« #12 : September 06, 2012, 08:21:21 AM »

I am glad to hear that they will come around and pick up yesterdays if you had not put it out because of the letter they sent to Henry.  We were able to get ours out at the last minute yesterday only because they go by our house and then turn around a short time later and go back by.  The driver said he was told to do Fairfax today (Wed.) as usual.  Thanks for all the replies, it helps to get the mess fixed for those who expect garbage pick up to be different today and Friday.    I hope the next holiday that comes around they have a better way to notify everyone.  The Automated Phone call sure didn't happen this time.  Not everyone has a computer and knows about Henry's web site!
Hero Member
: 15235

« #13 : September 06, 2012, 12:30:11 PM »

I just got a call from both Bob Horr and Bob Perry and this is what was supposed to have happened:

"Company wide, Casella will not be providing service on Labor Day. All customers will be serviced one day later than normal after the holiday - For example:

Customers normally serviced on Monday will be serviced on Tuesday,  customers normally serviced on Tuesday will be serviced Wednesday, and thru the week until customers normally serviced on Friday, will be serviced on Saturday."

To insure everybody's trash gets picked up Casella said they will be going through the whole town tomorrow (Friday) and pick up what might be out there that got missed during the week. 

Henry Raymond
Scott Mitchell
: 24

« #14 : September 06, 2012, 12:36:30 PM »

That is great news!!! Thanks for the info Henry, I was just going to be holding off on putting out my trash until next week.
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