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: Fairfax's newest revenue stream appears to be a succcess!  ( 3086 )
Sr. Member
: 310

« : September 19, 2012, 08:20:38 AM »


With the speed limit officially changed on Fletcher Rd yesterday, Franklin County's newest speed trap was open for business this morning!

On my way into work this morning, I was unsurprised to see a member of the Franklin County Sherriff's Office had a car pulled over on Fletcher Rd.

While I don't believe any accidents/injuries will be prevented with the speed limit adjustment, Fairfax should be able to pay off its proposed $9000 website by Q1 2013.


This speed limit change is going to take some getting used to. Don't forget to slow down.
Sr. Member
: 457

« #1 : September 19, 2012, 08:29:37 AM »

They also had a high schooler pulled around 7:50.
Hero Member
: 15235

« #2 : September 19, 2012, 08:39:49 AM »

Hi Todd,

As a result of some Facebook comments, I just spoke with Bob Norris regarding the comments of The Sheriff's Department writing many tickets yesterday and patrolling the Fletcher Road - Bob tells me that they had no one in Fairfax yesterday and in fact did not know that the speed limits had been changed until he saw it on my web site yesterday. He told me that they recieve their direction as to the roads to patrol based on direction from our Fairfax Selectboard and I believe they in turn react to complaints for that area.

Now apparently they have someone in Fairfax today and I will be checking to see if they are issuing tickets or issuing warnings.  I appreciate your posting this Todd and would be interested in hearing of anyone being stopped and given tickets for the 40MPH speed limit area.  At the meeting Mary Kay and I attended, we were told there might be warnings issued to make people aware.  We may need to put red flags on the new signs as they are exactly the same as the previous ones, only a different number on them.

Again, thanks Todd for making me aware of this.

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 15235

« #3 : September 19, 2012, 08:49:13 AM »

Thanks Shelly - Hopefully, the student only got a warning - It would be a shame to get points on a license, unless the student was going 60 MPH - Please post if you notice any other drivers stopped.  I will be checking with Bob Norris tomorrow.

Henry Raymond
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