The following are the best practices that Apple uses as criteria for the Apple Distinguished School Award. In addition someone needs to fill out an application for the award and send it to the Apple Corporation and buy many Apple products. I encourage everyone to look closely at the criteria...(it took some time to gather this information. I hope it is clear.) I wonder how many people were involved in the process?
1. Visionary Leadership
Shared Leadership
School leaders take collective ownership of the initiative.
Individual Leadership
A credible and inspirational thought leader sets and articulates the vision.
Community Engagement
Broad community sponsorship supports the institution’s initiatives.
2. Innovative Learning and Teaching
Student Learning
Learning is a personal experience for every student.
Instructional Practices
Faculty are master learners who expertly guide their students through difficult and complex tasks.
Curriculum Design
Innovation and rigorous curriculum is redesigned to leverage technology
3. Ongoing Professional Learning
Relevant and Timely Professional Development
Faculty engage in a cycle of inquiry that promotes reflection, experimentation, and sharing.
4. Compelling Evidence of Success
Data is routinely collected and analyzed to inform progress and measure success.
Narrative, reflective, or anecdotal evidence is collected and shared.
5. Flexible Learning Environment
School Design and Facilities
Facilities and schedules are designed to maximize learning opportunities that technology provides.
Information Technology (IT)
Information Technology (IT) infrastructure supports innovation in teaching and learning.