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: Unapproved minutes FCL Trustees 1/10 meeting  ( 4264 )
Rev. Elizabeth
Hero Member
: 1286

« : January 15, 2019, 10:14:58 AM »

Unapproved Minutes: January 10, 2019 meeting: FCL Board of Trustees.

The meeting was called to order at 6:18.
Present were: Pat Gallant, Emily Diguilio, Liz Griffin, Ellen Holmes-Henry, Christina Fearon, Eric Foreman, and public visitor, Lisa Griswold.

There was no correspondence.

The minutes of the previous Trustees’ meeting were approved after a motion by Ellen.

Eric reported that the balance in the checking account is $450.35 after being reconciled on 12/18. The savings account balance is $2337.07.
The balance in the CD is approximately $5000.  $1000 was moved from the CD to the Trustees’  savings account.  Liz made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, and it was approved.


There is no information about the date of the next Facilities  Committee meeting. .  Eric has been unsuccessful in communicating with the group.

Emily distributed her quarterly report.  She has completed the annual report for the Department of Libraries. 
The Halloween event at the library was busy and enjoyed by many.
A wide variety of programs are  offered  after school, in the evening, and on Saturday,  managed by  program director Nicole. They are well attended.  A high point was the Stuffed Animal Sleepover.   Nicole has a  monthly music program starting Jan 12 that will feature music and refreshments.  It will be offered through March. 

The library is going to offer library patrons a free trial to Kanopy, a video streaming service.  They have videos that include both documentaries and movies.  The charge is $2.00 per patron.  The possibility of students accessing the documentaries as part  of academic research was discussed.

The security buzzer for the  library door in the main lobby is now operational.  Amy will buzz people into the library.  Beginning Monday January 14 the  door will be locked. 

Vermont Associates for Training and Development approached Emily about having someone train at the library under their aegis.  It was decided that no additional help was needed at this time.

The town manager has said that he would present the budget to the Selectboard. There is a 2.55% increase in the budget over last year’s budget. 

New Business

There will be a trustee vacancy this year.  Lisa Griswold will be applying for the post. 

Chris has looked at the strategic plans of other libraries. She looked for common themes and objectives amongst all the plans she examined  and compiled them into a usable reference.
The idea is to read and revise the current plan, determining:  whether or not our stated goals were met; how to evaluate our objectives; and what revisions might be needed.  Our strategic plan ends in 2/19.  Trustees will review the current strategic plan, and consider the plan’s efficacy for the upcoming 5 years. Ideas about changes will also be discussed. This will be an ongoing agenda item for the trustees.

Staffing Plan.

Another ongoing conversation for the Trustees will be staffing.  Reorganizing hours and shifts of the current library staff, ensuring that there are two staff members on in the evenings, are among concerns to be discussed and resolved.

Emily brought  up the Baby Book Dedication, wondering how the books were funded.  The books are purchased by the trustees.  Last year approximately $200 worth of books was purchased through Ingraham, and the trustees will again purchase books for this event. 

Ellen broached the idea of having a book sale for the library.

The trustees went into executive session at 7:25 and came out at 7:45.

Town meeting will be held on March 2. Liz will help with the library table at town meeting.

The next Trustees’ meeting will be March 21 at 6:30 in the Fairfax Room.

Respectfully submitted

Rev. Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.
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