Fr. Romanus Ignweonu, Adam Benay, Saveta Saini, Deacon Stephen Ratte and Rev. Elizabeth Griffin
The Fairfax United Church was the scene of a well-attended Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Service, on Sunday evening, November 18, 2007. Rev Elizabeth, Pastor of The United Church welcomed everyone and spoke of the importance of giving thanks, not only at this time of year, but also throughout the year.
Patti Smith, organist from the United Church and Bob Bessette and a group from St. Luke’s provided music and song for the attendees. Adam Benay read a Hebrew Scripture in Hebrew, after which Rev. Elizabeth read it in English and Saveta Saini read Prayers from the Hindu Tradition.
Youth from St. Luke’s read PSALM 111 and the attendees responded.
Deacon Stephen Ratte read the Gospel
As is the custom, the visiting Pastor, Father Rome, gave the homily, the theme being, everything we get and have comes from God, so we need to thank him and not try to take all the credit ourselves.
Attendees brought non-perishable food for The Fairfax Food Shelf and during the singing of “Surely The Presence Of The Lord” they were brought up to the front of the Church.
After the service, everyone went down stairs to enjoy some wonderful food and take some time to chat with each other.Many of the St. Luke’s attendees had never been in the United Church before and remarked to me how well kept up it was. I couldn’t remember the year, but told them that it was all repainted several years ago. I just found my photos and will share them with you of the painters painting the Old 1850 Church if you click on the following link: