Warning: Never discuss politics with friends.
Oh well.
As to McCain being another Bush.
For 4 years the press used McCain's differences with Bush
to drill home the fact that Bush did not have 100% Republican support.
Bush said stay the course in Iraq.
McCain argued loudly to get the surge approved.
Obama said the surge would never work, would actually hurt.
May was the lowest casualty month in Iraq since DAY 1,
did you hear the press cover this, no.
Will the press say McCain was right ? No.
Obama says "McCain is another Bush" and people believe it
The press covers that.
We hear it almost every day.
And by the way, when is he going to go into details on his promised "Change".
At this time, I can discuss his ideas, or lack of them, with no fear of the government.
Will he "Change" that ?
I can carry a gun.
Will he "Change" that ?
I have the right to vote in November.
Will he "Change" that ?
If I call 911, professionals respond to my emergency.
Will he "Change" that ?
We are a democracy, we are America.
I don't want him to change that.
And, of course, NO, we are not perfect.
But I'm grateful for all we have.
McCain/Santee 08
I should probably duck now.
Thanks for this forum Henry !!!