I work for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and we do Deport Illegal Aliens everyday. We have a whole department called DRO (Detention and Removal Operations)that is their sole purpose. The numbers for last year ICE removed a record 276,912 illegal aliens, including voluntary removals, from the United States. I will say that we concentrate on Criminal Aliens before Illegal workers, but we do a lot of work site enforcement also. Work site enforcement though is not a highlight of the new administration and is running a risk of (in my opinion) being cut all together. They are saying that it is unfair to target the Illegal Aliens like that. It's not a big problem in Vermont but to give you an idea of how bad it is in some areas. There was a raid on a Tyson chicken factory in Virginia and over 500 illegals were working there. That's a lot of American job and that is just one example. Here is something that came out yesterday. cut and paste.