Pictures of the Day May 15. 2009Ready for take offBaby bird out on his ownONE FLEW OUT OF THE ROBIN'S NESTWhen I came home from work around 12:30pm to let the dog out, I noticed the baby bird sitting on the edge of his nest. I took a picture of him, then went inside. After letting Rex out a bit, we came back in and I was on the computer as Rex was in the chair next to the window. All of a sudden, Rex went nuts, whining and barking at the window. I got up to see what was going on, and the baby bird was trying to leave the nest, but his foot was caught on a string or something. I went out, and saw what the problem was. The bird was flapping all over the place because of that piece of whatever. I got out my Leatherman, and carefully reached up and cut the string. The baby bird dropped to the ground. I was trying to pick it back up to put it back into the nest, but it started flapping it's wings and hopping away. It stopped at one point, and looked at me as I got off a quick picture of it, then it scampered away. I put the camera back, happened to look out and I think I saw one of the parents with a worm in it's mouth, probably wondering, "Where did that kid run off to now?".
I took a shot off the inside of the empty nest, and it was all full of bird poop. No wonder it wanted out.
Well, farglesnot.
The Bruins lost in overtime.
It was fun while it lasted.