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: The Tunbridge Fair - A Reputation  ( 4480 )
Hero Member
: 15235

« : September 18, 2009, 08:11:13 AM »

I remember when I was growing up used to hear the older people talk about The Tunbridge Fair and have to admit I developed an image that stuck with me through the years.  Actually a few years ago when I went down to The Vermont Historical Exhibits down at Tunbridge, I still carried some of those childhood ideas of Tunbridge.

The popular saying when I was a kid was that in order to get into The Tunbridge World's Fair, you had to have a flask on your hip and another man's wife on your arm.  I believe it used to be a real rough and tumble affair.

The long time president of the Tunbridge World's Fair is retiring this year and was interviewed on Channel 3 last night and he readily admitted the short comings of the earlier Tunbridge World's Fair.  He took great pride in how in his reign there things had changed and it was now a family oriented Fair.

Even Marcelus Parsons who did the interview remembered the reputation of The Tunbridge Fair.

Henry Raymond
Sr. Member
: 346

« #1 : September 18, 2009, 09:58:19 AM »

My father in law (who is 76 years old..) tells stories of some the "fun" times at the Tunbridge Fair.  Kind of the same stories I used to hear about the "girlie shows" and the Champlain Valley Fair in Essex.
The Tennessee State fair is just finishing up its run, and the problem there is inner city gangs fighting.  I went last Friday and there was a large police presence.  And these are real gangs...(just like the ones you can see on the evening news), not a group of rebelious teenagers.

Brian Farris

I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar.
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