Sunday December 13, 2009
Pictures of the DayThe 2nd Annual J&L Hardware Guess-A-ThonThe RulesCHRISTMAS SHOPPINGWell, I am just about done Christmas shopping. Margie and I went to Church Street, and then to Barnes & Noble. I walked over to U-Mall from there. Sad part was, I could have done it all on Dorset Street, although, Margie did find some things on Church Street.
There was an article in the Free Press about sales being down in the city of Burlington because people are shopping elsewhere, namely South Burlington, and Williston. Not surprising. It all depends on what you are looking for.
I missed the Tree Lighting Ceremony up at the mini-mall again this year. Last year I was doing building coverage at the school, and didn't get out until 4:30. Saturday at 4pm, I think I was roaming around U-Mall.
I shut the water off at the museum Saturday morning, so for all intends and purposes, we are closed for the year, until spring.
I will be putting lights up around the door at the museum Sunday.