Even with teh Bucs winning the Superbowl -- The US beating the Soviets is still the best sporting event ever ---
Couple of interesting points on this game --
1. I actually could have gone to the game -- but didn't have the cash -- another guy went in place
2. I was attending UVM at the time -- Watched the game at the Radisson Hotel --- They had a Big Screen and drink specials -- never forget it ---
3. UVM Hockey Star was a friend of mine, Craig Homala. Small Kid from Minnesota -- set scoring records back in '78, '79 and '80 he was an alternate for the Olympic Team. Someone got hurt and he was called up for the tournament -- he said .. nahhhh I'm doing well with UVM right now, no need to mess this up now -- Can you imagine his decision AFTER everything that happpened
4. I got married on date - -celebrating 18 years of marriage ---
Hope I didn't bore you, Mike M