Sunday May 9, 2010
Pictures of the DayFlowers for Mothers' DayIRON MAN SATURDAYMargie's friend, Kim, had a birthday Friday and she wanted to have a bunch of friends get together and go watch Iron Man 2 on Saturday. Trouble was, we hadn't seen Iron Man yet. I have it on DVD, but hadn't watched it yet. So Margie and I watched the DVD Saturday afternoon before heading down to Williston and meet up to watch the sequel.
Good stuff. Both movies. The first one is very involved, a lot of character developement. The second one has A LOT of action. Still a great popcorn movie. Great casting. Great chemistry between Robert Downey, Jr. and Gwenyth Paltrow. Great dialogue. If you saw the first one on the big screen, you have to see 2 on it as well. Even if you saw 1 on DVD, see 2 on the big screen, too.
Margie enjoyed BOTH movies as well.