An interesting article on one of the tracker sites. Jihadwatch. org is dedicated to exposing the "Islamist threat". A lot of interesting news and an eye opener for those who like to thing everything will be OK if we just talk to them and be nice. Articles cover anything regarding Islam, e.g. treatment of Jews, Christians, terrorism in general. It appears that a service member reported that some patrols are done without having a round chambered. In the article NATO would not comment, which makes sense. But, I have read other weird stories about how the Command is experimenting with tactics. article: called the VTANG IG and Family Readiness Center about this report to see if they could find any info. I did receive a call from Cmd Sgt Major
, forgot the name. But, he commented that our troops lock and load outside the wire. However he said that he would push the question up the chain.
Check out the article and call your Congressman or VTANG to ask that the story be confirmed as fact or maybe something misreported. Just passing this along as things like this cannot be taken lightly.