

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

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Town Of Fairfax Selectboard Minutes
March 2, 2009

Selectboard Members present: Bill Ormerod, Judy Cleary, Bob Horr, Charlie Swanson, and Randy DeVine - Staff Members present: Suzanne Lavallee, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard; Don Pigeon, Highway Department, Katrina Antonovich, Recreation Department; Deborah Woodward, Town Clerk/Treasurer - Public Present: Linda Corey, Andrew Perrotte, George Decell, Melissa Beerworth

1. Call to Order

Judy Cleary, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:02PM.

2. Items on the Agenda

A. Don Pigeon: Don purchased two (2) backhoe tires last week due to a broken coil spring penetrating the tire. Went to three (3) different sources. Purchased Italian tires called BBX for $560 each. Firestones were $1,006, lowest price was $899 each. They are 12-ply tires, much stiffer than what was on previously. Tires only last about 2 years. Also had to do repairs to DJ’s truck - hub, brake shoes, pair of tires, and wheel.

Two (2) loads of salt have been delivered but will probably need more. There is enough right now for three (3) storms. Don could probably put one more load in storage. Charlie suggested applying for a transportation enhancement grant to construct a salt shed. The applications are sent in August to the State of Vermont. Suzanne has the applications on file. We will need to put together a site plan for submission. The maximum grant amount is $300,000. The State pays 80% and the Town would be responsible for 20% of the cost. Discussion followed regarding the type of building and possibly adding to the existing shed.

Randy would like Don to be copied on the Selectboard meeting minutes in advance of the next meeting to review for accuracy and items needing action. Minutes are usually completed by Wednesday. It was agreed that Don will be copied on the minutes in the future.

While Don was still present, Charlie presented a card to Judy because this will be her last meeting.

B. Randy DeVine: Randy distributed the monthly water report for February for the Board’s review. It was the 3rd lowest monthly usage since 1985. Bill noted the Water Usage Summary Sheet should read Feb 09, not Feb 08.

Did snow removal two (2) days this past week.

Update on the Source Protection Plan is due April 1st. Randy has been working with Amy Sears for the past couple of months and everything is now complete, other than the contact person for the Selectboard. They are holding off on that item until the new chairman is named. The April 1st deadline will be met. Only changes were new home sales with new residents and that was basically it. Re-designed letter that is sent to the homeowner’s in the protection area.

Had a chlorine delivery on Friday and refilled the day plant. Applied some degreaser to the main pump station.

Randy reviewed the Handy easements with Skip Taylor. The legend does not correspond with the way the lines have been drawn (ROW and property lines). Skip contacted Stitzel, Page, and Fletcher and it should not be an issue. The footage is correct.

C. Katrina Antonovich: Katrina distributed copies of the agreement with BFA, with changes that were made. She reviewed the edits with the Board.

Katrina made a few revisions to the Recreation By-Laws and distributed copies for the Board’s review. She also provided a list of individuals who expressed interest in being members of the 2009 Recreation Board. She would like to have one (1) youth member on the Board. Discussion followed regarding the decision making process of the Board, and what rules are to be followed, etc.

The deadlines for two State grants for recreation were missed this year, but Katrina is beginning work for next year’s applications. They are reimbursable grants.

D. Linda Corey/Andrew Perrotte: Presented a signed petition from residents of Meade Road to NOT have the road paved. They feel it would cause traffic and speed to increase on the road. Judy responded that no roads will be paved this year due to budget restraints. Bill explained that the Board would verify the names on the petition with the Town Clerk and would then consider action on the matter.

E. Deb Woodward: Review of employee policy regarding vacation. She spoke with the auditors regarding this policy. The current policy for available vacation time is January to January, not the employee’s anniversary date. Suzanne and Deb’s vacation would be pro-rated for the first year. After the first year, it would then move January to January. The Board will need to change the language of the policy.

Deb also spoke with the auditors regarding coverage for payroll when she is on vacation or not available. She suggested Amy Sears be the person to perform these duties in her absence, rather than having Donna Meunier continue to come in. Bob raised a question on the extent of bonding people performing financial duties. Discussion followed regarding this issue. The question was also raised whether it would be considered an assistant treasurer, or just a backup. Deb will contact VLCT to verify whether she and Amy will need to undergo a background check to become bonded. Deb will follow up with Bill when she receives an answer from VLCT.

F. George Decell: George asked whether the Town receives federal funds for paving. The answer is no, we receive State money, if at all. He is concerned over the pot holes and general condition of Sam Webb Road and would like to see some repairs made. He also asked if it is cheaper to maintain dirt or paved roads. The answer was that the costs are actually very close. Bob noted there are other variables involved such as quality of the blacktop put down, etc. Bob also explained that this is a difficult time of year to be attempting road repairs. George stated his opinion that the decision to pave a road should be put to a town vote, not decided by petition of some of the residents of the road. His vehicles are suffering damage due to the condition of the road. Randy noted that the pot holes this year are extremely severe. George suggested perhaps taking down some of the ledge on the hill section of the road. Bill explained that this year it basically comes down to money on what can be done with the roads.

3. Minutes

A. Bill noted there is a typo on line 36, should read “going”, not “gong”. Bob motioned to accept the minutes as amended from the meeting on February 16th; Randy seconded. Motion passed.

4. Items of discussion from the Correspondence Worksheet

A. DRB Unofficial meeting minutes.

B. DRB Public Notice.

C. VT Liquor Control letter re: Nan’s, and subsequent rescinding of the suspension follow up letter.

D. Letter from Leon Beliveau to Environmental Court.

E. Letter from Stitzel, Page & Fletcher re: Beliveau appeal.

F. Letter re: 2008 Bridge Inspection Summary Reports. Charlie reviewed and noted the rot found on the covered bridge.

G. LCAT Notice of Meeting.

H. Notice of Intent to Discharge – Nan’s Mobil.

I.Letter from Town of Westford re: VT Route 128.

J. Letter from Stitzel, Page & Fletcher re: Financial Statements.

K. Randy reviewed the Water Ordinance with changes and it’s a mess. Randy and Bob will sit down in the next week and review.

L. Town Service Officer Appointments notice. Prior to next week’s meeting Suzanne will locate the list of town appointed officials and their terms.

M. Far View Tree Farm notice.

N. Letter from Stitzel, Page & Fletcher re: Audit.

O. VLCT Pacif Loss Report.

P. Letter from Leon Beliveau requesting protection order.

Q. Letter from Leon Beliveau to Jacalyn Fletcher.

R. Letter from Jim Carroll re: Handy Notice of Hearing on March 17, 2009.

S. Purchase Order from the Listers requesting seminar attendance. Total cost is $165. Bill authorized the purchase order.

T. Memo from Skip Taylor saying we have been awarded an $800 education grant and he would like to know when we would like to schedule the Capital Planning Budget seminar. Bill suggested March 23rd, 2009 in lieu of a Selectboard meeting. Next week will be an organizational meeting.

U. Jo Blake called re: Two tax sales to be held March 13th, 2009. Wanted to know if the Town was prepared to buy the properties. Discussion followed whether the Town is required to purchase tax sale properties if they are not sold. Bob will call the Listers Office for more information on the properties. Judy will call Jo Blake with additional questions also.

5. Other Business

A. Bob: Does anyone know the boundaries of the fire house parcel?

Also, had a call last week from Harry Shepard & Associates regarding the audit for the Town of Moretown. They would like a formality letter (sample included) from the Town of Fairfax to certify solid waste practices. Suzanne will prepare the letter for signature.

Received a copy of the Draft Law Enforcement Service Evaluation from Carolyn. Discussion followed regarding the study.

B. Randy: Received a letter from a resident regarding the meter reading cards. Randy read letter to the Board and discussion followed. The cards need to be mailed early enough to give residents ample time to return them. Randy and Bob will deal with the issue.

Randy revisited the issue of taking out a half-page section in the Fairfax News for the purpose of notifying the public of upcoming issues such as taxes due, office numbers and hours, dog licenses due, etc. We need to move forward with this, but need budget approval first. Discussion followed regarding the Board getting started on issues sooner, so they can be warned earlier, such as hazardous waste day, etc. Suzanne needs to move forward with locating vendors for electronics removal, paint disposal, etc. for HHWD.

C. Charlie: Attended the first round of stimulus appropriation meeting – the legislation needs to spend $44M within thirty (30) days. Most of the money is for paving. Bridge 10 should be included in Phase 2, which needs to be completed within two (2) years.

Should we request Joanna Blake come in to discuss the delinquent tax list? Discussion regarding delinquent taxes followed. Judy will call Joanna to set something up for possibly March 16th.

D. Bill: Requested the Board think about goals for them to accomplish for discussion next week, e.g., capital budget plan, ordinance review, etc.

E. Suzanne noted Ted Cantwell, Town Constable returned his keys, badge, and dog noose.

F. Discussion regarding who will be helping out at Town Meeting Day and voting polls.

6. Adjournment

Bill motioned to adjourn at 9:15 PM. Bob seconded. All board members voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted
Suzanne Lavallee
On behalf of the Selectboard

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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