

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

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Fairfax Selectboard Minutes of 03/27/06

Selectboard Chair, Jeff Blake, Judy Cleary - Vice Chair, and members Doug Webb, Bill Ormerod and Charles Swanson were present at the meeting. Also present were Road Foreman Don Pigeon, Water/Sewer Superintendent Randy DeVine, Zone Administrator, Skip Taylor, Selectboard Administrator Debra Richer, George DeCell, Jr., Colleen Steen, Betty Poulin, Amber Lafontaine, Jonathan Koval, Tim Mack, Representative Carolyn Branagan, Cathy Larsson, Ashley Ziegler, Tim Smith - FCIDC, Abby Kirkendoll, and Jan Kirkendoll. These minutes are unofficial until approved by the Board at the next regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Don Pigeon submitted a copy of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Report - January 2006 through December 2006 which was presented by Donna Meunier, the Town Clerk. She mentioned that the Summer maintenance is usually from April 15th to November 15th each year. Our total expenditures to-date is $80,000 out of a total of $471,000. Bill wanted to know when we were going to receive a discount on our insurance because of the Wellness Program. Judy said we would have that information in October 2006. Jeff mentioned the Vermont Emergency Management had called him and had some questions on the HMGP Sub-recipient Budget Request Sheet - FEMA grant which had been submitted to them last week in Waterbury, Vermont. Jeff is going to call them back and go over the figures we originally submitted. If not resolved, Don and Debra will visit Christine Brown at VEM to resolve the issue. Don had apologized for not attending the Agency of Transportation Meeting last Friday, 3/24/06, but the school had an emergency and they had to fix the main power line and run the school on a generator. Bill provided the details of the AOT Financial Plan as follows: The town ended up with a bottom line of $471,000. The ratio between winter and summer maintenance is 55% vs. 45%. Unfortunately the state rates will not be fixed until the July/August timeframe so we don't know exactly how much we will be receiving from them. The State took what we overspent last year and added it to this year's funds. Don inquired whether the figures on Class II and Class III Roads were last year's amounts and Bill responded that both the figures and the rates were last year's. Jeff responded that our road code standards on the infrastructure is up-to-date, that the State has our financial plan which has been filled out, the 2006 Roads to be Paved document and they will contact us with the exact dollar amount per mile on road classification when it has been officially determined. Don will provide the pavement bids next week from several contractors. Don put the culverts out to bid. He needs 10 rolls of fabric. Last year he didn't have to buy any fabric.

George DeCell attended the meeting to discuss the paving of Webb Road. He explained to the Board that the gully is in horrid shaped and wash-boarding. He asked that not the whole road be paved, but the gully which was about ½ mile stretch on Webb Road. Jeff told George the roads to be paved have already been selected and unfortunately, Webb Road was not on the list for this year, but could they possibly fix it in the next couple of years. George didn't expect it to be fixed this year, but just wanted to report it this year. He also came to discuss State Police Overtime versus hiring a Sheriff. Jeff told George that the Sheriff's hours had just increased from 28 hours to 40 hours/week.

Randy said he's meeting with Amy on 3/28/06 to finalize the Forest Protection Plan update. Randy will present the Seward Allocation list which is due in April at the Board meeting to be held on Monday, 4/10/06. Bill and Charles thanked Randy for providing the tour on Saturday, 3/25/06 at 8AM to get an overview of the water/sewer department. It was an educational opportunity.

Skip Taylor submitted the Zoning Administrator's Activity Report dated 2/28/06 - 3/13/06. 14 Building permits, 55 New Homes and 10 Compliances are the 2006 amounts YTD. The Webbs will be coming in to talk to the Board on their sewer application permit on their B&B on 4/3/06. Skip is still working on his Computer purchase order.

Carolyn Branagan (our state representative serving both Fairfax and Georgia) was introduced to Bill, Charlie and Debra. She mentioned the other representative was Brian Dunsmore. She tries to come to the Board meetings every couple of months to let us know what's going on in Montpelier as well as be able to answer questions or solve problems. She came to this meeting to respond to 3 items that came up at Town Meeting. Item 1 pertains to the River Road/Stones Brook project which Bob Horr did not feel was moving along at a fast enough pace. He thought the money was tied up in Ways and Means. Bob had provided Carolyn with a letter from the State saying the money was in Joint Fiscal. Bob called Carolyn and said that he had talked to Joint Fiscal and things were moving faster. Item 2 pertained to Road Signs at the Cambridge end of Town - Route 104. She wanted to make sure the speed limit signs were still there for 35 mph and 40 mph. Judy said she would check and report back. Carolyn furnished an e-mail pertaining to Item 3 which was Buck Hollow Road. Carolyn mentioned that the Selectboard had the authority to change the speed limit to 40 mph. Jeff
responded that reducing the speed limit would not necessarily reduce the speed. Bill furnished Carolyn with our contact information. Charlie told Carolyn he would like to visit her in Montpelier. Carolyn said she voted against the gas tax and she knows there's 24 million dollars available in Federal government funds.

Cathy Larsson, a Girl Scout Leader & Ashley Ziegler a senior in high school, presented their proposal for a sign for the "bike path" that Ashley had designed. The proposed location is by the Tennis Court parking lot. Hopefully, the sign will be completed by graduation. The Selectboard told Ashley she did a great job! They inquired whether they had to bring in a petition to make a 2nd sign. Bill said he would check and get back to them with the information. Bill said he would not be able to make the next Recreation Path Meeting because he was attending another function.

Tim Mack and Dave Koval from Clean Green Sanitation were introduced to Debra, Charlie and Bill. Jeff provided them with Town mailing labels so they could send environmental magnets out to the Town. Jeff reminded Tim of Item # 6 in the Clean Green Sanitation Waste Collection Contract which states, "Clean Green Sanitation will do a direct mail "educational mailing" to Fairfax residents biannually in order to foster recycling. Clean Green Sanitation will also provide recycling education at the school once annually." Tim said he would call Gabe Handy to discuss how the trash should be picked up at Gabe Handy's development. Tim suggested a dumpster was a possibility. Tim said he had no complaints, that they had a good winter and that they had purchased a new truck. Clean Green is looking forward to the new contract which goes out for bid on January 28, 2007. Judy asked, if they were supposed to go to the schools and talk about recycling. Tim promised he would go to the schools and educate the kids on recycling.

Tim Smith from Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation (FCIDC) tries to come to the Selectboard meeting every year to make himself available for questions and to provide an update on what's going on with FCIDC. He furnished a poster to be hung at the town offices - Franklin Region Career/Job Expo to be held on Thursday, March 30, 2006. They have 100 high school sophomores, junior and senior students attending this Expo. They have approximately 80 businesses set up at the complex available to talk to the students about future job opportunities. FCIDC has also set-up job training for maintenance mechanics and other skilled tradesmen. Currently, they have 28 people going through in their 41-week program. Their main focus is on manufacturing. He also furnished a Franklin County Brochure as well as a 2005 FCIDC Annual Report. Judy told Tim that FCIDC does a great job!

GENERAL BUSINESS: The Board reviewed and accepted purchase orders, work orders and invoices. Jeff proposed Doug review and approve the purchase orders, work orders and invoices before each weekly Selectboard meeting to save time. This was acceptable to the Board. Judy Cleary moved to accept the minutes from the March 20, 2006 Selectboard Meeting. Doug seconded. Four amendments were offered and accepted. All voted in favor of accepting the minutes as amended. Judy Cleary motioned to accept the AOT Meeting Minutes from Friday, 3/24/06. Bill seconded. 3 voted in favor and 2 abstained. Jeff has not heard anything back from the potential constable candidate yet. The Correspondence Worksheet was reviewed and approved by the Selectboard.

OTHER BUSINESS: Jeff asked, if everyone had read the copy of the letter from Ronald & Deanne Morin to the DRB. Everyone had and there were no questions. The Morins will move ahead and submit a new plan for a PUD. Jeff, Doug and Charlie reviewed and measured some sidewalks early this morning in Fairfax. Debra will obtain bids for the sidewalks needed on Main Street from Verizon to the corner of School Street. We have approximately $21K available for the sidewalk fund. The Selectboard had reviewed all the documentation Dan Bouthillette had submitted at last week's meeting as well as a map of Benoit Road located in North Fairfax not complying with the A76 Standard. The conclusion of the Selectboard was as follows: Leo and Marie Benoit, the owners, Terry St. Pierre, the installation contractor, and Ralph P. Brannon, the Project Engineer were all present at two (2)separate inspections, had documented 5 locations on the map and certified the road twice--once on May 6, 2005 and again on January 23, 2006. It's their responsibility and Dan should be addressing his concerns to them. A letter will be written to Dan this week. Jeff is still working on the Model Flood Plan. He's waiting to hear back from the Department of Environmental Conservation. Jeff provided an update on Fairfax dog issues which included strays, dog bites and dogs that were disposed of by its owners.

The Grand List Seminar to be held in Montpelier at the Capital Plaza Hotel was re-approved by the Board for the (3) Listers. The money had to come out of the Town Budget instead of the Lister's budget. Bill furnished Debra with his registration form for the 61st Annual Town Officer's Education Conference which will be held at the Sheraton Conference Center in Burlington, VT on Wednesday, April 12, 2006. Debra will register Bill on-line. Charles will provide his form to Debra at a later date. Judy read the letter from Andy Nazarey to the Selectboard pertaining to the damage he sustained to his vehicle on November 1, 2005. He is still looking for a reimbursement of $ 600.96 which Jennifer Woodward of Vermont League of Cities and Towns has denied.

Jeff read the letter from Ernest C. Englehardt, Jr. State of VT - District 8 pertaining to Town Grants for FY2007. The letter stated that the concern for the level of funding for the Town Highways Structures Program and the Town Highway Class 2 Roadway Programs have not been reduced from previous years. The Selectboard also reviewed the letter from Vicky Abare from Vermont League of Cities and Towns pertaining to a Marshall & Swift property Valuation which was conducted. The board signed a retirement card which will be mailed to Jim Field for his many years of service.

Bill passed out the Franklin County Weekly Statistics document which he received because he's the representative on the VT State Police Community Advisory Board (CAB). Lt. Evans will be setting up a time to come to a Selectboard Meeting with either Bill or Debra. Bill talked to Carol Lizotte on what her plans were for utilization of the 100 acres of land by the Recreation Path Committee. Bill requested Carol wait until the Forest Management Plan was completed until she completes any mapping or tagging. The proposed website was discussed and it was decided that at this point in time we do not require KeVaCo to create a website for the town. Debra will send a letter to Keith and Vanetta Darby.

Charlie went over his handout entitled, "Review of the River Road Culvert Project" and furnished a copy to Don to review. He is going to leave the River Road Culvert map in my office for Don. He also has the 3 easement deeds for The Hunzikers, the W.I.N. Trust and John and Sandra Zeno being drafted by Debra.

Judy is going to furnish more information on the TLC grant to Danielle Fitzko at the Vermont Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation.

PUBLIC INPUT: Colleen Steen provided Route 104 crash data so danger spots can be determined on that road.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:34 PM.

____________________________________ Debra Richer, Selectboard Administrator


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