

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.

Town Of Fairfax Selectboard Minutes
May 3, 2010

Selectboard Members present: Robert Horr, Chair, William Ormerod, Jr. – Vice Chair,

Randy DeVine and Peter King.

Call to Order: Bob Horr called the meeting to order at 7PM.

Agenda Items

7:00 PM. Don Pigeon – Road Foreman: Don stated that the road crew has already picked up a dump-truck load of garbage that people have picked up for Green-Up Day. A town truck received some minor damage from broken limbs and trees down after the snowstorm on April 28th, Don took a tree out of the road on Plains Rd. The pavers are here and will be working on the five designated roads in town. Peter King talked to the DMV regarding signage on Fletcher Road. Bethany Remmers, from Northwest Regional Planning, came to view the concerns the town has with intersections located at Fletcher Road/Swamp Road and Fletcher Road/Wilkins Road. We are looking for a grant to do the engineering portion of the work. Bob received a request from Giles Boissoneault requesting Don to assist him in identifying locations for culverts on Ledge Road. Notification to abutting landowners will first take place prior to scheduling this site visit. Danny Ranks will be notified that his well appears to be located in the R.O.W. for Ledge Road.

7:15 PM. Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator: Skip handed out his Activity Report for the time period of April 6 – May 3, 2010. Since his last report eighteen building permits have been received. He has issued two certificates of compliance and four certificates of occupancy. There are 37 building permits for 2010 as compared to this same time in 2009 of 16 and 2008 of 21. He is assembling data to have the current zoning maps updated. The Planning Commission is continuing work on the new Development Regulations. Current count on DRB projects is 8. Godfrey Stephen property at 8 Boissoneault Road and the connection fee for sewer was discussed. Upon completion of the requirements for final allocation, this application will be considered “connected”. The following motion was made.

Randy made the motion to waive the connection fee for the current sewer allocation application submitted by Godfrey Stephen for 8 Boissoneault Road.

Bill seconded. Vote was 3-0-1

7:30 PM. Randy DeVine: Randy and Paul will be attending the Vermont Rural Water Conference May 6, 2010. The fee for this is $68.00 each.

Bill made a motion to approve the fee of 68.00 per person to attend the conference.

Peter seconded. Vote was 3-0-1

Randy asked whether the income produced by the logging done on the Fletcher Road reservoir site should be placed in the utility department checkbook, or in a separate utility account. He felt the money should be in a separate account and not used for ordinary expenses. The Board agreed and will request that any past and future income from logging at the Fletcher Road reservoir be set aside for special utility department projects. Randy talked about feedback he’s receiving from the letter that went out to sewer water customers without town supplied water regarding the installation of a particle filter on their line. Randy rebuilt the lawnmower deck and mowed the grass at the treatment plant. Randy has an individual coming in to do community service work.

8:00 PM. Mildred Warren – Town employee came in to discuss personnel issues.

Peter made the motion to enter into executive session at 8:04 PM.

Bill seconded. Vote was 3-0-1.

Peter made the motion to exit executive session at 8:20 PM. Randy second.

Vote was 3-0-1.

Minutes of 4/19/10

Bill made the motion to approve the minutes as written.

Randy seconded. Vote was 3-0-1.


Lister Position:

The position has been filled by Linda Sanderson as an appointed position until the next town meeting.

Resumes for Assistant Town Clerk/Office Assistant:

31 resumes have been received thus far. The Board will come in at their convenience and review these.

Land Acquisition:

Two possible sites have been located. A review with pros and cons took place.

Internet Service:

ISP SurfGlobal will be at the Town Office on Wednesday May 5 to install internet service.

Civil Ordinance:

Regulating Construction/Demolition Waste Disposal posted for thirty (30) days starting 4/30/10.

Recreation Department:

Katrina Antonovich has submitted her recommendation for hiring of a maintenance worker. The rate of pay was established.

Bill made the motion to hire Cody Lewis – after a reference check.

Randy seconded. Vote was 3-0-1.


Bill made the motion to adjourn at 9:30 PM. Randy seconded. Vote was 4-0

The minutes respectfully submitted by Stacy Wells, Asst. Town Clerk.


Robert Horr, Chair

The minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Selectboard meeting.

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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