

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, June 20, 2011


Selectboard Members Present: Bill Ormerod, Bob Horr, Randy DeVine, Peter King and Chris Santee.

Public Present: Mark Hunziker and Katrina Antonovich.

Call to Order: Bill called the meeting to order at 6:34PM.


Mark Hunziker – Citizens for Fairfax Community

Mark is here as a representative of the CFC. He is here to update the Board on the status of the application for a planning grant with the VCDP; previously put on hold. Mark reported that information and documentation has been assembled for re-application. He handed out a worksheet, “Town of Fairfax, VT Proposed VCDP Planning Grant Budget” for review. They will obtain an estimate from a business plan consultant to include in the budget. The CFC is holding a Zumba-thon in August as a viable means for raising required matching funds.

Katrina Antonovich – Recreation Department Director

A. Katrina is here to discuss Cody painting the graffiti on the covered bridge. Randy approached Katrina last week concerned with the graffiti and vandalism to the CB. The Town would like Cody to include the CB on his regular rounds. The money to provide this service would come out of the general maintenance account for capital improvement.

B. The annual Egg Run will be held Saturday, August 6th. Katrina is expecting around 500 runners to participate. She would like to close Goose Pond Road, Chaffee Road and Shepardson Hollow Road during the race for safety of the participants. The race starts at 9 AM, but people start lining up earlier. There’s also a kid’s fun race.

*Peter made a motion to close the roads from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM for reasons of safety.

Chris seconded the motion. Discussion: Randy will coordinate the completion of the safety plan. Peter will check on coverage from the Sheriff’s Department during the egg run. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

C. Katrina asked the Board to waive the fees for water and sewer allocations. Randy and Katrina have been working on this speculating it will take 161 gallons per day, during a 26 week season with approximately 15 people per day using the park. The water and sewer will come out of the municipal reserve. Bob suggested a timer for safeguarding the water from vandalism. It was also suggested having the Sheriff patrol the park. Katrina and the School Board have established ownership of the R.O.W.; and have okayed the digging for utilities.

*Bob made the motion to waive the fees.

Peter seconds the motion. Discussion. Motion amended to include verbiage safeguarding the water from vandalism to the best of their ability. Peter seconds. Motion carries. Vote 4-0-1.

D. Walker’s International Events would like to bring a circus to Fairfax. The proposed date for this event is Friday, July 15, 2011. The school approved the event to be held behind the playground at BFA. Skip, Z.A. said that there aren’t any permits necessary for this event. 35% of the profits for selling tickets will go to the Town. They have their own food vendors. Bob will contact Casella for a roll-off. Katrina will ask for a site plan from Walker’s and give a copy to Peter King and Mike Spaulding. She will also obtain a list of references from Walker’s. The circus is responsible for clean-up. This is an alcohol free/glass free event.

Public Input: None

General Business:

Minutes 6/13/11:

*Chris made a motion to accept the minutes as written.

Randy seconds the motion. Discussion. Motion carried: Vote 3-0, with

2 abstaining.

Orders & Purchase Orders: Reviewed.


Skip Taylor, ZA, will be on vacation from June 27 through July 1st 2011. He asked the Board if they would appoint Martha Varney, his assistant, as acting ZA during his absence.

*Bob made the motion to appoint Martha Varney acting ZA from June 27 through July 1, 2012.

Peter seconds. Discussion. Motion carried: 4-0-1.

Other Business:

1. W/S disconnect list – reviewed by the Board.

2. The Board would like to review the list of delinquent taxes at the first meeting of each quarter.

3. Town of Fairfax Statement of Procedures and Standards Regarding Town Highways.

*Bob made the motion to adopt the ordinance as amended, which incorporates the recently adopted Town Road and Bridge Standards.

Chris seconds the motion. Discussion. Motion carried: 4-0-1

A public meeting will be held July 18.

4. Selectboard summer hours. The Selectboard changed their meeting dates as follows for the months of July and August. (Monday July 4 – Closed.) There will be a meeting held on Monday, July 11 and 18; Monday, August 1st and 15th.

5. Road Name Application Pfanstiel – *Bob made the motion to select Crosby Road. Peter seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

6. Covered Bridge – Standard Grant Agreement: *Bob made the motion to sign the grant agreement. Chris seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

7. Access Permits: The following permits were reviewed for signature. Meunier – Hunt Street. The Board needed more clarification of location.

Pfanstiel – King Road: *Bob made the motion giving Bill the authority to sign the permit on the Board’s behalf. Peter seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

Lynch – Buck Hollow Road: Lots 1 & 2: *Bob made the motion giving Bill the authority to sign the permit on the Board’s behalf. Peter seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

Lot 3: *Bob made the motion giving Bill the authority to sign the permit on the Board’s behalf. Peter seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

(The Road Foreman’s suggestions were reviewed for each permit prior to signature.)

8. A proposal from The Gorman Group for a liquid calcium chloride storage tank and a 2011 delivered price of $0.89/gal. was reviewed.

*Bob made the motion to accept the proposal as written.

Peter seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

9. Cargill proposal for deicing salt for the 2011/2012 season.

*Bob made the motion to approve the proposal at $63.70 per ton for the 2011/2012 season.

Peter seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.

10. The Board approved the purchase of a HP6500 printer.

Executive Session:

*8:26 PM – Bob made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss legal matters, without the SB assistant present; seconded by Peter. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1

Exit Executive Session:

Peter made a motion to exit executive session at 9:06 PM

Randy seconds the motion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-1.


*Bob made the motion to adjourn at 9:09 PM.

Peter seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote 5-0.

Respectfully, submitted by Stacy Wells, Adm. Asst.


Bill Ormerod - Chair



The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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